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- Ā - ākaṅkhati : [ā + kakh + ṃ-a] wishes for; desires. ākaṅkhana : [nt.] longing; wish; desire. ākaṅkhā : [f.] longing; wish; desire. ākaṅkhi : [aor. of ākaṅkhati] wished for; desired. ākaḍḍhana : [nt.] pulling out; dragging. ākaḍḍhita : [pp. of akaḍḍhati] pulled; dragged. ākappa : [m.] deportment. ākappasampanna : [adj.] of good conduct. ākampita : [pp. of ākampeti] shaken; trembling. ākara : [m.] a mine; place of production. || ākāra (m.), manner; condition; state; appearance. ākassati : [ā + kass + a] drags; pulls. ākassi : [aor. of ākassati] dragged; pulled. ākāsa : [m.] the sky; space. ākāsagaṅgā : [f.] the celestial river. ākāsagata : [adj.] gone to the space. ākāsacārī : [adj.] going through the air. ākāsaṭṭha : [adj.] situated or living in the sky. ākāsatala : [nt.] flat roof of a building. ākāsadhātu : [f.] the element of space, i.e. ether. ākiñcañña : [nt.] nothingness; absence of any possession. ākiṇṇa : [pp. of ākirati] strewn over; scattered. ākirati : [a + kir + a] strews over; scatters. ākiri : [aor. of ākirati] strewed over; scattered. ākula : [adj.] entangled; confused. ākulībhūta : [adj.] entangled; confused. ākoṭana : [nt.] knocking; urging. ākoṭita : [pp. of ākoṭeti] compressed; screened. ākoṭeti : [ā + kuṭ + e] knocks; beats down; compresses. ākoṭesi : [aor. of ākoṭeti] knocked; beat down; compressed. ākhu : [m.] a rat; mouse. ākhyā : [f.] name. ākhyāta : [nt.] predicate; a verb. ākhyāyikā : [f.] a story. āga : [m.] mountain; tree. āgacchati : [ā + gam + a] comes to; approaches. āgacchanta : [pr.p. of āgacchati] coming; approaching. āgacchi : [aor. of āgacchati] came to; approached. āgata : [(pp. of āgacchati), nt.] coming. āgatāgama : [adj.] one who has learnt the 4 collections of the Suttapiṭaka. āgantu : [m.] one who is coming. āgantuka : [3] guest; new-comer; stranger. āgantukāma : [adj.] willing to come. āgama : [m.] 1. coming; approach; 2. religion; scripture; 3. an inserted consonant. āgamana : [nt.] oncoming; arrival. āgamayamāna : [adj.] waiting for; expecting. āgamaviruddha : [adj.] contradictory to religion. āgami : [aor. of āgacchati] came to; approached. || āgāmī (adj.), coming; one who comes. āgameti : [ā + gam + e] waits for; expects. āgamesi : [aor. of āgameti] waited for; expected. āgamma : [abs. of āgacchati] having come; owing to. āgāmīkāla : [m.] the future. āgāḷha : [adj.] strong; rough. āgilāyati : [ā + gilā + ya] is wearied; aches āgilāyi : [aor. of āgilāyati] was wearied; ached āgu : [nt.] guilt; offence. āgucārī : [m.] a criminal; a villain. āghāta : [m.] 1. anger; hatred; 2. collision. āghātana : [nt.] slaughter house; place of execution. ācamana : [nt.] rinsing. ācamanakumbhī : [f.] water-pitcher used for rinsing. ācameti : [ā + cam + e] rinses; washes. ācamesi : [aor. of ācameti] rinsed; washed. ācaya : [m.] accumulation. ācarati : [ā + cam + e] acts; practises or perform. ācariya : [m.] teacher. ācariyaka : [adj.] coming from the teacher. ācariyakula : [nt.] the family or the abode of a teacher. ācariyadhana : [nt.] teacher's fee. ācariyamaha : [m.] the line or the ancestor of the teachers. ācariyamuṭṭhi : [f.] special knowledge of a teacher. ācariyavāda : [m.] traditional teaching. ācariyānī : [f.] a woman teacher; wife of a teacher. ācāma : [m.] the scum of boiling rice. ācāra : [m.] conduct; behaviour; practice. ācārakusala : [adj.] versed in good manners. ācikkhaka : [m.] one who tells or informs. ācikkhati : [ā + cikkh + a] tells; relates; informs. ācikkhi : [aor. of ācikkhati] told; related; informed. ācikkhita : [pp. of ācikkhati] told; related; informed. ācikkhitu : [m.] one who tells or informs. āciṇṇa : [pp. of ācināti] practised. āciṇṇakappa : [m.] customary practice. ācita : [pp. of ācināti] accumulated. ācinanta : [pr.p. pf ācināti] accumulating. ācināti : [ā + ci + nā] accumulates. ācini : [aor. of ācināti] accumulated. āciyi : [aor. of ācīyati] was heaped up or accumulated. ācīyati : [pass. of ācināti] is heaped up or accumulated. ācera : [m.] teacher ājānāti : [ā + ñā + nā] knows; understands. ājāni : [aor. of ājānāti] knew; understood. ājīva : [m.] livelihood; living; subsistence. ājīvaka : [m.] a kind of non-Buddhist ascetics. ājīvika : [m.] a kind of non-Buddhist ascetics. āṇa : [nt.] breathing; inhalation. || āṇā (f.), command. āṇaka : [m.] a kettledrum. āṇatta : [pp. of āṇāpeti] commanded; being ordered. (abs. of ānāpiya). āṇatti : [f.] command; order. āṇattika : [adj.] connected with a command. āṇāpana : [nt.] the act of commanding. āṇāpāṇa : [nt.] inhaled and exhaled breath. āṇāpeti : [ā + ñā + āpe] commands. āṇāpesi : [aor. of āṇāpeti] commanded. āṇāsampanna : [adj.] authoritative; influential. āṇi : [f.] a nail; linch-pin. ātaṅka : [m.] illness; disease. ātatavitata : [nt.] a drum covered with leather on all sides. ātatta : [pp. of ātapati] heated; scorched. ātapa : [m.] sunshine; heat of the sun. || ātāpa (m.), glow; heat; ardour. ātapati : [ā + tap + a] shines. ātapatta : [nt.] sunshade; umbrella. ātapi : [aor. of ātapati] shone. || ātāpī (adj.), ardent; strenuous. ātappa : [m.] ardour; exertion. ātāpana : [nt.] mortification; torture. ātāpeti : [ā + tap + e] scorches; torments. ātāpesi : [aor. of ātāpeti] scorched; tormented. ātuma : [m.] see atta. ātura : [adj.] affected with; sick; deceased. āturanna : [nt.] food for the sick. ādadāti : [ā + dā + a] takes. ādara : [m.] esteem; regard; affection. ādātabba : [pt.p. of ādāti] fit ot be taken. ādāya : [abs. of ādāti] having taken. ādāyī : [m.] one who takes. ādāsa : [m.] mirror. ādāsatala : [nt.] surface of a mirror. ādika : [adj.] and so on. ādikammika : [m.] beginner. ādikalyāṇa : [adj.] beautiful in the beginning. ādicca : [m.] the sun. ādiccapatha : [m.] the sky. ādiccabandhu : [m.] kinsman of the sun; of the Solar race. ādito : [adv.] at first; from the beginning. āditta : [pp. of ādippati] blazing; burning. ādima : [adj.] first; original; foremost. ādiya : [abs. of ādiyati] having taken. ādiyati : [a + dā + i + ya] takes up; grasps. (This is a passive base, but has active meaning). ādiyi : [aor. of ādiyati] took up; grasped. (aor. of ādāti), took; grasped. ādiyitvā : [abs. of ādiyati] having taken. ādisati : [ā + dis + a] points out; tells; announces. ādisanā : [f.] prophesy; guessing; pointing out. ādisi : [aor. of ādisati] pointed out; told; announced. ādissa : [adj.] blameable; fit to be pointed out. (abs. of ādisati) having pointed out. ādīnava : [m.] disadvantage. ādīpita : [pp. of ādīpeti] in flames; ablaze. ādeyya : [adj.] to be taken up; acceptable. ādeva : [m.] lamenting; crying; deploring. ādevanā : [f.] lamenting; crying; deploring. ādesa : [m.] 1. pointing out; 2. substitution in grammar. ādesanā : [f.] prophesy; guessing; pointing out. ādhānagāhī : [m.] obstinate person. ādhāraka : [nt.] a stool; a stand. ādhāvati : [ā + dhāv + a] runs towards. ādhāvana : [nt.] onrush. ādhipacca : [nt.] lordship; domination; power. ādhipateyya : [nt.] lordship; domination; power. ādhunāti : [ā + dhu + a] shakes off; removes. ādhuni : [aor. of ādhunāti] shook off; removed. ādhūta : [pp. of ādhunāti] shaken off; removed. ādheyya : [adj.] belonging to; fit to be borne. āna : [nt.] breathing; inhalation. ānaṇya : [nt.] freedom from debt. ānana : [nt.] face; mouth. ānantarika : [adj.] immediately following. ānanda : [m.] joy; pleasure. ānandī : [adj.] joyful. ānayati : see āneti ānayāpetvā : [nt.] having caused to bring. ānāpāna : [nt.] inhaled and exhaled breath. ānāpiya : [abs.] having commanded. ānisaṃsa : [m.] profit; merit; good result. ānisada : [nt.] the buttocks. ānīta : [pp. of āneti] brought. ānīya : [nt.] having caused to bring. ānīyamāna : [pr. pass. p.] being fetched or brought. ānugghāṭesi : [aor. of anugghāṭeti] opened; unfastened. ānupubbikathā : [f.] graduated sermon. ānupubbī : [f.] order; succession. ānubhāva : [m.] power; splendour; majestic. āneñja : [adj.] static; imperturbable. ānetabba : [pt.p. of āneti] should be brought; should be fetched. āneti : [ā + ni + a] brings; fetches. āpa : [m.; nt.] water; liquid. (In some spds. it becomes āpo). āpagā : [f.] river. āpajjati : [ā + pad + ya] gets into; undergoes; meets with. āpaṇika : [m.] tradesman; shopkeeper. āpatati : [ā + pat + a] falls or rushes on to. āpatana : [nt.] falling down. āpati : [aor. of āpatati] fell or rushed on to. āpatita : [pp. of āpatati] fallen or rushed on to. āpatti : [f.] getting into; an ecclesiastical offence. āpanna : [pp. of āpajjati] entered upon; fallen into. āpannasattā : [f.] a pregnant woman. āpayamāna : [pr.p. of tāpeti] scorching; tormenting; heating. āpāṇakoṭika : [adj.] limited with the end of life. āpāthagata : [adj.] come into the sphere. āpādi : [aor. of āpajjati] got into; underwent; met with. āpādikā : [f.] a nurse; a foster-mother. āpādeti : [ā + pad + e] nurses; produces. āpādetu : [m.] one who brings up (a child). āpādesi : [aor. of āpādeti] nursed; produced. āpāna : [nt.] drinking hall. āpānabhūmi : [f.] banqueting hall. āpānamaṇḍala : [nt.] banqueting hall. āpānīyakaṃsa : [m.] goblet; drinking bowl. āpāyika : [adj.] born in or belonging to a state of misery. āpucchā : [abs. of āpucchati] having asked permission or leave. āpucchi : [aor. of apucchati] enquired after; asked permission. āpucchitabba : [pt.p. of āpucchati] should be asked or enquired after. āpucchiya : [abs. of āpucchati] having asked permission or leave. āpūraṇa : [nt.] filling; to become full. āpūrati : [ā + pūr + a] becomes full; increases. āpūri : [aor. of āpūrati] became full; increased. āpodhātu : [f.] the element of cohesion. āphusati : [ā + phus + a] feels; attains to. ābandhaka : [adj.] tying; connecting; fixing. ābandhati : [ā + bandh + a] binds to; fastens on to. ābandhi : [aor. of ābandhati] bound to; fastened on to. ābādhika : [adj.] sick; affected with illness. ābādhita : [pp. of ābādheti] afflicted; oppressed. ābādheti : [ā + badh + e] oppresses; harasses. ābhata : [pp.] brought; conveyed. ābharaṇa : [nt.] ornament; decoration. ābhassara : [adj.] radiant. ābhā : [f.] light; lustre; radiance. || aṇha (m.), day; only in cpds. such as pubbaṇha. ābhāti : [ā + bhā + a] shines; radiates. ābhāsa : [m.] light; lustre; radiance. ābhāsi : [aor. of ābhāti] shone; radiated. ābhisekika : [adj.] belonging to the consecration. ābhujati : [ā + bhuj + a] bends; coils; contracts. ābhujana : [nt.] crouching; bending; soiling. ābhuji : [aor. of ābhujati] bent; coiled; contracted. ābhoga : [m.] ideation; thought. āma : [adj.] raw; fresh; uncooked; not ripe. (ind.), yes. || āmā (f.),a slave woman. āmaka : [adj.] raw; fresh; uncooked; not ripe. āmakasusāna : [nt.] charnel grove, where corpses are thrown to be eaten by wild animals. āmagandha : [m.] verminous odour; flesh. āmajāta : [adj.] born slave. āmaṭṭha : [pp. of āmasati] touched; pated; rubbed. āmaddana : [nt.] crushing. āmantana : [nt.] calling; invitation; addressing. āmantita : [pp. of āmanteti] called; addressed; invited. āmanteti : [ā + mant + e] calls; addresses; invites. āmantesi : [aor. of āmanteti] called; addressed; invited. āmaya : [nt.] illness. āmalaka : [nt.] emblic myrobalan, Phyllanthus Emblica. āmalakī : [f.] emblic myrobalan, Phyllanthus Emblica. āmasati : [ā + mas + a] touches; pats; rubs. āmasana : [nt.] touching; rubbing. āmasi : [aor. of āmasati] touched; pated; rubbed. āmasita : [pp. of āmasati] touched; pated; rubbed. āmāsaya : [m.] stomach. āmisa : [nt.] food; flesh; bait; gain. (adj.) material. āmisagaru : [adj.] interested in worldly gain. āmisadāna : [nt.] donation of requisites (i.e. food, lodging, etc). āmuñcati : [ā + muc + ṃ-a] puts on (some attire); wears. āmuñci : [aor. of āmuñcati] put on (some attire); wore. āmutta : [pp. of āmuñcati] dressed or adorned with. āmeṇḍita : [nt.] exclamation. āmo : [ind.] yes. āmoda : [m.] 1. pleasure; 2. strong fragrance. āmodati : [ā + mud + a] rejoices. āmodanā : [f.] rejoicing. āmodamāna : [adj.] glad; joyful; rejoicing. āmodi : [aor. of āmodati] rejoiced. āmodita : [pp. of āmodati] rejoiced. āmodeti : [ā + mud + e] gladdens. āmodesi : [aor. of āmodeti] gladdened. āyakammika : [m.] collector of income. āyakosalla : [nt.] cleverness to increase one's income. āyacikā : [f.] a woman who requests. āyata : [adj.] long; extended; broad. || āyāta (pp. of āyāti), come; approached. āyatana : [nt.] sphere; region; sense-organ; position. āyatanika : [adj.] belonging to a region. āyati : [f.] the future. || āyāti (ā + yā + a), comes; approaches. āyatiṃ : [adv.] in the future. āyatika : [adj.] belonging to the future. || āyatikā (f.), a tube; water-pipe. āyatta : [adj.] possessed; dependent on. (nt.), possession. āyamukha : [nt.] inflow; that which brings income. āyasmantu : [adj.] venerable. (lit. having a long life). āyāga : [m.] a long hall. āyācaka : [adj.] petitioner; applicant. āyācati : [ā + yāc + a] requests; implores. āyācana : [nt.] request; application. || āyācanā (f.), request; application. āyācamāna : [adj.] imploring. āyāci : [aor. of āyācati] requested; implored. āyācita : [pp. of āyācati] requested; implored. āyāma : [m.] length. (adj.) (in cpds.) having the length of. āyu : [nt.] age. āyuka : [adj.] having the age of. āyukappa : [m.] duration of life. āyukkhaya : [m.] consummation of life. āyuttaka : [m.] an agent; trustee. āyudha : [nt.] weapon. āyusaṅkhaya : [m.] exhaustion of life. āyusaṅkhāra : [m.] vital principle; length of life. āyūhaka : [adj.] active; one who strives or collects. āyūhati : [ā + yūh + a] 1. strives; 2. accumulates; 3. swims. āyūhana : [nt.] 1. striving; 2. accumulation. āyūhi : [aor. of āyūhati] 1. strived; 2. accumulated; 3. swam. āyūhita : [pp. of āyūhati] 1. strived; 2. accumulated; 3. swum. āyoga : [m.] 1. devotion to; 2. exertion; 3. bandage. ārakatta : [nt.] the state of being far from. ārakā : [ind.] away from; far off. ārakūṭa : [m.] brass. ārakkhaka : [m.] a guard; protector; watchman. ārakkhā : [f.] 1. protection; 2. care; watch. ārakkhādhikaraṇaṃ : [adv.] on account of protecting. ārañjita : [pp. of rañjayati] furrowed; slashed; scratched. (nt.) a scar. āraññakaṅga : [nt.] vow of a forest dweller. āraññakatta : [nt.] state of living in a forest. āraññika : [adj.] belonging to or living in a forest. ārata : [pp. of āramati] keeping away from; abstaining. āraddha : [pp. of ārabhati] begun; started; firm. || āraddhā (abs. of ārabhati), having begun or started. āraddhacitta : [adj.] having won the favour. āraddhaviriya : [adj.] strenuous. ārapatha : [m.] path of a needle. ārabbha : [ind.] beginning with; referring to; about. ārabhati : [ā + rabh + a] 1. begins; starts; 2. kills; tortures. ārabhana : [nt.] starting of; beginning. ārabhi : [aor. of ārabhati] 1. began; started; 2. killed; tortured. ārambha : [m.] 1. the beginning; 2. attempt. ārammaṇa : [nt.] a sense-object. ārācārī : [3] living far from. ārādhaka : [m.] one who invites or propitiates. ārādhanā : [f.] invitation; accomplishment; winning of favour. ārādhita : [pp. of ārādheti] invited; pleased; won favour; obtained. ārādheti : [ā + rādh + e] invites; pleases; wins favour; obtains. ārādhetvā : [abs. of ārādheti] having invited; pleased; won favour; obtained. ārādhesi : [aor. of ārādheti] invited; pleased; won favour; obtained. ārāma : [m.] 1. pleasure; delight; 2. a park; 3. a monastery. ārāmakoṭṭhaka : [m.] gate-tower of a monastery. ārāmacetiya : [nt.] a sacred garden. ārāmatā : [f.] attachment. ārāmapāla : [m.] keeper of a park. ārāmarāmaṇeyyaka : [nt.] a pleasant grove. ārāmaropa : [m.] a planter. ārāmavatthu : [nt.] site for a garden. ārāmika : [m.] an attendant in a monastery. (adj.) belonging to a monastery. ārāva : [m.] cry; noise. āruppa : [nt.; m.] an incorporeal being; formless state. āruyha : [abs. of āruhati] having ascended; having mounted; having climbed. āruhati : [ārohati ā + ruh + a] ascends; mounts; climbs. āruhana : [nt.] ascending or climbing up. āruhanta : [pr.p. of āruhati] ascending; climbing. āruhi : [aor. of āruhati] ascended; mounted; climbed. āruhya : [abs.] having ascended; mounted; climbed. ārūḷha : [pp. of āruhati] ascended; mounted; climbed; embarked. ārogya : [nt.] health. ārogyamada : [m.] pride of health. ārogyasālā : [f.] hospital; sanatorium. ārocanā : [f.] announcement. ārocāpana : [nt.] announcement or information through an agent. ārocāpeti : [caus. of āroceti] causes to tell; causes to inform; causes to announce. ārocita : [pp. of āroceti] told; informed; announced. ārocetabba : [pt.p. of āroceti] should be informed. āroceti : [ā + ruc + e] tells; informs; announces. ārocesi : [aor. of āroceti] told; informed; announced. ārodanā : [f.] cry; lamentation. āropana : [nt.] putting on; raising up to; committing. āropita : [pp. of āropeti] put on; impeached; got ready. āropitaniyāmena : [adv.] according to the prescribed order. āropetabba : [pt.p. of āropeti] should be put on; should be impeached. āropeti : [ā + rup + e] puts on; impeaches; gets ready. āropesi : [aor. of āropeti] put on; impeached; got ready. āroha : [m.] climbing up; growth; height; a rider. ārohaka : [m.] a rider. ārohati : see āruhati. ārohana : [nt.] climbing; ascending. ārohanīya : [adj.] suitable for riding. ālaggita : [pp. of ālaggeti] hung on; fastened to. ālaggeti : [ā + lag + e] hangs on; fastens to. ālaggesi : [aor. of ālaggeti] hung on; fastered to. ālapati : [ā + lap + a] converses; addresses. ālapana : [nt.] addressing; conversation; the Vocative. || ālapanā (f.), entreaty. ālapi : [aor. of ālapati] conversed; addressed. ālamba : [m.] 1. support; 2. help; 3. anything to hang on. ālambati : [ā + lab + ṃ-a] hangs on to; takes hold of. ālambana : [nt.] 1. a sense-object; 2. hanging down from; 3. support. ālambi : [aor. of ālambati] hung on to; took hold of. ālambita : [pp. of ālambati] hung on to; taken hold of. ālaya : [m.] 1. abode; roosting place; 2. desire; attachment; 3. pretence. ālayesinī : [f.] seeking an abode. ālasiya : [nt.] sloth; laziness. ālasya : [nt.] sloth; laziness. ālāna : [nt.] stake; a post (to which an elephant is tied). || āḷāna (nt.), stake; a post (to which an elephant is tied). ālāpa : [m.] 1. talk; conversation; 2. a word. ālikhati : [ā + likh + a] delineates; draws some figure. ālikhi : [aor. of ālikhati] delineated; drew some figure. ālikhita : [pp. of ālikhati] delineated; drew some figure. āliṅgati : [ā + liṅg + a] embraces. āliṅgana : [nt.] embracing. āliṅgi : [aor. of āliṅgati] embraced. āliṅgiya : [abs. of āliṅgati] having embraced. ālitta : [pp. of ālimpati or ālimpeti] besmeared or stained with; set with fire. ālinda : [m.] a verandah before the house door; terrace. ālimpana : [nt.] 1. besmearing; 2. burning. ālimpita : [pp. of ālimpeti] 1. smeared; anointed; 2. set fire to. ālimpeti : [ā + lip + e] 1. smeasrs; anoints; 2. sets fire to. ālu : [nt.] edible root or bulb; yam. ālumpakāraṃ : [adv.] taking in lumps. āluḷita : [pp. of āluḷeti] agitated; confounded. āluḷeti : [ā + luḷ + e] agitates; confounds. āluḷesi : [aor. of āluḷeti] agitated; confounded. ālepa : [m.] ointment; plaster. ālepana : [nt.] anointing; plastering. āloka : [m.] light. ālokana : [nt.] 1. a window; 2. looking at. ālokasandhi : [m.] a window; an opening to let the light in. ālokita : [pp. of āloketi] looked at or before. (nt.) looking at or forward. āloketi : [ā + lok + e] looks at or before. ālokesi : [aor. of āloketi] looked at or before. ālopa : [m.] a morsel; a bit; lump. ālopika : [adj.] (in cpds.), consisting of morsels. āloḷeti : [ā + luḷ + e] confuses; jumbles; mixes. āloḷesi : [aor. of āloḷeti] confused; jumbled; mixed. āḷāhana : [nt.] ground for cremation. āḷāhanakicca : [nt.] cremation. āḷāhanaṭṭhāna : [nt.] the place of cremation. āvajjati : [ā + vajj + a] 1. reflects upon; 2. upsets (a vessel). āvajji : [aor. of āvajjati] 1. reflected upon; 2. upset (a vessel). āvajjita : [pp. of āvajjeti] 1. considered; 2. turned over. āvajjeti : [ā + vajj + e] 1. muses; 2. observes; 3. turns over. āvajjesi : [aor. of āvajjeti] 1. mused; 2. observed; 3. turned over. āvaṭa : [pp. of āvarati] covered; veiled; prohibited. || āvāṭa (m.), a pit. āvaṭṭanī : [adj.] enticing. āvaṭṭeti : [ā + vaṭṭ + e] 1. turns round; 2. entices; converts. || āvatteti = āvaṭṭeti āvatta : [pp. of āvattati] fallen back to. (nt.) winding; turn; bent. || āvaṭṭa (m.), 1. circumference; 2. a whirlpool; 3. twisting. āvattaka : [adj.] coming back; one who returns. āvattati : [ā + vat + a] goes back; turns round. || āvaṭṭati (ā + vaṭṭ + a), turns forward and backward; rotates. āvattana : [nt.] turning; return. || āvaṭṭana (nt.), 1. revolving; 2. temptation; 3. possession by some spirit. āvatti : [aor. of āvattati] went back; turned round. || āvattī (adj.), coming back; one who returns. āvaṭṭi (aor. of āvaṭṭati), turned forward and backward; rotated. āvattita : [pp. of āvattati] gone back; turned round. āvattiya : [adj.] turnable; returnable. āvatthika : [adj.] befitting; original. āvapasika : [adj.] resident. āvaraṇa : [nt.] shutting off; hindrance; a bar; a screen. āvaraṇīya : [adj.] apt to obstruct. āvarati : [ā + var + a] shuts out from; obstructs. āvari : [aor. of āvarati] shut out from; obstructed. āvarita : [pp. of āvarati] shut out from; obstructed. āvariya : [abs. of āvarati] having obstructed. āvalī : [f.] a row; a string. āvasati : [ā + vas + a] lives; resides; inhabits. āvasatha : [m.] abode; dwelling; rest-house. āvasathāgāra : [nt.] resthouse. āvasi : [aor. of āvasati] lived; resided; inhabited. āvaha : [adj.] (in cpds.), bringing; bearing; conducive. || āvāha (m.) taking in marriage; wedding. āvahati : [ā + vah + a] brings; causes; conduces. āvahana : [nt.] (in cpds.), bringing; bearing; conducive. || āvāhana (nt.) taking in marriage; wedding. āvahanaka : [adj.] (in cpds.), bringing; bearing; conducive. āvahi : [aor. of āvahati] brought; caused; conduced. āvāpa : [m.] potter's furnace; an oven. āvāsa : [m.] home; dwelling place. āvāsika : [adj.] resident. āvi : [ind.] openly; before one's eyes. āvijjhati : [ā + vij + ya] 1. encircles; goes round; whirls round; 2. pierces through. āvijjhana : [nt.] going to whirling round. āvijjhi : [aor. of āvijjhati] 1. encircled; went round; whirled round; 2. pierced through. āviñjati : [ā + vij + ṃ-a] 1. pulls as in milking; 2. churns; agitates. āviñjanaka : [adj.] 1. swinging round; 2. hanging loose; 3. used for pulling. āviñjanakanaṭṭhāna : [nt.] place outside the door where the rope is hanging with which the latch inside is to be raised. āviñjanakarajju : [f.] 1. the rope to raise a latch; 2. whirling rope used in churning milk. āviñji : [aor. of āviñjati] 1. pulled as in milking; 2. churned; agitated. āviṭṭha : [pp. of āvisati] entered; approached; was possessed by a spirit. āviddha : [pp. of āvijjhati] 1. encircled; went round; whirled round; 2. pierced through. āvila : [adj.] 1. stirred up; agitated; 2. dirty. āvilatta : [nt.] state of being agitated or dirty. āvisati : [ā + vis + a] 1. enters; approaches; 2. is possessed by a spirit. āvisi : [aor. of āvisati] entered; approached; 2. was possessed by a spirit. āvuṇāti : [ā + vu + nā] 1. strings upon; 2. fixes on to. āvuṇi : [aor. of āvuṇāti] 1. strung upon; 2. fixed on to. āvuta : [pp. of āvuṇāti] 1. strung upon; 2. covered; 3. hindered. (pp. of āvarati) shut out from; obstructed. āvuttha : [pp. of āvasati] inhabited. āvudha : [nt.] weapon. āvuso : [ind.] (Vocative), friend; brother. (A form of polite address among monks). āveṭhana : [nt.] winding round; ravelling. āveṭhita : [pp. of āveṭheti] twisted or wraped over. āveṭheti : [ā + veṭh + e] twists or wraps over. āveṭhesi : [aor. of āveṭheti] twisted or wraped over. āveṇika : [adj.] special; exceptional; separate. āvellita : [pp.] curved; crooked; curled. āvesana : [nt.] 1. entrance; 2. work-shop. āsaṅkati : [ā + sak + ṃ-a] suspects; distrusts. āsaṅkā : [f.] doubt; suspicion; fear. āsaṅki : [aor. of āsaṅkati] suspected; distrusted. || āsaṅkī (adj.), apprehensive; doubtful; suspicious. āsaṅkita : [pp. of āsaṅkati] suspected; distrusted. (adj.), apprehensive; doubtful; suspicious. āsajja : [abs. of āsādeti] having approached, insulted or knocked against. āsajjati : [ā + sad + ya] knocks against; becomes angry; was attached to. āsajjana : [nt.] 1. knocking against; 2. insult; 3. attachment. āsajji : [aor. of āsajjati] knocked against; became angry; was attached to. āsanasālā : [f.] a hall with sitting accommodation. āsandi : [f.] a long chair; deck-chair. āsanna : [adj.] near. (nt.), neighbourhood. āsappati : [ā + sap + a] struggles about. āsappi : [aor. of āsappati] struggled about. āsabba : [adj.] bull-like, i.e. of strong and eminent qualities. āsabhaṭṭhāna : [nt.] a distinguished position. āsabhī : [f.] (of āsabha), imposing; bold. || asabbhī (m.) the wicked; the vulgar. āsaya : [m.] 1. abode; haunt; 2. deposit; 3. inclination. āsava : [m.] 1. that which flows; 2. spirit; 3. discharge from a sore; 4. ideas which intoxicate the mind. āsavakkhaya : [m.] destruction of intoxicants of the mind. āsavati : [ā + su + a] flows. āsavana : [nt.] flowing down. āsavi : [aor. of āsavati] flowed. āsasāna : [adj.] wishing; desiring. āsā : [f.] wish; desire; hope; longing. āsāṭikā : [f.] fly's egg. āsādeti : [ā + sad + e] offends; assails; insults. āsādesi : [aor. of āsādeti] offended; assailed; insulted. āsābhaṅga : [m.] disappointment. āsāḷha : [m.] name of a month. āsāḷhī : [adj.] connected with āsāḷha constellation. āsāsamāna : [pr.p.] lingering; remaining long. āsiṃ : [1st sing. (aor. of as)] I was. āsiṃsaka : [adj.] wishing; aspiring after; a candidate. āsiṃsati : [ā + siṃs + a] hopes for; desires. āsiṃsanā : [f.] wish; hope; desire. āsiṃsi : [aor. of āsiṃsati] hoped for; desired. āsiñcati : [ā + sic + ṃ-a] sprinkles; pours over. āsiñcanta : [pr.p. of āsiñcati] sprinking; pouring. āsiñci : [aor. of āsiñcati] sprinkled; poured over. āsiṭṭha : [pp. of āsiṃsati] 1. wished or longed for; 2. blessed. āsitta : [pp. of āsiñcati] sprinkled; poured over. āsittaka : [nt.] a condiment. āsittakupadhāna : [nt.] receptacle for condiments. āsītika : [adj.] eighty years old. āsīna : [pp. of āsati] sat; seated; sitting. āsīvisa : [m.] a snake; whose poison is in the fangs. āsuṃ : [3rd plu. (aor. of as)] they were. āsumbhati : [ā + subh + ṃ-a] throws down some liquid. āsevati : [ā + sev + a] associates; practises; frequents. āsevi : [aor. of āsevati] associated; practised; frequented. āsevita : [pp. of āsevati] associated; practised; frequented. āhaccapādaka : [adj.] with removable legs. āhanati : [ā + han + a] beats; strikes; touches. āhanana : [nt.] knocking against. āhani : [aor. of āhanati] beated; struck; touched. āharaṇa : [nt.] bringing. āharati : [ā + har + a] brings; fetches; produces. āharamāna : [pr.p. of āharati] bringing; fetching; producing. āharāpeti : [caus. of āharati] causes to bring. āhari : [aor. of āharati] brought; fetched; produced. āharitabba : [pt.p. of āharati] should be brought. āharitvā : [abs. of āharati] having brought; having fetched; having produced. āhāra : [m.] food; nutriment. āhāraṭṭhika : [adj.] subsisting on food. āhāreti : [ā + har + e] eats; takes food. āhāresi : [aor. of āhāreti] ate; took food. āhiṇḍati : [ā + hiḍ + ṃ-a] wanders about; roams. āhiṇḍi : [aor. of āhiṇḍati] wandered about; roamed. āhiṇḍitvā : [abs. of āhiṇḍati] having wandered about; having roamed. āhu : [plu. of āha.] they have said. āhuṇa : [nt.] adoration; oblation. āhuṇeyya : [adj.] worthy of adoration or offerings. āhuti : [f.] oblation; offering. āhundarika : [adj.] crowded; blocked up. -ooOoo-
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