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- E - eka : [adj.] same; certain; unknown. (used for the indefinite article). One, (only in the sing.). in plural it gives the meaning "some". ekaṃsa : [adj.] definite; sure; pertaining to one shoulder. ekaṃsika : [adj.] definite; sure; pertaining to one shoulder. ekaṃsena : [adv.] in all probability. ekaka : [adj.] single; solitary. ekakkhattuṃ : [adv.] once. ekakkhika : [adj.] one-eyed. ekakkhī : [adj.] possessing only one eye. ekagga : [adj.] calm; tranquil. ekaggatā : [f.] tranquillity of mind; onepointedness. ekaghana : [adj.] solid. ekacara : [adj.] one who lives alone. ekacāri : [adj.] one who lives alone. ekacca : [adj.] some; certain; a few. ekacciya : [adj.] some; certain; a few. ekajjhaṃ : [adv.] together; in the same place. ekatiya : [adj.] some. ekato : [ind.] together on one side. ekatta : [nt.] 1. unity; 2. loneliness; 3. agreement. ekadā : [adv.] once; at one time. ekadesa : [m.] a portion; a part. ekadhā : [adv.] in one way. ekanta : [adj.] sure; unfailing; extreme. ekantaṃ : [adv.] surely; certainly. ekantarika : [adj.] alternate; having one in between. ekantena : [adv.] surely; certainly. ekapaṭalika : [adj.] having a single skin for lining. ekapaṭṭa : [adj.] having a single lining. ekapaṇṇa : [adj.] having only a single leaf. ekapadikamagga : [m.] a foot-path. ekapiṇḍita : [adj.] compounded in a single stroke. ekappahārena : [adv.] all at once; by a single stroke. ekabhattika : [adj.] having one meal a day. ekamantaṃ : [adv.] on one side; aside. ekameka : [adj.] one by one; each. ekarajja : [nt.] sovereign power. ekarattivāsa : [m.] spending of a night. ekavāraṃ : [adv.] once. ekavidha : [adj.] of one kind; similar. ekasāṭaka : [adv.] definitely. ekaso : [adv.] singly; one by one. ekākinī : [f.] a lonely person. ekākī : [3] a lonely person. ekāyana : [m.] the only way or means. ekāsanika : [adj.] one who eats only once a day. ekāha : [nt.] one day. ekāhika : [adj.] existing for a day. ekikā : [f.] a solitary woman. ekidaṃ : [ind.] some. ekībhāva : [m.] unity; solitude; loneliness. ekībhūta : [adj.] united; connected; gathered together. ekūna : [adj.] minus one. ekūnacattāḷīsati : [f.] thirty-nine. ekūnatiṃsati : [f.] twenty-nine. ekūnapaññāsā : [f.] forty-nine. ekūnavīsati : [f.] nineteen. ekūnavuti : [f.] eighty-nine. ekūnasaṭṭhi : [f.] fifty-nine. ekūnasata : [nt.] ninety-nine. ekūnasattati : [f.] sixty-nine. ekūnāsīti : [f.] seventy-nine. ekeka : [adj.] one by one; each. ekodibhāva : [m.] onepointedness; concentration. ejā : [f.] craving; motion. eṭṭhi : [f.] search; seeking. eṇimiga : [m.] a kind of antelope. eṇeyya : [m.] a kind of antelope. eṇeyyaka : [nt.] a kind of torture. eta : [demons. pron.] that; this. (mas. sing.); takes this form in some cases. etarahi : [adv.] now; at present. etādisa : [adj.] such like; of this kind. eti : [i + a] comes. ettaka : [adj.] this much; so much. ettāvatā : [adv.] so far; to that extent; by this much. etto : [ind.] from this; here; out of here. ettha : [adv.] here. edisa : [adj.] such; such like. edisaka : [adj.] such; such like. edha : [m.] fuel; firewood. edhati : [edh + a] gains; succeeds in. edhi : [aor. of edhati] gained; succeeded in. ena : takes this form in some cases. enta : [pr.p. of eti] coming. eraka : [m.] a kind of grass used for making coverlets. erakadussa : [nt.] a garment made of eraka grass of fibre. eraṇda : [m.] the plant Palma Christi form the seeds of which castor oil is extracted. erāvaṇa : [m.] name of Indra's elephant. erāvata : [m.] mandarin orange. erita : [pp. of ereti] shaken; set into motion. ereti : [īr + e] shakes; sets into motion. eresi : [aor. of ereti] shaked; set into motion. elā : [f.] 1. saliva; 2. the seed or plant of cardamom. || eḷā (f.), saliva. eḷaka : [m.] a wild goat. eḷagala : [adj.] with oozing saliva. || eḷagalā (f.), the plant Cassia Tora. eḷamūga : [m.] idiot. eḷāluka : [nt.] cucumber. eva : [ind.] (emphatic particle), only. evaṃ : [adv.] thus; in this way; (in reply:) yes. evaṃrūpa : [adj.] this-like or having such a form. evaṃvidha : [adj.] such like. evam eva : [ind.] just so. evam evaṃ : [ind.] exactly; just in the same way. evarūpa : [adj.] such; of such form. esa : (euphonic form of eso), that person. esati : [es + a] seeks; searches. esanā : [f.] seeking; longing. esanta : [pr.p. of esati] seeking; searching. esamāna : [pr.p. of esati] seeking; searching. esi : [aor. of esati] sought; searched. || esī (m.), seeker. esikā : [f.] a strong post before a city gate. esikātthambha : [m.] a strong post before a city gate. esita : [pp. of esati] sought; searched. esitabba : [pt.p. of esati] should be sought after. esitvā : [abs. of esati] having sought; having searched. esinī : [f.] seeker. eso : [f.; sing.] esā. ehinti : [v.] they will come. ehipassika : [adj.] that which invites every man to come and see; open to all. ehibhikkhu : (the oldest formula of admission to the Order), come O monk. -ooOoo-
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