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- M - maṃsa : [nt.] flesh. maṃsapuñja : [m.] a slice of flesh. maṃsapesi : [f.] a slice of flesh. makaci : [m.] the bow-string hemp. makacivattha : [nt.] a canvas. makacivāka : [nt.] the fibre of the makaci plant. makara : [m.] a sea-monster; a sword-fish. makaradantaka : [nt.] a design in the shape of a flower. makaranda : [m.] the nectar of a flower. makasa : [m.] a mosquito. makasavāraṇa : [nt.] mosquito net. makuṭa : [m.; nt.] crest; crown; a coronet. makula : [nt.] bud; a knob. makkaṭa : [m.] a monkey. makkaṭaka : [m.] a spider. makkaṭasutta : [nt.] spider's thread. makkaṭī : [f.] a female monkey. makkha : [m.] depreciation of another's worth. makkhaṇa : [nt.] smearing; anointing with. makkhikā : [f.] a fly. makkhita : [pp. of makkheti] smeared; anointed; rubbed off. makkhī : [m.] one who depreciates another's worth. makkheti : [makkh + e] smears; anoints; rubs off. makkhetvā : [abs. of makkheti] having smeared; having anointed; having rubbed off. makkhesi : [aor. of makkheti] smeared; anointed; rubbed off. maga : [m.] a quadruped. magadha : [m.] the country of Magadha, which includes present Bihar and Orissa. || māgadha (adj.) belonging to Magadha. magasira : name of a constellation. || māgasira (m.) name of a month, December-January. magga : [m.] oath; road; way. maggakilanta : [adj.] wearied by walking. maggakusala : [adj.] one who knows the road well. maggakkhāyī : [adj.] one who shows a right path. maggaṅga : [nt.] the constituent of the path, viz. right view, right aspiration, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right rapture. maggañāṇa : [nt.] knowledge of the path. maggaññū : [adj.] one who knows the path. maggaṭṭha : [adj.] one who on the road or who has attained the path. maggati : [mag + a] seeks; tracks; traces out. || maññati (man + ya), imagines; is of opinion; deems. maggadūsī : [m.] a highway robber. maggadesaka : [adj.] one who points out the way. maggana : [nt.] search; tracing out. || magganā (f.) search; tracing out. maññanā (f.), imagination; illusion. maggapaṭipanna : [adj.] a traveller; one who entered the path. maggabhāvanā : [f.] cultivation of the path. maggamūḷha : [adj.] one who has lost the way. maggavidū : [adj.] one who knows the path. maggasacca : [nt.] the truth concerning the path. maggi : [aor. of maggati] sought; tracked; traced out. || maññi (aor. of maññati), imagined; deemed. maggika : [m.] a wayfarer. maggita : [pp. of maggati] sought; tracked; traced out. || maññita (pp. of maññati), imagined; deemed. (nt.) imagination; illusion. maggitvā : [abs. of maggati] having sought; having tracked; having traced out. || maññitvā (abs. of maññati), having imagined; having deemed. maggeti : [mag + e] seeks; tracks; traces out. maghavantu : [m.] an epithet of Sakka. maṅku : [adj.] confused; downcast; in low spirits. maṅkubhāva : [m.] moral weakness; downcastness. maṅkubhūta : [adj.] silent; downcast. maṅgala : [adj.] auspicious; royal; lucky; festive. (nt.), festivity; good omen; ceremony; prosperity. maṅgalaassa : [m.] state horse. maṅgalakicca : [nt.] maṅgalakicca maṅgalakolāhala : [m.] dispute about auspicious things or acts. maṅgaladivasa : [m.] a festive day; the day of marriage. maṅgalapokkharaṇī : [f.] royal bathing pond. maṅgalasindhava : [m.] state horse. maṅgalasilāpaṭṭa : [nt.] a slab used by a king to sit on. maṅgalasupina : [nt.] a lucky dream. maṅgalassa : [m.] state horse. maṅgalahatthī : [m.] state elephant. maṅgura : [m.] a kind of river fish. (adj.), of dark yellow colour. macca : [m.] a man. maccu : [m.] death; the Death. maccutara : [adj.] one who overcomes death. maccudheyya : [nt.] the sphere of Death. maccuparāyaṇa : [adj.] subject to death. maccupareta : [adj.] subject to death. maccupāsa : [m.] the snare of Death. maccumukha : [nt.] the mouth of Death. maccurāja : [m.] the king of death. maccuvasa : [m.] the power of death. maccuhāyī : [adj.] victorious over death. maccha : [m.] a fish. macchagumba : [m.] shawl of fish. macchaṇḍa : [nt.] fish-egg. macchaṇḍī : [f.] a kind of sugar having the appearance of fish-eggs. macchabandha : [m.] a fisherman. macchamaṃsa : [nt.] fish and flesh. macchara : [nt.] avarice; niggardliness. maccharāyati : [deno. from macchariya] is selfish, greedy or miserly. macchariya : [nt.] avarice; niggardliness. maccharī : [m.] a miser. macchī : [f.] a she-fish. macchera : [nt.] avarice; niggardliness. majja : [nt.] an intoxicant. majjati : [maj + ya] intoxicated. (maj + a), polishes; wipes; cleans. majjana : [nt.] an intoxicant, negligence. || majjanā (f.) polishing; wiping; stroking. majjanta : [pr.p. of majjati] intoxicating; polishing. majjapa : [adj.] one drinks strong drinks. majjapāna : [nt.] drinking of liquors; (nt.), an intoxicating drink. majjapāyī : [adj.] one drinks strong drinks. majjavikkayī : [m.] seller of spirits. majjāra : [m.] a cat. majjārī : [f.] a she-cat. majji : [aor. of majjati] intoxicated; polished; wiped; cleaned. majjita : [pp. of majjati] intoxicated; polished; wiped; cleaned. majjitvā : [abs. of majjati] having intoxicated; having polished; having wiped. majjha : [m.] the middle; the waist. (adj.), middle. majjhaṭṭha : [adj.] neutral; impartial; indifferent. majjhaṇha : [m.] the noon; midday. majjhatta : [adj.] neutral; impartial; indifferent. majjhattatā : [f.] impartiality; equanimity. majjhadesa : [m.] the middle country. majjhantika : [m.] the midday. majjhantikasamaya : [m.] the midday. majjhima : [adj.] middle; medium; moderate; central. majjhimadesa : [m.] the middle country including the Ganges basin. majjhimapurisa : [m.] a man of moderate height; the second person in grammar. majjhimayāma : [m.] the middle portion of the night. majjhimavaya : [m.] the middle age. mañca : [m.] a bed. mañcaka : [m.] a small bed. mañcaparāyaṇa : [adj.] confined to bed. mañcapīṭha : [nt.] beds and chairs; furniture. mañcavāna : [nt.] the netting of a bed. mañjarī : [f.] a bunch of cluster. mañjiṭṭha : [adj.] crimson. || mañjiṭṭhā (f.) the red sanders tree, seeds of which are used as a jeweller's weight. mañju : [adj.] charming; lovely. mañjubhāṇaka : [adj.] sweet voiced; speaking sweetly. mañjussara : [adj.] sweet voiced; speaking sweetly. mañjūsaka : [m.] a celestial tree. mañjūsā : [f.] a casket; box. mañjeṭṭha : [adj.] crimson. mañjeṭṭhī : [f.] the Bengal madder. maññamāna : [pr.p. of maññati] imagining; deeming. maññe : [ind.] methinks; I imagine. maṭṭasāṭaka : [nt.] a fine cloth. maṭṭha : [pp. of majjati] intoxicated; polished; wiped; cleaned. (adj.), smoothed; polished. maṇi : [m.] a gem; jewel. maṇika : [m.] 1. a big jar; 2. a bracelet made of glass, etc. maṇikāra : [m.] gem-cutter. maṇikuṇḍala : [nt.] jewelled earring. maṇikkhandha : [m.] a tremendous jewel. maṇipallaṅka : [m.] a jewel seat. maṇibandha : [m.] the wrist. maṇimaya : [adj.] made of precious stones. maṇiratana : [nt.] a valuable gem. maṇivaṇṇa : [adj.] of the colour of crystal. maṇisappa : [m.] a kind of green snake. maṇḍa : [m.] the best part (of milk, etc.). (adj.), very clear. maṇḍana : [nt.] adornment; decoration. maṇḍanajātika : [adj.] desirous of adornment. maṇḍapa : [m.] temporary shed or pavilion. maṇḍamāla : [m.] a circular pavilion. maṇḍala : [nt.] a circle; disk; round platform; circus ring; a round flat surface. maṇḍalamāla : [m.] a circular pavilion. maṇḍalika : [adj.] belonging to a circle or a small country. maṇḍalissara : [m.; adj.] governor of province. maṇḍalī : [adj.] having a disk; circular. maṇḍita : [pp. of maṇḍeti] adorned; decorated. maṇḍuka : [m.] a frog. maṇḍeti : [maṇḍ + e] adorns; decorates. maṇḍetvā : [abs. of maṇḍeti] having adorned; having decorated. maṇḍesi : [aor. of maṇḍeti] adorned; decorated. mata : [pp. of maññati] know; understand. (pp. of marati), died. (nt.) a view. (pp. of marati) dead. mataka : [m.] the deceased. matakabhatta : [nt.] food offered for the dead. matakavattha : [nt.] cloth offered for the dead. matakicca : [nt.] rites for the dead. mati : [f.] wisdom; idea. matimantu : [adj.] wise. mativippahīna : [adj.] foolish. matta : [pp. of majjati] was intoxicated; full of joy; proud of; conceited; polished. (- ka), (in cpds.) of the size of; as much as. || mattā (f.), a measure; quantity; moderation; size. maṭṭa (adj.) smoothed; polished. mattaññutā : [f.] moderation. mattaññū : [adj.] knowing the measure or limit; moderate. mattahatthī : [m.] a rutted elephant. mattāsukha : [nt.] limited happiness. mattikapatta : [m.] earthern bowl. mattikā : [f.] clay; soil. mattikāpiṇḍa : [m.] a lump of clay. mattikābhājana : [nt.] earthenware (vessel). mattigha : [m.] a matricide. matteyya : [adj.] respecting one's mother. matteyyatā : [f.] filial love towards one's mother. matthaka : [m.] the head; top; summit. (loc.) upon; at the distance of. matthaluṅga : [nt.] the brain. matthu : [nt.] the water separated from the curd. mathati : [math + a] shakes about; churns; disturbs. mathana : [nt.] churning; disturbance. mathi : [aor. of mathati] shook about; churned; disturbed. mathita : [pp. of mathati] shook about; churned; disturbed. mathitvā : [abs. of mathati] having shaken about; having distrubed. mada : [m.] pride; intoxication; conceit; sexual excess. madana : [m.] the God of love. (nt.), intoxication. madanīya : [adj.] intoxicating; causing attachment. madirā : [f.] liquor made from cereals. maddati : [madd + a] crushes; tramples on; subjugates. maddana : [nt.] crushing; trampling; threshing. maddanta : [pr.p. of maddati] crushing; trampling on; subjugating. maddava : [nt.] softness; mildness; a soft thing. (adj.), mild; gentle; soft. maddi : [aor. of maddati] crushed; trampled on; subjugated. maddita : [pp. of maddati] crushed; trampled on; subjugated. madditvā : [abs. of maddati] having crushed; having trampled on; having subjugated. maddiya : [abs. of maddati] having crushed; having trampled on; having subjugated. madhu : [nt.] honey; wine made from the blossom of Bassia Latifolia. madhuka : [m.] the tree Bassia Latifolia. || madhukā (f.) liquorice. madhukara : [m.] a bee. madhugaṇḍa : [m.] a honeycomb. madhupa : [m.] a bee; sucker of honey. madhupaṭala : [m.] a honeycomb. madhupiṇḍikā : [f.] a ball of flour mixed with honey. madhubbata : [m.] a bee. madhumakkhita : [adj.] smeared with honey. madhumeha : [m.] diabetes. madhura : [adj.] sweet. (nt.) sweet thing. madhurakajāta : [adj.] weak and stiff. madhuratā : [f.] sweetness. madhuratta : [nt.] sweetness. madhurassara : [adj.] having a sweet voice. madhulaṭṭhikā : [f.] liquorice. madhulāja : [m.] fried corn mixed with honey. madhulīha : [m.] a bee. madhussava : [adj.] dripping with honey. madhvāsava : [m.] wine from the flowers of Bassia. mana : [m.; nt.] mind; consciousness. (in cpds. it takes the form mano). || māna (nt.), measure; measurement. (m.) pride; conceit. manaṃ : [ind.] nearly; well-nigh; almost; somewhat. manakkāra : [m.] ideation; consideration. manatā : [f.] (in cpds.), mentality. attamanatā = joyful mentality. manana : [nt.] thinking. || mānana (nt.), paying honour or respect. manasikata : [pp. of manasikaroti] kept in mind; thought over. manasikatvā : [abs. of manasikaroti] having kept in mind; having thought over. manasikari : [aor. of manasikaroti] kept in mind; thought over. manasikaritvā : [abs. of manasikaroti] having kept in mind; having thought over. manasikaroti : [manasi + kar + o] keeps in mind; thinks over. manasikaronta : [pr.p. of manasikaroti] keeping in mind; thinking over. manasikātabba : [pt.p. of manasikaroti] should be kept in mind. manasikātuṃ : [inf.] to think about. manasikāra : [m.] ideation; consideration. manāpa : [adj.] pleasing; charming. manāpika : [adj.] pleasing; charming. manuja : [m.] a human being. manujādhipa : [m.] lord of men, a king. manujinda : [m.] lord of men, a king. manuñña : [adj.] delightful; pleasant. manussa : [m.] a human being. manussatta : [nt.] human existence; humanity. manussabhāva : [m.] state of human being. manussabhūta : [adj.] one who has become a man. manussaloka : [m.] human world. manesikā : [f.] thought-reading. mano : (from taken by mana in cpds.) manokamma : [nt.] mental action. manojava : [adj.] swift as thought. manoduccarita : [nt.] the bad mentality. manodvāra : [nt.] the threshold of consciousness. manodhātu : [f.] the ideational faculty. manopadosa : [m.] ill-will. manopasāda : [m.] devotional feeling. manopubbaṅgamā : [adj.] directed by mind. manomaya : [adj.] mind made. manoratha : [m.] wish. manorama : [adj.] delightful. manoviññāṇa : [nt.] the mind cognition. manoviññeyya : [adj.] to be comprehended by the mind. manovitakka : [m.] a thought. manosilā : [f.] red arsenic. manohara : [adj.] charming; captivating. manta : [nt.] a charm; spell; incantation. mantajjhāyaka : [adj.] one who studies the Holy Incantations. mantadhara : [adj.] bearer of Vedic charms. mantana : [nt.] consultation; discussion. || mantanā (f.) consultation; discussion. mantayati : [v.] consults. mantayamāna : [pr.p. of manteti] consulting; taking counsel; discussing. mantita : [pp. of manteti] consulted; taken counsel; discussed. mantinī : [f.] a woman councillor. mantī : [m.] a counsellor; a minister. mantu : [m.] one who imagines. manteti : [mant + e] consults; takes counsel; discusses. mantetuṃ : [inf. of manteti] to consult; to take counsel; to discuss. mantetvā : [abs. of manteti] having consulted; having taken counsel; having discussed. mantenta : [pr.p. of manteti] consulting; taking counsel; discussing. mantesi : [aor. of manteti] consulted; took counsel; discussed. mantha : [m.] churning stick; parched corn-flour. manthara : [m.] a tortoise. manda : [adj.] slow; dull; lazy; foolish; yielding a little. (nt.) a little. mandaṃ : [adv.] slowly; little by little. mandatā : [f.] reduced state; slowness; stupidity. mandatta : [nt.] reduced state; slowness; stupidity. mandamandaṃ : [adv.] slowly; little by little. mandākinī : [f.] name of a great lake, and of a river. mandāmukhī : [f.] a coal-pan. mandāra : [m.] name of a mountain. mandiya : [nt.] stupidity; slackness. mandira : [nt.] a mansion; a palace. mamaṅkāra : [m.] selfish attachment. mamatta : [nt.] selfish attachment. mamāyati : [deno. from mama] is attached to; cherishes. mamāyanā : [f.] selfish attachment. mamāyanta : [pr.p. of mamāyati] cherishing. mamāyi : [aor. of mamāyati] cherished. mamāyita : [pp. of mamāyati] cherished. mamāyitvā : [abs. of mamāyati] having cherished. mamma : [nt.] a vital spot of the body; a nerve centre. mammacchedaka : [adj.] wounding a vital spot; very harsh or fatal. mammaṭṭhāna : [nt.] a vital spot of the body; a nerve centre. mammana : [adj.] one who stammers. mayaṃ : [nom. plu. of amha] we. mayūkha : [m.] a ray of light. mayūra : [m.] peacock. maraṇa : [nt.] death. || māraṇa (nt.), killing. maraṇakāla : [m.] time of death. maraṇacetanā : [f.] intention to kill. maraṇadhamma : [adj.] subject to death. maraṇanta : [adj.] having death as its end. maraṇapariyosāna : [adj.] having death as its end. maraṇabhaya : [nt.] fear of death. maraṇamañcaka : [m.] death-bed. maraṇamukha : [nt.] the mouth of Death. maraṇavasa : [m.] power of the death. maraṇasati : [f.] meditation on death. maraṇasamaya : [m.] time of death. marati : [mar + a] dies. maranta : [pr.p. of marati] dying. maramāna : [pr.p. of marati] dying. mari : [aor. of marati] died. marica : [nt.] pepper; chillies. maritabba : [pt.p. of marati] should be died. marituṃ : [inf. of marati] to die. maritvā : [abs. of marati] having died. mariyādā : [f.] boundary; limit. marīci : [f.] a ray of light; mirage. marīcikā : [f.] mirage. marīcidhamma : [adj.] equal to mirage; unsubstantial. maru : [f.] sand; a sandy waste. (m.), a deity. marumba : [nt.] pebbles. mala : [nt.] impurity; stain; rust; dirt; dung. || māla (m.) a circular enclosure; a round yard. mālā (f.) a garland; wreath; flowers; a string of. malatara : [adj.] more dirty or impure. malina : [adj.] dirty; stained; impure. (nt.), impurity. malinaka : [adj.] dirty; stained; impure. (nt.), impurity. malla : [m.] a wrestler; a man of the Malla clan. mallaka : [m.] a vessel; a receiver. mallayuddha : [nt.] wrestling contest. mallikā : [f.] the (Arabian), jasmine. masāragalla : [nt.] a kind of precious stone. masi : [m.] soot; charcoal dust. massu : [nt.] the beard. massuka : [adj.] having a beard. massukamma : [nt.] beard-dressing. massukaraṇa : [nt.] beard-dressing. maha : [m.] a religious festival. || mahā (mahanta becomes mahā in compounds; the last vowel ā is often shortened euphonically.) mahaggata : [adj.] become great; lofty. mahaggha : [adj.] very costly. mahagghatā : [f.] costliness. mahagghasa : [adj.] eating much; gluttonous. mahaṇṇava : [m.] the great ocean. mahati : [mah + a] honours; reveres. || mahatī (f.) great; big; extensive. mahatta : [nt.] greatness. mahaddhana : [adj.] having great riches. mahanīya : [adj.] respectable. mahanta : [adj.] great; big; extensive. mahantabhāva : [m.] greatness. mahantara : [adj.] greater; more extensive. mahantī : [f.] great; big; extensive. mahapphala : [adj.] rich in result. mahapphalatara : [adj.] having more great results. mahabbala : [adj.] having a great power or strong force. (nt.) a great strength or army. mahabbhaya : [nt.] great fear. mahallaka : [adj.] old. (m.), an old man. mahallakatara : [adj.] older. mahallikā : [f.] old woman. mahā-upāsaka : [m.] a great follower of the Buddha. mahā-upāsikā : [f.] a great female devotee. mahākathāna : [nt.] a number with 134 cyphers. mahākaruṇā : [f.] great compassion. mahākāya : [adj.] having a fat or big body. mahāgaṇa : [m.] a great community. mahāgaṇī : [m.] having many followers. mahājana : [m.] the public. mahājanakāya : [m.] a great multitude of people. mahātaṇha : [adj.] very greedy. mahātala : [nt.] a large flat roof on the top of a palace. mahādhana : [nt.] immense wealth. mahānaraka : [m.] the great hell. mahānasa : [nt.] the kitchen. mahānāga : [m.] a big elephant. mahāniraya : [m.] the great hell. mahānubbāva : [adj.] of great majesty. mahāpañña : [adj.] very wise. mahāpatha : [m.] high road. mahāpitu : [m.] father's elder brother. mahāpurisa : [m.] a great man. mahābandhana : [nt.] strong bondage. mahābhūta : [nt.] the four great elements. mahābhoga : [adj.] having great wealth. mahāmagga : [m.] highway; main road. mahāmacca : [m.] a chief minister. mahāmati : [m.] a great wise man. mahāmatta : [m.] a chief minister. mahāmuni : [m.] the great sage. mahāmegha : [m.] a shower. mahāyañña : [m.] a great sacrifice. mahāyasa : [adj.] of great fame. mahāyāga : [m.] a great sacrifice. mahāraha : [adj.] very precious; costly; much valuable. mahārāja : [m.] a great king. mahālatāpasādhana : [nt.] a ladies' parure called "great creeper". mahāvīra : [m.] great hero. mahāsatta : [m.] the great being. mahāsamaṇa : [m.] the Great Recluse. mahāsamudda : [m.] the ocean. mahāsara : [nt.] a great lake. || mahāsāra (adj.), having immense wealth. mahāsāla : [adj.] having immense wealth. mahāsāvaka : [m.] a great disciple. mahi : [aor. of mahati] honoured; revered. || mahī (f.) the earth; name of a river. mahikā : [f.] the frost. mahiccha : [adj.] greedy. mahicchatā : [f.] greediness. mahita : [pp. of mahati] honoured; revered. mahitvā : [abs. of mahati] having honoured; having revered. mahiddhika : [adj.] of great magical power. mahinda : [m.] a personal name; the chief of gods. mahilā : [f.] a woman. mahisa : [m.] a buffalo. mahisamaṇḍala : [nt.] name of a country, present Mysore. mahissara : [m.] a great lord; the God Isvara. mahītala : [nt.] the surface of the earth. mahīdhara : [m.] a mountain. mahīpati : [m.] a king. mahīpāla : [m.] a king. mahīruha : [m.] a tree. mahesakkha : [adj.] influential; possessing great power. mahesi : [(mahā + isi), m.] the great sage. || mahesī (f.) a queen. mahogha : [m.] great flood. mahodadhi : [m.] the ocean. mahodara : [adj.] having a big belly. mahoraga : [m.] a king of Nāgas. mā : [a prohibitive particle] do not. (m.) the moon. māgadhaka : [adj.] belonging to Magadha. māgadhī : [f.] the language of Magadha. māgavika : [m.] a huntsman. māgha : [m.] name of a month, January-February. māghāta : [m.] non-killing order. māṇa : [nt.] measure; measurement. (m.), pride; conceit. māṇava : [m.] a young man. māṇavaka : [m.] a young man. māṇavikā : [f.] a maiden. māṇavī : [f.] a maiden. mātaṅga : [m.] an elephant; a low-caste man. mātalī : [m.] name of Indra's charioteer. mātāpitu : [m.] parents; the mother and the father. mātāpettika : [adj.] come from father and mother. mātāpettibhara : [adj.] supporting one's parents. mātāmaha : [m.] mother's father. mātāmahī : [f.] mother's mother. mātika : [adj.] connected with mother. || mātikā (f.), a water course; a table of contents; the code of Patimokkha. mātipakkha : [m.] mother's side. mātu : [f.] mother. mātukucchi : [m.] mother's womb. mātugāma : [m.] a woman. mātughāta : [m.] matricide. mātughātaka : [m.] matricide. mātucchā : [f.] mother's sister. mātupaṭṭhāna : [(mātu + upaṭṭhāna) nt.] looking after one's mother. mātuposaka : [adj.] supporting one's mother. mātula : [m.] maternal uncle. mātulānī : [f.] maternal uncle's wife. mātuluṅga : [m.] the citron. mādisa : [adj.] one like me. mānakūṭa : [m.] a false measure. mānatthaddha : [m.] stubborn in pride. mānada : [adj.] inspiring respect. mānasa : [nt.] mind; intention. (adj.), (in cpds.) having the intention of. mānita : [pp. of māneti] honoured; revered; thought highly. mānī : [m.] one who is proud. mānusa : [adj.] human (m.), a man. mānusaka : [adj.] human. mānusatta : [nt.] human state. mānusika : [adj.] existing in the human world. mānusī : [f.] a woman. māneti : [mān + e] honours; reveres; thinks highly. mānetvā : [abs. of māneti] having honoured; having revered; having thought highly. mānenta : [pr.p. of māneti] honouring; revering; thinking highly. mānesi : [aor. of māneti] honoured; revered; thought highly. māpaka : [m.] the Creator; constructor. māpika : [pp. of māpeti] built; constructed; created. māpita : [pp. of māpeti] created. māpeti : [mā + āpe] builds; constructs; creates; causes to appear by supernatural power. māpetvā : [abs. of māpeti] having built; having constructed; having created. māpesi : [aor. of māpeti] built; constructed; created. māmaka : [adj.] devoted to; loving. māyā : [f.] fraud; deceit; magic; jugglery. māyākāra : [m.] a juggler. māyāvī : [adj.] deceitful; hypocritical; a magician. māra : [m.] the Evil One; the tempter; death personified. māraka : [adj.] bringing death; one who kills. mārakāyika : [adj.] belonging to the group of Māra deities. māradheyya : [nt.] the realm of Māra. mārabandhana : [nt.] the fetter of Death. mārasenā : [f.] the army of Māra. mārāpana : [nt.] causing to be killed. mārāpita : [pp. of mārāpeti] caused to be killed. mārāpeti : [caus. of māreti] causes to be killed. mārāpetvā : [abs. of mārāpeti] having caused to be killed. mārāpenta : [pr.p. of mārāpeti] causing to be killed. mārita : [pp. of māreti] killed. māriyamāna : [pr.p.p.] being killed. mārisa : [adj.] (found only in voc.) Sir, Sirs. māruta : [m.] the wind. māreti : [mar + e] kills. māretu : [m.] killer. māretuṃ : [inf. of māreti] to kill. māretvā : [abs. of māreti] having killed. mārenta : [pr.p. of māreti] killing. māresi : [aor. of māreti] killed. (aor. of mārāpeti), caused to be killed. mālaka : [m.] a circular enclosure; a round yard. mālatī : [f.] great-flowered jasmine. mālākamma : [nt.] garland work; a mural drawing. mālākāra : [m.] garland-maker; a florist. mālāgaccha : [m.] a flowering plant. mālāguṇa : [m.] a string of flowers. mālāguḷa : [nt.] a cluster of flowers. mālācumbaṭaka : [m.] a chaplet of flowers. mālādāma : [m.] a string of flowers. mālādhara : [adj.] wearing a garland of flowers. mālādhārī : [adj.] wearing a wreath. mālāpuṭa : [m.] a container of flowers. mālābhārī : [adj.] wearing a wreath. mālāvaccha : [nt.] a flower garden or flowery bed. mālika : [adj.] having garlands or flowers. mālinī : [f.] a woman wearing garlands. mālī : [adj.] having garlands or flowers. māluta : [m.] the wind. māluvā : [f.] a parasite creeper which slowly destroys the tree on which it has grown. mālūra : [m.] the marmelos tree. mālya : [nt.] a garland. māsa : [m.] a month; a kind of bean, Phaseolus Indica. māsaka : [m.] a small coin, (the value of which is about an anna). māsika : [adj.] occurring monthly; once a month. miga : [m.] a beast; a quadruped; a deer. migachāpaka : [m.] the young of a deer. migataṇhikā : [f.] mirage. migadāya : [m.] deer-park. migapotaka : [m.] the young of a deer. migamada : [m.] the musk. migamātukā : [f.] a hoofed animal of the size of a cat. (Sinh. mīninnā). migaluddaka : [m.] a deer-hunter. migava : [nt.] hunting. miginda : [m.] the king of beasts; a lion. migī : [f.] a hind. micchatta : [nt.] falsehood. micchā : [ind.] untruth; falsehood; false; wrongly; wrong. micchākammanta : [m.] wrong conduct or action. micchāgahaṇa : [nt.] wrong behaviour. micchācāra : [nt.] wrong behaviour. micchācārī : [adj.] one who behaves wrongly. micchādiṭṭhi : [f.] wrong view; heresy. micchāpaṇihita : [adj.] wrongly directed. micchāvācā : [f.] wrong speech. micchāvāyāma : [m.] wrong effort. micchāsaṅkappa : [m.] wrong intention. miñja : [nt.] kernel; marrow; pith. || miñjā (f.) kernel; marrow; pith. miṇana : [nt.] measurement. miṇanta : [pr.p. of miṇāti] measuring; weighing; balancing. miṇāti : [mi + ṇā] measures; weighes; balances. miṇi : [aor. of miṇāti] measured; weighed; balanced. miṇituṃ : [inf. of miṇāti] to measure; to weigh; to balance. miṇitvā : [abs. of miṇāti] having measured; having weighed; having balanced. miṇīyati : [pass. of miṇāti] is measured; is balanced. mita : [pp. of miṇāti] measured; weighed; balanced. mitabhāṇī : [m.] one who speaks moderately. mitta : [m.; nt.] a friend. mittadubbhi : [m.] one who betrays his friends; a treacherous person. mittadūbhī : [m.] one who betrays his friends; a treacherous person. mittaddu : [m.] one who betrays his friends; a treacherous person. mittapatirūpaka : [adj.] a false friend. mittabheda : [m.] breaking of friendship or alliance. mittasanthava : [m.] association with a friend. mithu : [ind.] alternate; alternately; secretly. mithuna : [nt.] a pair of a male and a female. mithubheda : [m.] breaking of alliance. middha : [nt.] torpor; drowsiness. middhī : [adj.] torpid; drowsy. miyyati : [mar + ya; mar is changed to miy and mī] dies. milakkha : [m.] a barbarian. milakkhadesa : [m.] a country where barbarians live. milāta : [pp. of milāyati] withered, faded, dried up. || milātā (f.) fadedness. milāyati : [milā + ya] to be faded; withers. milāyamāna : [pr.p. of milāyati] withering. milāyi : [aor. of milāyati] withered. milāyitvā : [abs. of milāyati] having withered. missa : [adj.] mixed; combined. missaka : [adj.] mixed; combined. missita : [pp. of misseti] mixed. misseti : [miss + e] mixes. missetvā : [abs. of misseti] having mixed. missenta : [pr.p. of misseti] mixing. missesi : [aor. of misseti] mixed. mihita : [nt.] a smile. mīna : [m.] a fish. mīyati : [mar + ya; mar is changed to miy and mī] dies. mīyamāna : [pr.p. of miyyati] died. mīḷha : [nt.] excrement; dung. mukula : [nt.] a bud. mukha : [nt.] mouth; face; entrance; opening; front. (adj.), foremost. mukhatuṇḍa : [nt.] beak. mukhadvāra : [nt.] the mouth. mukhadhovana : [nt.] washing of the face; rinsing the mouth. mukhapuñchana : [nt.] a towel for wiping the face. mukhapūra : [nt.] a mouthful. (adj.), filling the mouth. mukhara : [adj.] garrulous; talkative. mukharatā : [f.] talkativeness. mukhavaṭṭi : [f.] brim; rim; edge. mukhavaṇṇa : [m.] the features. mukhavikāra : [m.] contortion of the face; showing faces. mukhasaṅkocana : [nt.] distortion of the mouth (as a sign of displeasure). mukhasaññata : [adj.] controlling one's mouth. mukhādhāna : [nt.] a bridle. mukhullokaka : [adj.] looking into a person's face. mukhodaka : [nt.] water for washing the face. mukhya : [adj.] chief; foremost; most important. mugga : [m.] green peas. muggara : [m.] a club; mallet. muṅgusa : [m.] a mongoose. mucalinda : [m.] the tree Barringtonia Acutangula. muccati : [muc + ya] becomes free; to be saved or released. muccamāna : [pr.p. of muccati] becoming free. mucci : [aor. of muccati] became free. muccita : [pp. of muccati] become free. muccitvā : [abs. of muccati] having become free. mucchati : [mucch + a] becomes unconscious or infatuated; faints. mucchana : [nt.] fainting; unconsciousness; infatuation. || mucchanā (f.), fainting; unconsciousness; infatuation. mucchanta : [pr.p. of mucchati] becoming unconscious or infatuated. mucchā : [f.] fainting; unconsciousness; infatuation. mucchi : [aor. of mucchati] became unconscious or infatuated; fainted. mucchita : [pp. of mucchati] become unconscious or infatuated; fainted. mucchitvā : [abs. of mucchati] having become unconscious or infatuated. mucchiya : [abs. of mucchati] having become unconscious or infatuated. muñcaka : [adj.] one who releases; emitting. muñcati : [muc + ṃ-a] releases; loosens; delivers; sends off; emits; gives up. muñcana : [nt.] releasing; giving up. muñcanaka : [adj.] emitting. muñcanta : [pr.p. of muñcati] releasing; loosening; delivering; sending off; emitting; giving up. muñcamāna : [pr.p. of muñcati] releasing; loosening; delivering; sending off; emitting; giving up. muñci : [aor. of muñcati] released; loosened; delivered; sent off; emited; gave up. muñcita : [pp. of muñcati] released; loosened; delivered; sent off; emited; gave up. muñcitvā : [abs. of muñcati] having released; having loosened; having delivered; having sent off; having emited; having given up. muñciya : [abs. of muñcati] having released; having loosened; having delivered; having sent off; having emited; having given up. muñcīyati : [v.] is freed or released. muñja : [nt.] a kind of grass used in making slippers, etc. muṭṭha : [pp. of mussati] forgotten; passed into oblivion. muṭṭhasacca : [nt.] forgetfulness. muṭṭhassatī : [adj.] forgetful. muṭṭhi : [m.] the fist; a handle. muṭṭhika : [m.] a wrestler; boxer. muṭṭhimalla : [m.] a wrestler; boxer. muṭṭhiyuddha : [nt.] boxing. muṇḍa : [adj.] shaven; void of vegetation; bare. muṇḍaka : [m.] a shaveling; shaven-headed. muṇḍacchadda : [m.] a building with a flat roof. muṇḍatta : [nt.] the fact of being shaven. muṇḍita : [pp. of muṇḍeti] shaved. muṇḍiya : [nt.] the fact of being shaven. muṇḍeti : [muṇḍ + e] shaves. muṇḍetvā : [abs. of muṇḍeti] having shaved. muṇḍesi : [aor. of muṇḍeti] shaved. muta : [pp. of munāti] known; understood. (nt.), sense perceptions through nose, tongue and touch. mutiṇga : [m.] a small drum. mutimantu : [adj.] sensible. mutta : [pp. of muñcati] released; loosened; delivered; sent off; emited; gave up. (pp. of muccati), become free. (nt.), the urine. || muttā (f.) a pearl. muttakaraṇa : [nt.] the male or female organ. muttavatthi : [f.] the bladder. muttācāra : [adj.] of loose habits. muttājāla : [nt.] a net of pearls. muttāvali : [m.] a string of pearls. muttāhāra : [m.] a string of pearls. mutti : [f.] release; freedom. mudā : [f.] gladness. mudiṇga : [m.] a small drum. mudita : [adj.] glad; satisfied. || muditā (f.), sympathy in other's welfare. muditamana : [adj.] with gladdened heart. mudu : [adj.] soft; mild; tender. muduka : [adj.] soft; mild; tender. muducitta : [adj.] of a tender heart. mudujātika : [adj.] of tender nature. mudutā : [nt.] softness; plasticity. mudutta : [nt.] softness; plasticity. mudubhūta : [adj.] supple; malleable. muduhadaya : [adj.] of a tender heart. muddaṅkaṇa : [nt.] printing. muddā : [f.] a seal; a stamp; an impression; gesture; printing. muddāpaka : [m.] printer. muddāpana : [nt.] printing. muddāpita : [pp. of muddāpeti] printed. muddāpeti : [deno. from muddā] prints. muddāpetvā : [abs. of muddāpeti] having printed. muddāpesi : [aor. of muddāpeti] printed. muddāyanta : [nt.] a printing press. muddikā : [f.] grape-vine; grapes; a seal ring; signet ring. muddikāsava : [m.] wine. muddha : [adj.] foolish; bewildered. || muddhā (m.), the head; top; summit. muddhaja : [adj.] lingual. (m.), hair. muddhatā : [f.] foolishness. muddhātuka : [adj.] foolish in nature. muddhādhipāta : [m.] splitting of the head. muddhāvasitta : [adj.] properly anointed (king). mudhā : [ind.] gratis; for nothing. munāti : [mum + a] knows; understands. muni : [aor. of munāti] knew; understood. (m.), a monk. muninda : [m.] the great sage. muyhati : [muh + ya] forgets; becomes dull; infatuates. muyhana : [nt.] forgetfulness; infatuation. muyhamāna : [pr.p. of muyhati] forgetting; becoming dull; infatuating. muyhi : [aor. of muyhati] forgot; became dull; infatuated. muyhitvā : [abs. of muyhati] having forgotten; having become dull; having infatuated. muraja : [m.] a tambourine. murumurāyati : [onom. from muru-muru] bites up with a cracking sound. muḷāla : [nt.] lotus root. muḷālapuppha : [nt.] lotus flower. musala : [m.] a pestle. musalī : [adj.] with a pestle in hand. musā : [ind.] falsehood; lie. || mūsā (f.) a crucible. musāvāda : [m.] lying. mussati : [mus + ya] forgets; passes into oblivion. mussi : [aor. of mussati] forgot; passed into oblivion. mussitvā : [abs. of mussati] having forgotten; having passed into oblivion. muhuṃ : [adv.] very quickly. muhutta : [m.; nt.] a moment; a minute. muhuttaṃ : [adv.] a moment. muhuttika : [adj.] existing only for a moment. (m.), an astrologer. muhuttena : [adv.] in a moment. mūga : [adj.] dumb; a dumb person. mūla : [nt.] root; money; cash; foot; bottom; origin; cause; foundation; beginning. mūlaka : [m.] the reddish. (adj.), (in cpds.), being conditioned by; originating in. mūlakanda : [m.] a bulbous root. mūladhana : [nt.] the deposited money. mūlabīja : [nt.] germinative root. mūlasatena : with 100 roots. mūlika : [adj.] fundamental; elementary. mūlya : [nt.] payment; wages. mūḷha : [pp. of muyhati] gone astray; forgotten; confused; erring; foolish. mūsika : [m.] a rat; mouse. || mūsikā (f.) a rat; mouse. mūsikacchinna : [adj.] gnawed by mice. mūsikavacca : [nt.] mice-dung. me : [dat. and gen. sing. of amha] to me; my; mine. mekhalā : [f.] a girdle for women. megha : [m.] rain; a cloud. meghanāda : [m.] a thunder. meghanibha : [adj.] cloude-like. meghavaṇṇa : [adj.] cloud-coloured, i.e. black. mecaka : [adj.] black; dark blue. mejjha : [adj.] pure. meṇḍa : [m.] a ram; sheep. meṇḍaka : [m.] a ram; sheep. mettacitta : [adj.] having a benevolent heart. mettā : [f.] amity; benevolence. mettākammaṭṭhāna : [nt.] cultivation of benevolence. mettābhāvanā : [f.] cultivation of benevolence. mettāyati : [deno. from mettā] feels friendly; to be benevolent. mettāyanā : [f.] friendly feeling. mettāyanta : [pr.p. of mettāyati] feeling friendly. mettāyi : [aor. of mettāyati] felt friendly. mettāyitvā : [abs. of mettāyati] having felt friendly. mettāvihārī : [adj.] abiding in kindliness. metti : [f.] amity; benevolence. metteyyanātha : [m.] the coming Buddha, Metteyya. methuna : [nt.] sexual intercourse; coupling. methunadhamma : [m.] sexual intercourse; coupling. meda : [m.] the fat. medakathālikā : [f.] a saucepan for frying fat. medavaṇṇa : [adj.] of the colour of fat. medinī : [f.] the earth. medha : [m.] a religious sacrifice. || medhā (f.) wisdom. medhaga : [m.] a quarrel. medhāvinī : [f.] a wise woman. medhāvī : [m.] the wise. meraya : [nt.] fermented liquor. meru : [m.] name of the highest mountain in the world. melana : [nt.] a gathering; meeting. mesa : [m.] a ram. meha : [m.] a urinary affliction. mehana : [nt.] the male or female organ. mokkha : [m.] release; freedom; deliverance; the final release. mokkhaka : [adj.] one who releases. mokkhati : [mokkh + a] is free or saved. mokkhamagga : [m.] the path leading to salvation. mogha : [adj.] empty; vain; useless. moghapurisa : [m.] a stupid or useless person. moca : [m.] the plantain tree. mocana : [nt.] setting free; discharging. mocāpana : [nt.] causation of one's freedom; deliverance. mocāpeti : [caus. of moceti] causes to be released. mocita : [pp. of moceti] delivered; set free; released. mociya : [abs. of moceti] having delivered; having set free; having released. moceti : [muc + e] delivers; sets free; releases. mocetuṃ : [inf. of moceti] to deliver; to set free; to release. mocetvā : [abs. of moceti] having delivered; having set free; having released. mocenta : [pr.p. of moceti] delivering; setting free; releasing. mocesi : [aor. of moceti] delivered; set free; released. modaka : [m.] a globular sweet-meat. modati : [mud + a] rejoices; is happy. modana : [nt.] rejoicing; enjoyment. || modanā (f.) rejoicing; enjoyment. modamāna : [pr.p. of modati] rejoicing. modi : [aor. of modati] rejoiced; was happy. modita : [pp. of modati] rejoiced; was happy. moditvā : [abs. of modati] having rejoiced. mona : [nt.] wisdom; self-possession; silence. moneyya : [nt.] moral perfection. momuha : [adj.] dull; silly; bewildered. mora : [m.] a peacock. morapiñja : [nt.] peacock's tail. moḷi : [m.; f.] top knot of hair; crown of the head. mosa : [m.] theft. mosana : [nt.] theft. mosavajja : [nt.] untruth. moha : [m.] stupidity; delusion. mohakkhaya : [m.] destruction of ignorance. mohacarita : [adj.] of foolish habits. mohatama : [m.] the darkness of ignorance. mohana : [nt.] making dull; enticement; allurement. mohanaka : [adj.] bewildering; leading astray. mohanīya : [adj.] leading to infatuation. mohaneyya : [adj.] leading to infatuation. mohita : [pp. of moheti] deceived; befooled; deluded. moheti : [muh + e] deceives; befools; deludes. mohetvā : [abs. of moheti] having deceived; having befooled; having deluded. mohesi : [aor. of moheti] deceived; befooled; deluded. -ooOoo-
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