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- Y - ya : [relative pron.] which; what; whatever. || yā (f. sin. of ya), whatever woman. yaṃ : [(nt. sing. of ya), adv.] which; whatever thing. adv. because of. yakana : [nt.] the liver. yakkha : [m.] a demon. yakkhaadhipa : [m.] the king of demons. yakkhagaṇa : [m.] a multitude of demons. yakkhagāha : [m.] possession by a demon. yakkhatta : [nt.] condition of a demon. yakkhabhūta : [adj.] born as a demon. yakkhasamāgama : [m.] meeting of a yakkhas. yakkhādhipa : [m.] the king of demons. yakkhinī : [f.] a demoness. yakkhī : [f.] a demoness. yagghe : [adj.] hortative particle used in addressing a superior person. yacitaka : [nt.] a borrowed thing. yajati : [yaj + a] sacrifices; gives away alms or gifts. yajana : [nt.] the act of sacrificing; distribution of alms. yajamāna : [pr.p. of yajati] sacrificing. yaji : [aor. of yajati] sacrificed; gave away alms or gifts. yajita : [pp. of yajati] sacrificed; bestowed; given away alms or gifts. yajitvā : [abs. of yajati] having sacrificed; having gavin away alms or gifts. yañña : [m.] sacrifice; alms-giving. yaññasāmī : [m.] the owner of a sacrifice. yaññāvāṭa : [(yañña + āvāṭa), m.] the sacrificial pit. yaññupanīta : [(yañña + upanīta), adj.] brought for the sacrifice. yaṭṭhi : [m.; f.] a stick; staff; a pole; walking stick. a length of 7 cubits. yaṭṭhikoṭi : [f.] the end of a staff. yaṭṭhimadhukā : [f.] the liquorice. yata : [pp. of yameti] checked; controlled; restrained. || yāta (pp. of yāti), gone; proceeded. yatati : [yat + a] exerts oneself; strives. yatana : [nt.] endeavour. yati : [aor. of yatati] exerted oneself; strived. (m.), a monk. || yāti (yā + a), goes on; proceeds. yato : [ind.] from where; whence; since; because; on account of which. yattaka : [adj.] however much. yattha : [adv.] wherever; where. yatthatta : [nt.] reality; true nature. yatra : [adv.] wherever; where. || yātrā (f.), travel; voyage; support of life. yathariva : [(yathā + iva), ind.] just as. yathaladdha : [adj.] whatever one has got. yathā : [adv.] as; like; in relation to; according to; in whatever way; just as. yathākathaṃ : [ind.] in what way. yathākammaṃ : [adv.] according to one's actions. yathākāmaṃ : [adv.] according to one's wish; at random. yathākāmakārī : [m.] one who acts according to his wishes. yathākārī : [adj.] as he does. yathākāla : [m.] suitable time. yathākālaṃ : [adv.] at the proper time. yathākkamaṃ : [adv.] in order; in succession. yathājjhāsaya : [adj.] straight in mind; faithful. yathāṭhita : [adj.] as it was; just as he stood. yathātatha : [adj.] true; real. yathātathaṃ : [adv.] according to truth. yathādhammaṃ : [adv.] according to the law. yathādhota : [adj.] as if it were washed. yathānubhāvaṃ : [adv.] according to one's ability. yathānusiṭṭaṃ : [adv.] in accordance with the advice. yathāpasādaṃ : [adv.] according to one's gratification. yathāpūrita : [adj.] as full as could be. yathāphāsuka : [adj.] comfortable. yathābalaṃ : [adv.] according to one's strength. yathābhataṃ : [adv.] as it was carried. yathābhirantaṃ : [adj.] as long as one likes. yathābhucca : [adj.] conformity with the truth. yathābhūta : [adj.] conformity with the truth. yathābhūtaṃ : [adv.] in truth; in reality; in its real essence. yathāmittaṃ : [adv.] according to the friendship. yathārahaṃ : [adv.] as is fit or proper. yathāruciṃ : [adv.] according to liking. yathāvato : [adv.] in its real essence. || yāthāvato (adv.), exactly. yathāvidhiṃ : [adv.] duly; fitly. yathāvihita : [adj.] as arranged. yathāvuḍḍhaṃ : [adv.] according to seniority. yathāvutta : [adj.] aforesaid. yathāvuttaṃ : [adv.] as stated before. yathāsaka : [adj.] according to one ownership. yathāsakaṃ : [adv.] each his own. yathāsattiṃ : [adv.] according to one's power. yathāsaddhaṃ : [adv.] according to one's devotion. yathāsukhaṃ : [adv.] comfortably. yathicchitaṃ : [adv.] as one liked. yadā : [adv.] whenever; when. yadi : [ind.] if; however. yadidaṃ : [(yaṃ + idaṃ), ind.] which is this; that is; namely. yanta : [nt.] a machine. yantanāḷi : [f.] a mechanical pipe. yantamutta : [adj.] thrown or shot through a machine. yantayutta : [adj.] connected with a machine. yantika : [m.] a mechanic. yama : [m.] the ruler of the kingdom of the dead. || yāma (m.), a watch of the night; 1/3 of a night. yamaka : [adj.] double; twin. || yamaka (nt.) a pair; couple. yamakasāla : [m.] twin Sal trees. yamadūta : [m.] death's messenger. yamapurisa : [m.] tortures in the hell. yamarāja : [m.] same as yama. yamaloka : [m.] the world of the dead. yava : [m.] barley. || yāva (ind.), up to; as far as; so far that. yavasa : [m.] a kind of grass. yavasūka : [m.] the beard of barley. yasa : [m.; nt.] (mano-group), fame; glory; success; retinue. yasagga : [nt.] the highest fame. yasadāyaka : [adj.] giver of wealth or repute. yasamahatta : [nt.] greatness of fame or wealth; a high position. yasalābha : [m.] gain of fame or wealth. yasodhara : [adj.] famous. yasoladdha : [adj.] got through fame. yahaṃ : [adv.] where; wherever. yahiṃ : [adv.] where; wherever. yāga : [m.] sacrifice; alms-giving. yāgu : [f.] rice-gruel. yācaka : [m.] a beggar; one who requests. yācati : [yāc + a] begs; asks; entreats. yācana : [nt.] begging; entreaty. yācanaka : [adj.] begging. yācanta : [pr.p. of yācati] begging; asking; entreating. yācamāna : [pr.p. of yācati] begging; asking; entreating. yācayoga : [adj.] accessible to begging; ready to comply with another's request. yāci : [aor. of yācati] begged; asked; entreated. yācikā : [f.] female beggar. yācita : [pp. of yācati] asked of; begged of. yācituṃ : [inf. of yācati] to beg; to ask; to entreat. yācitvā : [abs. of yācati] having begged; having asked; having entreated. yājaka : [m.] one who causes to sacrifice. yātvā : [abs. of yāti] having gone; having proceeded. yāthāva : [adj.] exact, definite. yādisa : [adj.] whichever; whatever; which like. yādisasaka : [adj.] whichever; whatever; which like. yāna : [nt.] a carriage; vehicle; going. yānaka : [nt.] a small carriage. yānagata : [adj.] got up in a carriage. yānabhūmi : [f.] a road accessible to a carriage. yānī : [m.] one who drives in a carriage. yānīkata : [adj.] made a habit of; mastered. yāpana : [nt.] sustenance; nourishment; keeping up of the body. yāpananīya : [adj.] sufficient for supporting one's life. yāpita : [pp. of yāpeti] nourished; kept up; supported one's life. yāpeti : [yā + āpe] nourishes; keeps up; supports one's life. yāpetvā : [abs. of yapetvā] having nourished; having kept up; having supported one's life. yāpenta : [pr.p. of yāpeti] nourishing; keeping up; supporting one's life. yāpesi : [aor. of yāpeti] nourished; kept up; supported one's life. yāmakālika : [adj.] something allowed to be taken by a Buddhist monk after noon and in the night. yāyī : [m.] one who goes. (in cpds.), such as sīghayāyī. yāvakālika : [adj.] temporary. yāva-kīvaṃ : [ind.] as long as. yāvajīva : [adj.] life-long. yāvajīvaṃ : [adv.] for the length of one's life. yāvajīvika : [adj.] existing as long as one's life lasts. yāvataka : [adj.] as much as; as many as; as far as. yāvatatiyaṃ : [adv.] up to the third time. yāvatā : [ind.] as far as; in comparison with. yāvatāyukaṃ : [(yāvatā + āyukaṃ), adv.] as long as life lasts. yāvatāvatihaṃ : [adv.] as many days as. yāvatihaṃ : [adv.] as many days as. yāvad eva : [ind.] only for. yāvadattha : [adj.] as much as one likes. yāvadatthaṃ : [adv.] as much as one likes; as far as need be. yiṭṭha : [pp. of yajati] sacrificed; bestowed; given away alms or gifts. yuga : [nt.] a yoke; a pair; a couple; an age or generation. yugaggāha : [m.] imperiousness; rivalry; competition. yugaggāhī : [m.] a rival; a competent. yugacchidda : [nt.] the hole of a yoke. yuganaddha : [adj.] congruous; harmonious; connected to a yoke. yuganandha : [adj.] congruous; harmonious; connected to a yoke. yuganta : [m.] the end of an age or generation. yugandhara : [m.] name of a mountain. yugamatta : [adj.] the distance of a yoke. yugala : [nt.] a pair or couple. yugalalaka : [nt.] a pair or couple. yujjhati : [yudh + ya] fights; makes war. yujjhana : [nt.] fighting. yujjhanta : [pr.p. of yujjhati] fighting; making war. yujjhamāna : [pr.p. of yujjhati] fighting; making war. yujjhi : [aor. of yujjhati] fought; made war. yujjhita : [pp. of yujjhati] fought; made war. yujjhituṃ : [inf. of yujjhati] to fight; to make war. yujjhitukāma : [adj.] willing to fight. yujjhitvā : [abs. of yujjhati] having fought; having made war. yujjhiya : [abs. of yujjhati] having fought; having made war. yuñjati : [yuj + ṃ - a] joins with; engages in; endeavours. yuñjana : [nt.] engaging in; joining with. yuñjanta : [pr.p. of yuñjati] joining with; engaging in; endeavouring. yuñjamāna : [pr.p. of yuñjati] joining with; engaging in; endeavouring. yuñji : [aor. of yuñjati] joined with; engaged in; endeavoured. yuñjitabba : [pt.p. of yuñjati] should be joined with; should be engaged in; should be endeavoured. yuñjitvā : [abs. of yuñjati] having joined with; having engaged in; having endeavoured. yutta : [pp. of yuñjati] yoked; harnessed; connected with; given to; engaged in; proper. yuttaka : [adj.] proper; fit. yuttakārī : [adj.] acting properly or rightly. yuttabhāva : [m.] the fact of deserving. yutti : [f.] justice; fitness. yuttito : [adv.] in accordance with justice. yuddha : [nt.] fight; war; battle. yuddhabhūmi : [nt.] battle-field. yuddhamaṇḍala : [f.] battle-field. yuva : [m.] a youth (nom. sing. yuvā). yuvatī : [f.] a young woman. yūtha : [m.] a flock or herd of animals. yūthajeṭṭha : [m.] leader of a herd. yūthapa : [m.] leader of a herd. yūpa : [m.] a sacrificial post. yūsa : [m.] juice; soup. yena : [adv.] because of; where. yebhuyya : [adj.] numerous; most; abundant. yebhuyyayena : [adv.] almost all, mostly. yebhuyyena : [adv.] mostly. yeva : [ind.] (emphatic particle), even; just; also. yo : [nom. sin. of ya] any person; whoever. yoga : [m.] connection; bond; endeavour; conjunction; attachment; effort; mixture. yogakkhema : [m.] release from the attachments. yogagātiga : [adj.] one who has conquered the bond of rebirth. yogayutta : [adj.] bound by attachments. yogāvacara : [m.] one who practices spiritual exercise. yogī : [m.] one who practices spiritual exercise. yogga : [adj.] suitable; fit for. (nt.), a vehicle; a contrivance. yojaka : [m.] one who joints. Connected or yokes; a composer. yojana : [nt.] yoking; application; a measure of length, which is about, 7 miles. || yojanā (f.), construction; suggestion; proposal; an exegesis. yojanika : [adj.] having a yojana in extent. yojāpeti : [caus. of yojeti] causes to yoke; harness; combine; unite; mix; apply; prepare; urge. yojita : [pp. of the joyeti] combined; yoked to; prepared; mixed with. yojiya : [abs. of yojeti] having yoked; having harnessed; having combined; having united; having mixed; having applied; having prepared; having urged. yojeti : [yuj + e] yokes; harnesses; combines; unites; mixes; applies; prepares; urges. yojetvā : [abs. of yojeti] having yoked; having harnessed; having combined; having united; having mixed; having applied; having prepared; having urged. yojenta : [pr.p. of yojeti] yoking; harnessing; combining; uniting; mixing; applying; preparing; urging. yojesi : [aor. of yojeti] yoked; harnessed; combined; united; mixed; applied; prepared; urged. yotta : [nt.] a string; a twine. yodha : [m.] a soldier. yodhājīva : [(yodha + ājīva), m.] a warrior. yodhita : [pp. of yodheti] fought; made war. yodheti : [yudh + e] fights; makes war. yodhetvā : [abs. of yodheti] having fought; having made war. yodhesi : [aor. of yodheti] fought; made war. yoni : [f.] origin; realm of existence; the female organ; knowledge; species. yoniso : [adv.] wisely; properly; judiciously. yonisomanasikāra : [m.] proper consideration. yobbañña : [nt.] youth. yobbana : [nt.] youth. yobbanamada : [m.] the pride of youth. -ooOoo-
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