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- B - baka : [m.] a crane; heron. bakkhituṃ : [inf. of bhakkhati] to eat; to feed upon. bajjhati : [pass. of bandhati] is bound or captivated; is caught (in a trap etc.). battiṃsati : [f.] thirty-two. badara : [nt.] jujube fruit. badaramissa : [adj.] mixed with jujube. badarī : [f.] the jujube tree. badālatā : [f.] a creeper of sweet taste. baddha : [pp. of bandhati] bound; trapped; fastened; combined; put together. baddhañjalika : [adj.] keeping the hands reverently extended. baddharāva : [m.] the cry of the trapped or caught. baddhavera : [nt.] contracted enmity. (adj.), having such enmity. badhira : [adj.] deaf; a person who is deaf. bandha : [m.] bound; fetter; attachment; imprisonment. bandhati : [bandh + a] binds; combines; unites; ties on; captures; composes. bandhana : [nt.] bound; fetter; attachment; imprisonment; binding; bondage; something to bind with. bandhanāgāra : [nt.] a prison. bandhanāgārika : [m.] a prisoner; prison-keeper. bandhanīya : [pt.p. of bandhati] should be combined; should be united. bandhanta : [pr.p. of bandhati] combining; capturing. bandhava : [m.] kinsman; relative; relation. bandhāpita : [pp. of bandhāpeti] caused to be bound or fettered. bandhāpeti : [caus. of bandhati] causes to be bound or fettered. bandhāpesi : [aor. of bandhāpeti] caused to be bound or fettered. bandhi : [aor. of bandhati] combined; united. bandhitabba : [pt.p. of bandhati] should be combined; should be united. bandhituṃ : [inf. of bandhati] to combine; to unite; to capture. bandhitvā : [abs. of bandhati] having combined; having united. bandhiya : [abs. of bandhati] having combined; having united. bandhu : [m.] kinsman; relative; relation. bandhujīvaka : [m.] the China-rose plant. bandhumantu : [adj.] having relatives; rich in kinsmen. babbaja : [nt.] the fragrant root of the Andropogon Muricatus. babbu : [m.] a cat. babbuka : [m.] a cat. baraṇaseyyaka : [adj.] made in or coming from Benares. barihisa : [nt.] Kusa-grass. bala : [nt.] strength; power; force; an army; military force. || bāla (adj.) young in years; ignorant; foolish. (m.) a child; a fool. bālā (f.) a girl. balakāya : [m.] an army. balakoṭṭhaka : [nt.] a stronghold; fortress. balakkāra : [m.] violence; application of force. balattha : [m.] a soldier; member of an army. || balaṭṭha (m.) a soldier; member of an army. balada : [adj.] strength-giving; bestowal of power. baladāna : [nt.] bestowal of power. balappatta : [adj.] come into power; grown strong. balamattā : [f.] a little strength. balavantu : [adj.] powerful. balavāhana : [nt.] the soldiers and vehicles. balākayoni : [f.] a species of crane. balākā : [f.] a brown crane. || bālaka (m.) a child. bali : [m.] religious offering; revenue; tax. || balī (adj.) powerful; strong. balikamma : an oblation. balikā : [f.] a girl. balipaṭiggāhaka : [adj.] receiving oblations or revenues. balipuṭṭha : [m.] a crow. balivadda : [m.] an ox. baliharaṇa : [nt.] collecting of taxes. bavhābādha : [adj.] full of sickness. bahala : [adj.] thick; dense. bahalatta : [nt.] thickness. bahi : [ind.] outer; external; outside. bahigata : [adj.] gone outside. bahijana : [m.] outside people. bahiddhā : [ind.] outside; outer. bahinagara : [nt.] the outer city or outside the city. bahinikkhamana : [nt.] going out. bahu : [adj.] much; many; plenty; abundant. (plu.) many persons. || bāhu (m.) the arm. bahualīkamma : [nt.] continuous practice; zealous exercise. bahuka : [adj.] many. bahukaraṇīya : [adj.] having much to do; busy. bahukāra : [adj.] of great service; very useful. bahukicca : [adj.] having much to do; busy. bahukkhattuṃ : [adv.] many times. bahujana : [m.] a mass of people. bahujāgara : [adj.] very wakeful. bahutara : [adj.] much; more. bahutta : [nt.] manifoldness; multiplicity. bahudhana : [adj.] with many riches. bahudhā : [adv.] in many ways. bahuppada : [adj.] many-footed; giving much. bahubbīhi : the Relative Compound. bahubhaṇda : [adj.] having an abundance of goods. bahubhāṇī : [adj.] one who speaks much. bahubhāva : [m.] abundance. bahumata : [adj.] much esteemed; accepted by many. bahumāna : [m.] respect; esteem; veneration. bahumānana : [nt.] respect; esteem; veneration. bahumānita : [adj.] much esteemed. bahula : [adj.] abundant; frequent. bahulaṃ : [adv.] mostly; frequently. bahulatā : [f.] abundance. bahulatta : [nt.] abundance. bahulīkata : [pp. of bahulīkaroti] took up seriously; increased. (adj.), practised frequently. bahulīkamma : [nt.] continuous practice; zealous exercise. bahulīkaraṇa : [nt.] continuous practice; zealous exercise. bahulīkari : [aor. of bahulīkaroti] took up seriously; increased. bahulīkaroti : [bahula + ī + kar + o] takes up seriously; increases. bahulīkāra : [m.] continuous practice; zealous exercise. bahullya : [nt.] abundance; luxurious living. bahuvacana : [nt.] the plural number. bahuvidha : [adj.] manifold; multiform. bahuso : [adv.] mostly; frequently; repeatedly. bahussuta : [adj.] very learned. bahūpakāra : [adj.] very helpful. bāṇa : [m.] an arrow. bāṇadhi : [m.] a quiver. bādhaka : [adj.] preventing; harassing; obstructing. bādhakatta : [nt.] the fact of being obstructive. bādhati : [bādh + a] hinders; obstructs; afflicts; ensnares. bādhana : [nt.] hindrance; affliction; snaring; catching. bādhā : [f.] hindrance; prevention. bādhi : [aor. of bādhati] hindered; obstructed; afflicted; ensnared. bādhita : [pp. of bādhati] hindered; obstructed; afflicted; ensnared. (pp. of bādheti), oppressed; afflicted; harassed; ensnared; prevented. bādhitvā : [abs. of bādhati] having hindered; having obstructed; having afflicted; having ensnared. bādheti : [badh + e] oppresses; afflicts; harasses; ensnares; prevents. bādhetvā : [abs. of bādheti] having harrassed; having ensnared. bādhenta : [pr.p. of bādheti] oppressing; afflicting. bādhesi : [aor. of bādheti] oppressed; afflicted; harassed; ensnared; prevented. bārasa : [adj.] twelve. bārāṇasī : [f.] the city of Benares. bārāṇasīṇaseyyaka : [adj.] made in or coming from Benares. bālatā : [f.] foolishness. bālisika : [m.] a fisherman. bālya : [nt.] childhood; folly. bāḷha : [adj.] strong; much; excessive. bāḷhaṃ : [adv.] strongly; excessively; very much. bāvīsati : [f.] twenty-two. bāhā : [f.] the arm; a post; a handle. bāhābala : [nt.] power of the arm, i.e. manual labour. bāhita : [pp. of bāheti] kept away; warded off; removed. bāhira : [adj.] external; outer; foreign. (nt.), outside. bāhiraka : [adj.] of another faith; outsider. bāhirakapabbajjā : [f.] the ascetic life other than that of Buddhist monks. bāhiratta : [nt.] eternality. bāhujañña : [adj.] belonging to the public. bāhulika : [adj.] living in abundance. bāhulla : [nt.] abundance; luxurious living. bāhullaya : [nt.] abundance; luxurious living. bāhusacca : [nt.] great learning. bāheti : [vah + e] keeps away; wards off; removes. bāhetvā : [abs. of bāheti] having kept away; having warded off; having removed. bāhesi : [aor. of bāheti] kept away; warded off; removed. bidala : [nt.] a split pea or bamboo; a lath. bindu : [nt.] a drop; a dot; a trifle. bindumatta : [adj.] as much as a drop. bindumattaṃ : [adv.] only a drop. bimba : [nt.] an image; figure; the disk (of the sun or moon). || bimbā (f.) name of the Prince Siddharth's wife. bimbikā : [f.] the creeper brayonia grandis, which produces red oval fruits. bimbī : [f.] the creeper brayonia grandis, which produces red oval fruits. bila : [nt.] a den; a hole; a portion. bilaṅga : [m.] vinegar. bilaṅgathālikā : [f.] a kind of torture. bilaso : [adv.] in portions or heaps. billa : [m.] the marmelos tree. biḷāra : [m.] a cat. biḷārabhastā : [f.] the bellows. biḷālī : [f.] a she cat; a kind of bulbous plant. bīja : [nt.] seed; germ; generating element. bījakosa : [m.] the capsule or seed vessel of flowers; the scrotum. bījagāma : [m.] seed-kingdom. bījajāta : [nt.] species of seed. bījabīja : [nt.] plants propagated by seeds. bībhacca : [adj.] awful; horrible. bīraṇa : [nt.] the grass andropogon muricatus, which produces fragrant roots. bīraṇatthambha : [m.] a bush of the above said grass. bujjhati : [budh + ya] knows; understands; perceives; is awake. bujjhana : [nt.] awakening; attaining knowledge. bujjhanaka : [adj.] intelligent; prudent. bujjhanta : [pr.p. of bujjhati] knowing; understanding. bujjhamāna : [pr.p. of bhujjhati] perceiving. bujjhi : [aor. of bujjhati] knew; understood; perceived. bujjhitu : [m.] one who awakes or becomes enlightened. bujjhitvā : [abs. of bujjhati] having known; having understood; having perceived. buḍḍhatara : [adj.] older. buddha : [pp. of bujjhati] known; understood; perceived. (m.), one who has attained enlightenment; the Enlightened One. || buḍḍha (adj.) aged; old. buddhañāṇa : [nt.] the boundless knowledge. buddhakārakadhamma : [m.] the practices bringing about Buddhahood. buddhakāla : [m.] the time when a Buddha appears. buddhakolāhala : [m.] the announcement about coming of a Buddha. buddhakkhetta : [nt.] the sphere where a Buddha's power exists. buddhaguṇa : [m.] virtues of a Buddha. buddhaṅkura : [m.] one who is destined to be a Buddha. buddhacakkhu : [nt.] the faculty of complete intuition. buddhatta : [nt.] the state of a Buddha. buddhantara : [nt.] the interval between the appearance of one Buddha and next. buddhaputta : [m.] a disciple of a Buddha. buddhabala : [nt.] the force of a Buddha. buddhabhāva : [m.] the Buddhahood. buddhabhūta : [pp.] become enlightened. buddhabhūmi : [f.] the ground of Buddhahood. buddhamāmaka : [adj.] devoted or attached to the Buddha. buddharaṃsi : [f.] rays from the person of the Buddha. buddharasmi : [f.] rays from the person of the Buddha. buddhalīḷhā : [f.] grace of a Buddha. buddhavacana : [nt.] the teaching of the Buddha. buddhavisaya : [m.] the scope of a Buddha. buddhaveneyya : [adj.] to be converted by a Buddha. buddhasāsana : [nt.] the teaching of the Buddha. buddhānubhāva : [m.] the majestic power of the Buddha. buddhānussati : [(buddha + anussati), f.] mindfulness upon the Buddha's virtues. buddhārammaṇa : [adj.] having its foundation in the Buddha. buddhālambana : [adj.] having its foundation in the Buddha. buddhi : [f.] a wisdom; intelligence. buddhimantu : [adj.] wise; intelligent. buddhisampanna : [adj.] wise; intelligent. buddhopaṭṭhāka : [(buddha + upaṭṭhāka) adj.] attending the Buddha. buddhoppāda : [(buddha + uppāda) m.] the age in which a Buddha is born. budha : [m.] a wise man; the planet mercury. budhavāra : [m.] Wednesday. bubbula : [nt.] a bubble. bubbulaka : [nt.] a bubble. bubhukkhati : [bhuj + kha; bhu is doubled, the first bh is changed to b and j to k] wishes to eat. bubhukkhi : [aor. of bubhukkhati] wished to eat. bubhukkhita : [pp. of bubhukkhati] wished to eat. beluva : [m.] the tree Aegle Marmelos. beluvapakka : [nt.] a ripe fruit of Marmelos. beluvalaṭṭhi : [f.] a young Marmelos tree. beluvasalāṭuka : [nt.] unripe fruit of Marmelos. bojjhaṅga : [nt.] a factor of knowledge or wisdom. bodha : [m.] enlightenment; knowledge. bodhana : [nt.] enlightenment; knowledge. bodhanīya : [adj.] capable of being enlightened. bodhaneyya : [adj.] capable of being enlightened. bodhi : [f.] supreme knowledge; the tree of wisdom. bodhiṅgaṇa : [(bodhi + aṅgaṇa) nt.] the courtyard in which a Bo-tree stands. bodhita : [pp. of bodheti] awakened; enlightened. bodhipakkhika : [adj.] belonging to enlightenment. bodhipakkhiya : [adj.] belonging to enlightenment. bodhipādapa : [m.] the Bo-tree; the Ficus Religiosia. bodhipūjā : [f.] offerings to a Bo-tree. bodhimaṇḍa : [m.] the ground under the Bo-tree, where the Buddha sat at the time of His enlightenment. bodhimaha : [m.] offerings to a Bo-tree. bodhimūla : [nt.] the foot of the Bo-tree. bodhirukkha : [m.] the Bo-tree; the Ficus Religiosia. bodheti : [budh + e] awakens; enlightens. bodhetu : [m.] one who awakens or enlightens. bodhetvā : [abs. of bodheti] having awakened; having enlightened. bodhenta : [pr.p. of bodheti] awakening. bodhesi : [aor. of bodheti] awakened; enlightened. bondi : [m.] the body. byañjana : [nt.] a syllable; a consonant; a sign or mark; curry. byaggha : [m.] a tiger. byāpāda : [m.] malevolence. byāma : [m.] a fathom. byāmappabhā : [f.] the halo extending around the Buddha. byūha : [m.] an array of troops; a mass or collection. bravitu : [v.] let him say. brahanta : [adj.] vast; lofty; gigantic; immense. (in cpds. it takes the form brahā, just like mahā from mahanta). brahma : [m.] the Brahma; the Creator. brahmañña : [nt.] brahmanhood; pure life. brahmaññatā : [f.] brahmanhood; pure life. brahmakāyika : [adj.] belonging to the company of Brahmas. brahmaghosa : [adj.] having a sound similar to that of Brahma. brahmacariyā : [f.] religious life; complete chastity. brahmacārī : leading a chaste life. brahmajacca : [adj.] belonging to the brahman caste. brahmaṇakaññā : [f.; adj.] Brahman maiden. brahmadaṇḍa : [m.] a (kind of) punishment by stopping all conversation and communication with one. brahmadeyya : [nt.] a royal gift. brahmappatta : [adj.] arrived at the highest state. brahmabandhu : [m.] a relative of the brahma, i.e. a brahman. brahmabhūta : [adj.] most excellent. brahmaloka : [m.] the brahma world. brahmalokūpaga : [adj.] taking birth in the Brahma-world. brahmavimāna : [nt.] mansion of a brahma god. brahmavihāra : [m.] divine state of mind; a name collectively given to mettā, karuṇā, muditā, and upekkhā. brāhmaṇa : [m.] a man of the Brahman caste. brāhmaṇavācanaka : [nt.] recitation of Vedas by brahmans. brāhmaṇavāṭaka : [m.] a place where brahmans assemble. bruvanta : [pr.p. of brūti] saying; speaking. bruvitvā : [abs. of brūti] having sayed; having spoken. brūti : [brū + e] says; speaks. brūhana : [nt.] development; increment. brūhita : [pp. of brūheti] increased; developed. brūheti : [bruk + e] increases; develops. brūhetu : [m.] one who increase. brūhetvā : [abs. of brūheti] having increased; having developed. brūhenta : [pr.p. of brūheti] increasing; developing. brūhesi : [aor. of brūheti] increased; developed. bh bhakkha : [adj.] fit to be eaten; eatable. (nt.), food; prey. (in cpds.), feeding on. bhakkhaka : [m.] one who eats. bhakkhati : [bhakkh + a] eats; feeds upon. bhakkhana : [nt.] eating. bhakkhi : [aor. of bhakkhati] ate; fed upon. bhakkhita : [pp. of bhakkhati] eaten; fed upon. bhakkheti : [bhakkh + e] see bhakkhati. bhakhituṃ : [inf. of bhakkhati] to eat; to feed upon. bhaga : [nt.] luck; fortune; the female organ. || bhāga (m.) a portion; part; share; faction. bhagandalā : [f.] the fistula. bhagavantu : [adj.] fortunate. (m.), the Buddha. || bhāgavantu (adj.) sharing in; partaking of. bhaginī : [f.] sister. bhagga : [pp. of bhañjati] broken; destroyed. bhaṅga : [m.] breaking up; dissolution. (nt.), the humped cloth. bhaṅgakkhaṇa : [m.] the moment of dissolution. bhaṅgānupassanā : [f.] insight into disruption. bhacca : [m.] a servant; a dependant. (adj.), to be nourished or brought up. bhajati : [bhaj + a] associates with; keeps company. bhajana : [nt.] association with. || bhājana (nt.) association with. bhajamāna : [pr.p. of bhajati] associating with; keeping company. bhaji : [aor. of bhajati] associated with; kept company. bhajita : [pp. of bhajati] associated with; kept company. || bhājita (pp. of bhājeti) divided; distributed. bhajitabba : [pt.p. of bhajati] should be associated. bhajitvā : [abs. of bhajati] having associated with; having kept company. bhajjati : [bhaj + a] roasts; toasts. bhajjamāna : [pr.p. of bhajjati] roasting; toasting. bhajji : [aor. of bhajjati] roasted; toasted. bhajjita : [pp. of bhajjati] roasted; toasted. bhajjitvā : [abs. of bhajjati] having roasted; having toasted. bhajjīyati : [pass. of bhajjati] is roasted. bhañjaka : [adj.] one who breaks or spoils. bhañjati : [bhañj + a] breaks; destroys. bhañjana : [nt.] breakage; destruction. bhañjanaka : [adj.] breaking; destroying. bhañjanta : [pr.p. of bhañjati] breaking; destroying. bhañjamāna : [pr.p. of bhañjati] breaking; destroying. bhañji : [aor. of bhañjati] broke; destroyed. bhañjita : [pp. of bhañjati] broken; destroyed. bhañjitvā : [abs. of bhañjati] having broken; having destroyed. bhaṭasenā : an infantry. bhaṭṭha : [pp. of bhassati] fallen down; dropped. (pp. of bhajjati), roasted; fallen down; dropped. bhaṇata : [pp. of bhaṇati] spoke; told; preached. bhaṇati : [bhaṇ + a] speaks; tells; preaches. bhaṇanta : [pr.p. of bhaṇati] speaking; telling; preaching. bhaṇi : [aor. of bhaṇati] spoke; told; preached. || bhāṇī (adj.), speaking; reciting. bhaṇita : [pp. of bhaṇati] spoken; told; preached. (nt.) that which was spoken. bhaṇitabba : [pt.p. of bhaṇati] shoud be spoken; should be told. bhaṇituṃ : [inf. of bhaṇati] to speak; to tell; to preach. bhaṇitvā : [abs. of bhaṇati] having spoken; having told. bhaṇe : [ind.] a term often used for addressing inferiors. bhaṇḍa : [nt.] good; wares; implements; articles. bhaṇḍaka : [nt.] good; wares; implements; articles. bhaṇḍati : [bhaṇḍ + a] quarrels. bhaṇḍana : [nt.] a quarrel; a dispute. bhaṇḍāgāra : [nt.] a storehouse or treasury. bhaṇḍāgārika : [m.] a store keeper or treasurer. bhaṇḍi : [aor. of bhaṇḍati] quarrelled. bhaṇḍikā : [f.] a bundle or parcel. bhaṇḍu : [m.] a person who is shaven. bhaṇḍukamma : [nt.] shaving. bhaṇḍeti : [bhaṇḍ + e] quarrel. bhaṇḍetvā : [abs. of bhaṇḍeti] having quarrelled. bhaṇḍesi : [aor. of bhaṇḍeti] quarrelled. bhata : [pp. of bharati] brought up; maintained; reared; born; supported. (m.), a servant. || bhaṭa (m.) a soldier; a constable; a hireling. bhataka : [m.] a hired servant. bhati : [f.] wages; fee. || bhāti (bhā + a), shines. bhatta : [nt.] boiled rice; food; meal. bhattakāraka : [m.] a cook. bhattakicca : [nt.] taking of meals. bhattakilamatha : [m.] drowsiness after a meal. bhattagāma : [m.] a village giving tribute or service. bhattagga : [nt.] a refectory. bhattapuṭa : [nt.] a parcel of food. bhattavissagga : [m.] serving a meal. bhatta-vissagga-karaṇatthāya : for taking meals. bhattavetana : [nt.] food and fees. bhattavelā : [f.] mealtime. bhattasammada : [m.] drowsiness after a meal. bhatti : [f.] devotion; belief; attachment. bhattika : [adj.] devoted; believing in. bhattimantu : [adj.] devoted; believing in. bhattu : [m.] a husband; one who support or brings up. bhadanta : [adj.] venerable; reverend. (m.) a venerable person. bhadda : [adj.] august; auspicious; lucky; good. || bhaddā (f.) a well-behaved woman. bhaddaka : [nt.] a lucky or good thing. (adj.), of good quality; lucky. bhaddakaccānā : [f.] another name for Rāhula's mother, Yasodharā. bhaddakumbha : [m.] a full pitcher, (accepted as auspicious). bhaddaghaṭa : [m.] a vessel used in drawing lots in a lottery. bhaddanta : [adj.] venerable; reverend. (m.; adj.), venerable person. bhaddapadā : [f.] name of a constellation. bhaddapīṭha : [nt.] a rattan chair. bhaddamukha : [adj.] having a hand-some face; complementary address. bhaddayuga : [nt.] the best pair. bhaddāru : [m.] a sort of pine, the deodar tree. bhaddikā : [f.] a well-behaved woman. bhadra : [adj.] august; auspicious; lucky; good. bhanta : [pp. of bhamati] swaying; swerving; revolved; whirled about; roamed. bhantatta : [nt.] confusion; turmoil. bhante : [voc. of bhadanta] Reverend Sir; O lord. bhabba : [adj.] able; capable; fit for. bhabbatā : [f.] ability; fitness. bhama : [m.] a revolving thing; a whirl pool; swerving. bhamakāra : [m.] a turner. bhamati : [bham + a] revolves; whirls about; roams. bhamanta : [pr.p. of bhamati] revolving; whirling about; roaming. bhamara : [m.] a wasp. bhamarikā : [f.] a humming top. bhami : [aor. of bhamati] revolved; whirled about; roamed. bhamitvā : [abs. of bhamati] having revolved; having whirled about; having roamed. bhamu : [f.] the eyebrow. bhamukā : [f.] the eyebrow. bhaya : [nt.] fear; fright. bhayaṅkara : [adj.] dreadful; horrible. bhayadassāvī : [adj.] realising the danger. bhayadassī : [adj.] realising the danger. bhaya-bherava : [adj.] appalling and terrible. bhayānaka : [adj.] frightful; horrible. bhayāvaha : [adj.] frightful; horrible. bhara : [adj.] (in cpds.),supporting. mātāpettibhara = one who supports his parents. || bhāra (m.) a weight; load; burden; charge; task; an affair. bharaṇa : [nt.] maintenance; bearing. bharati : [bhar + a] bears; supports; maintains. bhari : [aor. of bharati] bear; supports; maintains. bharita : [pp. of bharita] filled with; full of; maintained. bharitvā : [abs. of bharati] having born; having supported. bhariyā : [f.] the wife. || bhāriya (adj.) weighty; grave; serious. bhallātaka : [m.] the marking-nut tree. bhava : [m.] the state of existence. || bhāva (m.) condition; nature; becoming. bhavagga : [m.] the highest point of existence or of the universe. bhavaṅga : [nt.] the sub- consciousness. bhavacakka : [nt.] the wheel of rebirth. bhavataṇhā : [f.] craving for rebirth. bhavati : [bhu + a] becomes; to be; exists. bhavana : [nt.] becoming; a dwelling place. || bhāvanā (f.) increase; development by means of thought; meditation. bhavanetti : [f.] craving for rebirth. bhavanta : [pr.p. of bhavati] becoming; existing. (adj.), prosperous; a polite word often used in the place of "you". bhavantaga : [adj.] gone to the end of existence. bhavantagū : [adj.] gone to the end of existence. bhavantara : [nt.] another existence. bhavamāna : [pr.p. of bhavati] becoming; existing. bhavasaṃyojana : [nt.] fetter of rebirth. bhavābhava : [m.] this or that life. bhavi : [aor. of bhavati] became; existed. || bhāvī (adj.) going to be; inevitable. bhavitabba : [pt.p. of bhavati] should be existed. bhavituṃ : [inf. of bhavati] to become; to exist. bhavitvā : [abs. of bhavati] having existed. bhavesanā : [f.] longing for rebirth. bhavogha : [m.] the flood of rebirth. bhastā : [f.] the bellows; a leather bag. bhasma : [nt.] ashes. bhasmacchanna : [adj.] covered with ashes. bhassa : [nt.] useless talk. bhassati : [bhas + ya] falls down; drops; descends. bhassanta : [pr.p. of bhassati] falling down. bhassamāna : [pr.p. of bhassati] falling down. bhassara : [adj.] bright; shining; resplendent. bhassārāmatā : [f.] attachment to useless talk. bhassi : [aor. of bhassati] fell down; dropped. bhassitvā : [abs. of bhassati] having fell dow. bhā : [f.] the light; splendour. bhākuṭika : [adj.] knitting the brows; frowning. bhāgadheya : [nt.] fortune; fate. bhāgadheyya : [nt.] fortune; fate. bhāgaso : [adv.] in parts; by portions. bhāgineyya : [m.] sister's son; nephew. || bhāgineyyā (f.) sister's daughter; niece. bhāgiya : [adj.] (in cpds.) connected with; conducive to. bhāgī : [adj.] sharing in; partaking of. (m.) sharer; share-holder. bhāgīrathī : [f.] the ganges. bhāgya : [nt.] good luck; fortune. bhājaka : [m.] one who divides or distribution. bhājanavikati : [f.] various kinds of dishes or vessels. bhājīyati : [pass. of bhājeti] is divided or distributed. bhājetabba : [pt.p. of bhājeti] should be divided; should be distributed. bhājeti : [bhāj + e] divides; distributes. bhājetu : [m.] one who divides or distribution. bhājetvā : [abs. of bhājeti] having divided; having distributed. bhājenta : [pr.p. of bhājeti] dividing; distributing. bhājesi : [aor. of bhājeti] divided; distributed. bhāṇaka : [m.] 1. a reciter of the Scriptures. 2. a big jar. bhāṇavāra : [m.] a section of the scriptures, containing 8,000 letters. bhātika : [m.] a brother. bhātu : [m.] a brother. bhānu : [m.] 1. light; 2. the sun. bhānumantu : [adj.] luminous; (m.), the sun. bhāyati : [bhi + a] is afraid; fears. bhāyanta : [pr.p. of bhāyati] fearing. bhāyāpita : [pp. of bhāyāpeti] cuased to frighten. bhāyāpeti : [caus. of bhāyati] causes to frighten. bhāyāpetvā : [abs. of bhāyāpeti] having caused to frighte. bhāyāpesi : [aor. of bhāyāpeti] caused to frighten. bhāyi : [aor. of bhāyati] feared. bhāyitabba : [pt.p. of bhāyati] should be afraid. bhāyitvā : [abs. of bhāyati] having feared. bhāranikkhepana : [nt.] the laying down of a burden or charge. bhāramocana : [nt.] deliverance of a burden. bhāravāhī : [m.] bearing the burden; one who carries an office. bhārahāra : [m.] burden-bearer; load-carrier. bhārika : [adj.] loaded; heavy; full of. bhāvanānuyoga : [m.] application to meditation. bhāvanāmaya : [adj.] accomplished by meditation. bhāvanāvidhāna : [nt.] arrangement or process of meditation. bhāvanīya : [adj.] to be cultivated; to be respected. bhāvayamāna : [pr.p. of bhāveti] increasing; cultivating; developing. bhāvita : [pp. of bhāveti] increased; cultivated; developed. bhāvitatta : [adj.] well-trained; self-composed. bhāvetabba : [pt.p. of bhāveti] should be cultivated. bhāveti : [bhū+ e] increases; cultivates; develops. bhāvetuṃ : [inf. of bhāveti] to increase; to cultivate; to develop. bhāvetvā : [abs. of bhāveti] having increased; having cultivated; having developed. bhāventa : [pr.p. of bhāveti] increasing; cultivating; developing. bhāvesi : [aor. of bhāveti] increased; cultivated; developed. bhāsati : [bhās + a] says; speaks; shines. bhāsana : [nt.] speech; saying; talk. bhāsanta : [pr.p. of bhāsati] saying; speaking; shining. bhāsantara : [nt.] different language. bhāsā : [f.] language; dialect. bhāsi : [aor. of bhāti] shone. (aor. of bhāsati), said; spoke; shone. || bhāsī (m.) one who says or speaks. bhāsita : [pp. of bhāsati] said; spoken; shone. (nt.), saying. bhāsitabba : [pt.p of bhāsati] should be said; should be spoken; should be shone bhāsitu : [m.] one who says or speaks. bhāsitvā : [abs. of bhāsati] having said; having spoken; having shone. bhāsura : [adj.] bright; shining. bhiṃsana : [adj.] horrible; dreadful; awe-inspiring. bhiṃsanaka : [adj.] horrible; dreadful; awe-inspiring. bhikkhaka : [m.] a beggar; mendicant. bhikkhati : [bhikkh + a] begs alms; asks for. bhikkhana : [nt.] begging. bhikkhanta : [pr.p. of bhikkhati] begging alms; asking for. bhikkhamāna : [pr.p. of bhikkhati] begging alms; asking for. bhikkhā : [f.] alms; food. bhikkhācariyā : [f.] going about for alms. bhikkhācāra : [m.] going about for alms. bhikkhāhāra : [(bhikkhā + āhāra), m.] food received by a mendicant. bhikkhi : [aor. of bhikkhati] begged alms; asked for. bhikkhitvā : [abs. of bhikkhati] having begged alms; having asked for. bhikkhu : [m.] a Buddhist monk. bhikkhuṇī : [f.] a Buddhist nun. bhikkhubhāva : [m.] monkshood. bhikkhusaṅgha : [m.] congregation of monks. bhiṅka : [m.] a young elephant. bhiṅkāra : [m.] a water-jug. bhiṅsana : [adj.] horrible; dreadful; awe-inspiring. bhiṅsanaka : [adj.] horrible; dreadful; awe-inspiring. bhijjati : [bhid + ya] is broken or destroyed. bhijjadhamma : [adj.] brittle; falling into ruin. bhijjana : [nt.] breaking itself. bhijjanadhamma : [adj.] brittle; falling into ruin. bhijjamāna : [pr.p. of bhijjati] breaking; destroying. bhijji : [aor. of bhijjati] broke; destroyed. bhijjitvā : [abs. of bhijjati] having broken; having destroyed. bhitti : [f.] a wall. bhittipāda : [m.] the foot or foundation of a wall. bhindati : [bhid + ṃ - a] breaks; splits; severs. bhindana : [nt.] breaking up. bhindanta : [pr.p. of bhindati] breaking; splitting; severing. bhindi : [aor. of bhindati] broke; split; severed. bhindita : [pp. of bhindati] broken; split; severed. bhindituṃ : [inf. of bhindati] to break; to split; to sever. bhinditvā : [abs. of bhindati] having broken; having split; having severed. bhinna : [pp. of bhindati] broken; split; severed. (pp. of bhijjati), broken; destroyed. bhinnatta : [nt.] state of being broken; diversity. bhinnapaṭa : [nt.] a torn clothe. bhinnabhāva : [m.] state of being broken; diversity. bhinnamariyāda : [adj.] gone beyond the limits. bhinnasīla : [adj.] one who has broken some precepts. bhinnāva : [adj.] shipwrecked. bhiyyo : [ind.] exceedingly; more; in a higher degree; repeatedly. bhiyyoso : [ind.] exceedingly; more; in a higher degree; repeatedly. bhiyyoso mattāya : exceedingly; more than one's ability. bhisa : [nt.] the root of lotus plant. bhisakka : [m.] a physician. bhisapuppha : [nt.] lotus flower. bhisamuḷāla : [nt.] lotus bulb and roots. bhisi : [f.] cushion; a pad; a bolster. bhīta : [pp. of bhāyati] frightened. bhīti : [f.] fear. bhīma : [adj.] dreadful; horrible. bhīyoso mattāya : [ind.] still more. bhīru : [adj.] timid; fearful; cowardly. bhīruka : [adj.] timid; fearful; cowardly. bhīruttāna : [nt.] refuge for the fearful. bhīsana : [adj.] dreadful; horrible. bhuñjitvā : [abs. of bhuñjati] having eaten; having enjoyed. bhuñjiya : [abs. of bhuñjati] having eaten; having enjoyed. bhukkaraṇa : [nt.] barking (of a dog). bhukkāra : [m.] barking (of a dog). bhuṅkata : [pp. of bhuṅkaroti] barked. bhuṅkatvā : [abs. of bhuṅkaroti] having barked. bhuṅkaraṇa : [nt.] barking. bhuṅkari : [aor. of bhuṅkaroti] barked. bhuṅkaritvā : [abs. of bhuṅkaroti] having barked. bhuṅkaroti : [bhuṅ + kar + o] barks. bhuṅkaronta : [pr.p. of bhuṅkaroti] barking. bhuṅkāra : [m.] barking (of a dog). bhuja : [m.] the hand. (adj.), crooked; bending. bhujaga : [m.] a snake. bhujaṅga : [m.] a snake. bhujaṅgama : [m.] a snake. bhujapatta : [m.] the Bhurja tree, a kind of willow. bhujissa : [m.] a freeman. bhuñjaka : [m.] one who eats or enjoys. bhuñjati : [bhuj + ṃ-a] eats; enjoys. bhuñjana : [nt.] eating. bhuñjanakāla : [m.] meal-time. bhuñjanta : [pr.p. of bhuñjati] eating; enjoying. bhuñjamāna : [pr.p. of bhuñjati] eating; enjoying. bhuñji : [aor. of bhuñjati] ate; enjoyed. bhuñjitabba : [pt.p. of bhuñjati] eating; enjoying. bhuñjitu : [m.] one who eats or enjoys. bhuñjituṃ : [inf. of bhuñjati] to eat; to enjoy. bhutta : [pp. of bhuñjati] eaten; enjoyed. bhuttāvī : [adj.] one who has eaten; enjoyed. bhutvā : [abs. of bhuñjati] having eaten; having enjoyed. || bhūtvā (abs. of bhavati), having existed. bhumma : [adj.] terrestrial. (in cpds.), having stages or stories. bhummaṭṭha : [adj.] situated on the earth. bhummattharaṇa : [nt.] a ground covering; carpet. bhummantara : [nt.] different stages or planes. bhusa : [nt.] chaff; husks (of corn). (adj.), much; abundant. || bhūsā (f.) an ornament; decoration. bhusaṃ : [adv.] exceedingly; frequently. bhussati : [bhus + ya] barks. bhussanta : [pr.p. of bhussati] barking. bhussamāna : [pr.p. of bhussati] barking. bhussi : [aor. of bhussati] barked. bhussitvā : [abs. of bhussati] having barked. bhū : [f.] the earth. bhūta : [pp. of bhavati] become; existed. bhūtakāya : [m.] the body, which is produced by elements. bhūtakāla : [m.] time to reveal one's true nature. bhūtagāma : [m.] vegetation. bhūtagāha : [m.] possession by a demon. bhūtatta : [nt.] the fact of having become. bhūtapati : [m.] lord of demons. bhūtapubbaṃ : [adv.] formerly. bhūtavādī : [adj.] truthful. bhūtavijjā : [f.] exorcism. bhūtavejja : [m.] an exorcist. bhūtika : [adj.] composed of elements. bhūma : [adj.] (in cpds.), having floors or stories. bhūmaka : [adj.] (in cpds.), having floors or stories. bhūmi : [f.] ground; earth; region; stage; plane. bhūmikampā : [f.] an earthquake. bhūmigata : [adj.] situated on the ground or stored away in the ground. bhūmitala : [nt.] ground surface. bhūmippadesa : [m.] a piece of land. bhūmibhāga : [m.] a piece of land. bhūmisenāpati : [m.] lord of country and army. bhūri : [f.] wisdom. (adj.), extensive; abundant. bhūripañña : [adj.] of extensive wisdom. bhūrimedha : [adj.] of extensive wisdom. bhūsana : [nt.] an ornament; decoration. bhūsāpita : [pp. of bhūsāpeti] caused to adorn or decorate. bhūsāpeti : [caus. of bhūseti] causes to adorn or decorate. bhūsāpetvā : [abs. of bhūsāpeti] having caused to adorn or decorate. bhūsāpesi : [aor. of bhūsāpeti] caused to adorn or decorate. bhūsita : [pp. of bhūseti] adorned; decorated; beautified. bhūseti : [bhūs + e] adorns; decorates; beautifies. bhūsetvā : [abs. of bhūseti] having adorned; having decorated; having beautified. bhūsenta : [pr.p. of bhūseti] adorning; decorating; beautifying. bhūsesi : [aor. of bhūseti] adorned; decorated; beautified. bheka : [m.] a frog. bhejja : [adj.] brittle; breakable. (nt.), breaking or cutting off. bheṇḍivāla : [m.] a kind of missile. bheṇḍu : [m.] a ball for playing; a ball-shaped top or cupola. bheṇḍuka : [m.] a ball for playing; a ball-shaped top or cupola. bhettu : [m.] one who breaks. bheda : [m.] breach; disunion; dissension. bhedaka : [adj.] one who breaks or causes disunion. bhedakara : [adj.] bringing division or disunion. bhedana : [nt.] breach; division; disunion. bhedanaka : [adj.] fit to be broken. bhedanadhamma : [adj.] perishable. bhedita : [pp. of bhedeti] caused to break, divide or disunite. bhedeti : [bhid + e] causes to break, divide or disunite. bhedetvā : [abs. of bhedeti] having caused to break, divide or disunite. bhedesi : [aor. of bhedeti] caused to break, divide or disunite. bheraṇḍa : [m.] a jackal. bheraṇḍaka : [nt.] the cry of a jackal. bherava : [adj.] frightful. bheri : [f.] a drum. bhericāraṇa : [nt.] proclamation through sounding a drum. bheritala : [nt.] the surface of a drum. bherivādaka : [m.] a drummer. bherivādana : [nt.] sounding of a drum. bherisadda : [m.] sound of a drum. bhesajja : [nt.] medicine. bhesajjakapāla : [nt.] medicine bowl. bhesajjamattā : [f.] a dose of medicine. bho : [ind.] (a familiar term of address), my dear; friend. bhoga : [m.] possession; wealth; enjoyment; the coil of a snake. bhogakkhandha : [m.] a mass of wealth. bhogamada : [m.] pride of wealth. bhogavantu : [adj.] wealthy. bhogahetu : [adv.] on account of wealth. bhogāma : [m.] a tributary village. bhogī : [m.] snake; a wealthy man. (adj.), (in cpds.), enjoying; partaking in. bhogga : [adj.] fit to be enjoyed or possessed. bhojaka : [m.] one who feeds; a collector of revenues. bhojana : [nt.] food; meal. bhojaniya : [adj.] fit to be eaten. (nt.), soft food. bhojayamāna : [pr.p. of bhojeti] feeding. bhojāpita : [pp. of bhojāpeti] fed or served at meal. bhojāpeti : [bhuj + āpe] feeds or serves at meal. bhojāpetvā : [abs. of bhojāpeti] having fed or served at meal. bhojāpesi : [aor. of bhojāpeti] feed or served at meal. bhojita : [pp. of bhojeti] fed. bhojī : [adj.] feeding on. bhojeti : [bhuj + e] feeds. bhojetuṃ : [inf. of bhojeti] to feed. bhojetvā : [abs. of bhojeti] having fed. bhojenta : [pr.p. of bhojeti] feeding. bhojesi : [aor. of bhojeti] fed. bhojja : [nt.] an edible thing. (adj.), fit to be eaten. bhoti : [voc. sing.] Dear Madam. bhottabba : see bhojja. bhottuṃ : [inf. of bhuñjati] to eat; to enjoy. bhovādī : [m.] a Brahman. -ooOoo-
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