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- L - lakāra : [m.] a sail. lakuṇṭaka : [adj.] dwarf. lakkha : [nt.] a mark; a target; a stake at gambling; a mark in casting up accounts; a hundred thousand. lakkhaṇa : [nt.] a sign; mark; characteristic; a prognosticative mark; a quality. lakkhaṇapāṭhaka : [m.] an expert in interpreting signs. lakkhaṇasampatti : [f.] excellency of marks. lakkhaṇasampanna : [adj.] endowed with auspicious signs. lakkhika : [adj.] fortunate. lakkhita : [pp. of lakkheti] marked; distinguished; characterised. lakkhī : [f.] good luck; prosperity; the deity of wealth. lakkheti : [lakkh + e] marks; distinguishes; characterises. lakkhetvā : [abs. of lakkheti] having marked; having distinguished; having characterised. lakkhesi : [aor. of lakkheti] marked; distinguished; characterised. laguḷa : [m.] a cudgel. lagga : [adj.] stuck; attached to. laggati : [lag + a] sticks; attaches; adheres to; hangs from. laggana : [nt.] sticking; attachment; hanging from. laggi : [aor. of laggati] stuck; attached; adhered to; hung from. laggita : [pp. of laggati] stuck; attached; adhered to; hung from. (pp. of laggeti), hung on; stuck to. laggeti : [lug + e] hangs on; sticks to. laggetvā : [abs. of laggeti] having hung on; having stuck to. laggesi : [aor. of laggeti] hung on; stuck to. laṅgī : [f.] a bolt; a bar. laṅgula : [nt.] tail. laṅghaka : [m.] jumper; an acrobat. laṅghati : [lagh + ṃ-a] jumps over; hops. laṅghana : [nt.] jumping; hopping. laṅghi : [aor. of laṅghati] jumped over; hopped. || laṅghī (m.) a jumper; a threshold. laṅghita : [pp. of laṅgheti] jumped over; discharged; transgressed. laṅghitvā : [abs. of laṅghati] having jumped over; having hopped. laṅgheti : [lagh + e] jumps over; discharges; transgresses. laṅghetvā : [abs. of laṅgheti] having jumped over; having discharged; having transgressed. laṅghesi : [aor. of laṅgheti] jumped over; discharged; transgressed. lacchati : [fut. of labhati] will get; will obtain; will attain. || lacchati = labhissati. lajjati : [lajj + a] is ashamed or abashed. lajjana : [nt.] becoming shameful. lajjanta : [pr.p. of lajjati] abashing. lajjamāna : [pr.p. of lajjati] abashing. lajjā : [f.] shame; bashfulness. lajjāpana : [nt.] putting to shame. lajjāpita : [pp. of lajjāpeti] made ashamed. lajjāpeti : [caus. of lajjati] makes ashamed. lajjāpesi : [aor. of lajjāpeti] made ashamed. lajji : [aor. of lajjati] was ashamed or abashed. || lajjī (adj.), feeling shame; modest; conscientious. lajjita : [pp. of lajjati] was ashamed or abashed. lajjitabbaka : [adj.] fit to be ashamed. lajjitvā : [abs. of lajjati] having ashamed or abashed. lañca : [m.] bribe. lañcakhādaka : [adj.] receiving bribe. lañcadāna : [nt.] bribery. lañcha : [m.] a mark; an imprint. lañchaka : [m.] one who marks of stamps. lañchati : [lanch + a] marks; stamps; seals. lañchana : [nt.] a mark; an imprint. lañchi : [aor. of lañchati] marked; stamped; sealed. lañchita : [pp. of lañchati or lañcheti] marked; stamped; sealed. lañchitvā : [abs. of lañchati] having marked; having stamped; having sealed. lañcheti : [lanch + e] marks; stamps; seals. lañchetvā : [abs. of lañcheti] having marked; having stamped; having sealed. lañchesi : [aor. of lañcheti] marked; stamped; sealed. laṭukikā : [f.] the Indian quail. laṭṭhi : [f.] a staff; a young tree. laṭṭhikā : [f.] a staff; a young tree. laṇḍa : [m.] dung of animals. laṇḍikā : [f.] dung of animals. latā : [f.] a creeper. latākamma : [nt.] creeper-work (in painting). laddha : [pp. of labhati or labbhati] obtained; received. || laddhā (abs. of labhati) having got, received, or attained. laddhaka : [adj.] charming; pleasant. laddhaguṇa : [m.] the virtues one has attained. laddhabba : [pt.p.] what should be received. laddhabhāva : [m.] the fact of receiving or attainment. laddhāna : [abs. of labhati] having got, received, or attained. laddhāssāda : [(laddha + assāda), adj.] being refreshed; recovered from a trouble. laddhi : [f.] a view of theory. laddhika : [adj.] having a certain view. laddhuṃ : [inf. of labhati] to get; to receive. lapati : [lap + a] speaks; talks; prattles. lapana : [nt.] the mouth; speech. || lapanā (f.), prattling; flattering. lapanaja : [m.] a tooth. lapi : [aor. of lapati] spoke; talked; prattled. lapita : [pp. of lapati] spoken; talked; prattled. lapitvā : [abs. of lapati] having spoken; having talked; having prattled. labuja : [m.] the breadfruit tree. labbhati : [labh + ya] to be obtained or received. labbhamāna : [pr.p. of labbhati] obtaining; receiving. labbhā : [ind.] possible; allowable; may be obtained. labhati : [labh + a] gets; obtains; attains. labhanta : [pr.p. of labhati] getting; obtaining; attaining. labhi : [aor. of labhati] got; obtained; attained. || lābhī (m.), one who gains much. labhituṃ : [inf. of labhati] to get; to receive. labhitvā : [abs. of labhati] having got; having obtained; having attained. labhissati : [fut. of labhati] lamba : [adj.] hanging from; pendulous. lambaka : [nt.] that which is hanging down; a pendulum. lambati : [lab +ṃ-a] hangs down; suspends. lambanta : [pr.p. of lambati] hanging down; suspending. lambamāna : [pr.p. of lambati] hanging down; suspending. lambi : [aor. of lambati] hung down; suspended. lambita : [pp. of lambeti] caused ot hang or suspend. lambitvā : [abs. of lambati] having hung down; having suspended. lambeti : [caus. of lambati] causes to hang or suspend. lambetvā : [abs. of lambeti] having caused ot hang or suspend. lambesi : [aor. of lambeti] caused ot hang or suspend. laya : [m.] a brief measure of time. lalanā : [f.] a woman. || lālana (nt.), dalliance; lulling. lalita : [nt.] grace; charm. || lālita (pp. of lāleti), lulled; quelled; soothed. lava : [m.] a drop. lavaṅga : [nt.] the cloves. lavaṇa : [nt.] salt. lavana : [nt.] mowing; reaping. lasati : [las + a] shines; plays. lasi : [aor. of lasati] shone; played. || lasī (f.) brains. lasikā : [f.] synovic fluid. lasuṇa : [nt.] garlic. lahu : [adj.] light; quick, (nt.) a short; vowel. lahuṃ : [adv.] quickly. lahuka : [adj.] light; trifling; buoyant. lahukaṃ : [adv.] quickly. lahutā : [f.] lightness; buoyancy. lahuparivatta : [adj.] quickly changing. lahuso : [adv.] quickly. lākhā : [f.] lac; sealing wax. lākhārasa : [m.] lac-colouring. lāja : [m.] parched corn. lājapañcamaka : [adj.] having parched corn as the fifth. lāpa : [m.] a sort of quail. lāpu : [f.] gourd. lābu : [f.] gourd. lābukaṭāha : [adj.] the outer crust of a gourd used as a vessel. lābha : [m.] gain; acquisition. || lābhā (ind.), it is profitable; it is a gain. lābhakamyatā : [f.] desire for gain. lābhagga : [m.] the highest gain. lābhamacchariya : [nt.] selfishness in gain. lābhasakkāra : [m.] gain and honour. lāmaka : [adj.] inferior; low; sinful. lāyaka : [m.] a reaper; mower. lāyati : [lā +ya] reaps; mows. lāyi : [aor. of lāyati] reaped; mowed. lāyita : [pp. of lāyati] reaped; mowed. lāyitvā : [abs. of lāyati] having reaped; having mowed. lālapati : [lap + a] talks much; laments. lālapi : [aor. of lālapati] talked much; lamented. lālapita : [pp. of lālapati] talked much; lamented. lāleti : [lal + e] lulls; quells; soothes. lāletvā : [abs. of lāleti] having lulled; having quelled; having soothed. lālesi : [aor. of lāleti] lulled; quelled; soothed. lāsa : [m.] dancing; sport. lāsana : [nt.] dancing; sport. likuca : [m.] bread-fruit tree. likkhā : [f.] an egg of a louse; a measure named after it. likhati : [likh + a] writes; inscribes; carves; scratches. likhana : [nt.] writing; cutting into pieces. likhanta : [pr.p. of likhati] writing; inscribing; carving; scratching. likhāpeti : [caus. of likhati] causes to make one write. likhāpetvā : [abs. of likhāpeti] having caused to make one write. likhāpesi : [aor. of likhāpeti] caused to make one write. likhi : [aor. of likhati] wrote; inscribed; carved; scratched. likhita : [pp. of likhati] writen; inscribed; carved; scratched. likhitaka : [m] one who has been prescribed; an outlaw. likhituṃ : [inf. of likhati] to write; to inscribe; to carve; to scratch. likhitvā : [abs. of likhati] having writen; having inscribed; having carved; having scratched. liṅga : [nt.] sign; mark; attribute; feature; the generative organ; the gender (in grammar). liṅgaparivattana : [nt.] change of the gender or sex. liṅgavipallāsa : [m.] change of the gender or sex. liṅgika : [adj.] pertaining to a gender or generative organ. liṅgiya : [abs.] having clasped. litta : [pp. of limpati or lepeti] smeared; stained; anointed. lipi : [f.] a writing; a letter. lipikāra : [m.] a writer; scribe; clerk. limpati : [lip + ṃ-a] smears; stains; anoints. limpana : [nt.] smearing with. limpāpeti : [caus. of limpeti] causes to anoint; causes to smeare. limpi : [aor. of limpati] smeared; stained; anointed. limpita : [pp. of limpeti] anointed; smeared; plastered. limpitvā : [abs. of limpati] having smeared; having stained; having anointed. limpeti : [lip + e] anoints; smears; plasters. limpetvā : [abs. of limpeti] having anointed; having smeared; having plastered. limpenta : [pr.p. of limpeti] anointing; smearing; plastering. limpesi : [aor. of limpeti] anointed; smeared; plastered. lihati : [lih + a] licks. lihamāna : [pr.p. of lihati] licking. lihi : [aor. of lihati] licked. lihitvā : [abs. of lihati] having licked. lihimāna : [pr.p. of lihati] licking. līna : [pp. of līyati] shrunk; shy; reserved. līnatā : [f.] sluggishness; shyness. līnatta : [nt.] sluggishness; shyness. līyati : [li + ya] shrinks; withers; clings to. līyana : [nt.] shrinking; withering. līyamāna : [pr.p. of līyati] shrinking; withering; clinging to. līyi : [aor. of līyati] shrunk (shrank); withered; clung to. līyitvā : [abs. of līyati] having shrunk (shrank); having withered; having clung to. līlā : [f.] grace; charm. lugga : [pp. of lujjati] broken up; felt apart. lujjati : [luj + ya] breaks up; falls apart. lujjana : [nt.] crumbling; dissolution. lujji : [aor. of lujjati] broke up; felt apart. lujjitvā : [abs. of lujjati] having broken up; having felt apart. luñcati : [luñc + a] pulls out; uproots. luñci : [aor. of luñcati] pulled out; uprooted. luñcita : [pp. of luñcati] pulled out; uprooted. luñcitvā : [abs. of luñcati] having pulled out; having uprooted. luta : [pp. of lunāti] mowed. lutta : [pp. of lopeti] cut off; elided; plundered of. ludda : [adj.] fierce; cruel. (m.), huntsman. luddaka : [m.] a hunter. luddha : [pp. of lubbhati] was greedy; covetous. lunāti : [lu + nā] cuts off; mows; reaps. luni : [aor. of lunāti] cut off; mowed; reaped. lubbhati : [lubh + ya] is greedy; covets. lubbhana : [nt.] greediness. lubbhi : [aor. of lubbhati] was greedy; coveted. lumpati : [lup +ṃ-a] plunders; eats. lumpana : [nt.] plundering; eating. lumpi : [aor. of lumpati] plundered; ate. lumpita : [pp. of lumpati] plundered; eaten. lumpitvā : [abs. of lumpati] having plundered; having eaten. luḷita : [pp.] stirred; disturbed. lūkha : [adj.] rough; coarse; miserable. lūkhacīvara : [adj.] wearing coarse robes. lūkhatā : [f.] coarseness. lūkhappasanna : [adj.] devoted to a person who is shabby. lūkhājīvī : [(lūkha + ājīvī), adj.] leading a miserable life. lūṇa : [pp. of lūnati] reaped; mowed. lūna : [pp. of lūnati] reaped; mowed. lūyati : [v.] is reaped. lekhaka : [m.] a scribe; clerk; writer. lekhana : [nt.] writing; a letter; an inscription. lekhanī : [f.] a pen. lekhamukha : [nt.] a nib. lekhā : [f.] writing; a letter; an inscription; a line; the art of writing. lekhikā : [f.] a female clerk. leḍḍu : [m.] a clod of earth. leḍḍupāta : [m.] a stone's throw. leṇa : [nt.] safety; a cave; a rock cell. lepa : [m.] coating; plastering a plaster. lepana : [nt.] a smearing; coating. lepita : [pp. of lepeti] plastered; coated with; smeared. lepeti : [lip + e] plasters; coats with; smears. lepetvā : [abs. of lepeti] having plastered; having coated with; having smeared. lepenta : [pr.p. of lepeti] plastering; coating with; smearing. lepesi : [aor. of lepeti] plastered; coated with; smeared. leyya : [adj.] fit to be licked or sipped. (nt.), mucilaginous food. lesa : [m.] a trifle; a pretext; trick. loka : [m.] the world; the population. lokagga : [m.] the chief of the world. lokadhātu : [f.] the world system. lokanātha : [m.] the lord of the world. lokanāyaka : [m.] the lord of the world. lokanirodha : [m.] destruction of the existence. lokanta : [m.] the end of the world. lokantagū : [m.] one who has reached the end of the things worldly. lokantara : [nt.] a different world; the space between the worlds. lokantarika : [adj.] situated between the worlds. lokapāla : [m.] a guardian of the world. lokavajja : [nt.] a common sin. lokavivaraṇa : [nt.] unveiling of the universe. lokavohāra : [m.] ordinary way of speaking. lokādhipacca : [(loka + ādhipacca), nt.] domination of the world. lokānukampā : [f.] sympathy with the world of men. lokāyatika : [adj.] one who holds the view of nature-lore; a nihilist. lokika : [adj.] worldly; mundane. lokiya : [adj.] worldly; mundane. lokuttara : [adj.] super-mundane; transcendental. lokesa : [m.] the Brahma; the creator. locaka : [adj.] one who pulls out or uproots. locana : [nt.] the eye. loṇa : [nt.] salt. (adj.), salty. loṇakāra : [m.] salt-maker. loṇadhūpana : [nt.] flavouring with salt. loṇaphala : [nt.] a crystal of salt. loṇasakkharā : [f.] a crystal of salt. loṇika : [adj.] alkaline. loṇī : [f.] a salt-pan; a lagoon. lopa : [m.] elision; cutting off. lobha : [m.] greed; covetousness. lobhanīya : [adj.] to be coveted; desirable. lobhamūlaka : [adj.] having greed as its root. loma : [nt.] the hair on the body. lomaṃ pāteti : submits. lomakūpa : [m.] a pore of the skin. lomasa : [adj.] hairy; covered with hair. lomasapāṇaka : [m.] a caterpillar. lomahaṃsa : [m.] horripilation. lomahaṃsana : [nt.] horripilation. lomahaṭṭha : [adj.] having hair standing on the end. lola : [adj.] greedy; unsteady. lolatā : [f.] eagerness; greed. lolupa : [adj.] covetous; greedy. loluppa : [nt.] greed. loleti : [lul + e] stirs; shakes; agitates. loha : [nt.] metal; copper. lohakaṭāha : [m.] a copper receptacle. lohakāra : [m.] a coppersmith; metal worker. lohakumbhī : [f.] a pot made of copper. lohaguḷa : [m.] a lump of metal. lohajāla : [nt.] a brass netting. lohatatuppādaka : [m.] one who sheds the blood (of a Buddha). lohathālaka : [m.] a brass plate or bowl. lohapāsāda : [m.] name of the palatial chapter house in Anurādhapura, which was covered with copper tiles. lohapiṇḍa : [m.] a lump of metal. lohabhaṇḍa : [nt.] copper ware. lohamaya : [adj.] made of copper. lohamāsaka : [m.] a copper coin. lohasalakā : [f.] a brass wire or pin. lohita : [nt.] blood. (adj.), red. lohitaka : [adj.] red. lohitakkha : [adj.] having red eyes. lohitaṅka : [m.] a ruby. lohitacandana : [nt.] red sandal-wood. lohitapakkhandikā : [f.] bloody diarrhoea. lohitabhakkha : [adj.] feeding on blood. lohituppādaka : [m.] one who sheds the blood (of a Buddha). - Ḷ - ḷaṅghāpeti : [caus. of laṅghati] causes to jump; causes to hop. ḷāpukaṭāha : [adj.] the outer crust of a gourd used as a vessel. -ooOoo-
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