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- U - ukkaṃsa : [m.] excellence; superiority. ukkaṃsaka : [adj.] exalting; praising. ukkaṃsanā : [f.] extolling; eulogising. ukkaṃseti : [u + kas + e] exalts; praises. ukkaṃsesi : [aor. of ukkaṃseti] exalted; praised. ukkaṭṭha : [adj.] 1. high; prominent; 2. excellent; 3. specialised. ukkaṭṭhita : [pp.] boiled up; seething. ukkaṇṭhati : [u + kaṭh + ṃ-a] dissatisfies. ukkaṇṭhanā : [f.] dissatisfaction; commotion. ukkaṇṭhi : [aor. of ukkaṇṭhati] dissatisfied. ukkaṇṭhita : [pp. of ukkaṇṭhati] dissatisfied; fretting. ukkaṇṇa : [adj.] having the ears erect. ukkantati : [u + kat + ṃ-a] cuts or tears out. ukkanti : [aor. of ukkantati] cut or teared out. ukkantita : [pp. of ukkantati] cut or teared out. ukkā : [f.] 1. a torch; 2. a meteor; 3. forge of a smith. ukkāra : [m.] dung; excrement. ukkārabhūmi : [f.] dung-hill; unclean place. ukkāsati : [u + kas + a] coughes; clears one's throat. ukkāsi : [aor. of ukkāsati] coughed; cleared one's throat. ukkāsita : [pp. of ukkāsati] coughed out. (nt.), coughing; clearing of one's throat. ukkāsitvā : [abs. of ukkāsati] having coughed. ukkujja : [adj.] set up; upturned. ukkujjana : [nt.] turning up. ukkujji : [aor. of ukkujjeti] turned up; bent up. ukkujjita : [pp. of ukkujjeti] turned up; bent up. ukkujjeti : [u + kujj + e] turns up; bends up. ukkuṭika : [adj.] squatting. ukkuṭikaṃ : [adv.] in the posture of squatting. ukkuṭṭhi : [f.] shouting out; acclamation. ukkusa : [m.] osprey. ukkūla : [adj.] steep; sloping up. ukkoṭana : [nt.] perverting justice by taking bribe, etc. ukkoṭitita : [pp. of ukkoṭeti] opened up again a legal question that has been settled. ukkoṭeti : [u + kuṭ + e] opens up again a legal question that has been settled. ukkoṭesi : [aor. of ukkoṭeti] opened up again a legal question that has been settled. ukkhaṭṭhatā : [f.] eminence; superiority. ukkhali : [f.] a pot. ukkhalikā : [f.] a small pot. ukkhitta : [pp. of ukkhipati] 1. lifted or thrown up; 2. suspended. ukkhittaka : [adj.] suspended person. ukkhipati : [u + khip + a] 1. raises, holds, or throws up; 2. suspends. ukkhipana : [nt.] 1. lifting up; raising; 2. suspension. ukkhepa : [m.] 1. lifting up; raising; 2. suspension. ukkhepaka : [m.] one who throws up or suspends. ukkhepana : [nt.] 1. lifting up; raising; 2. suspension. uklāpa : [m.] dirt; rubbish. (adj.), dirty; unclean. ugga : [adj.] 1. huge; 2. fierce; 3. mighty; 4. rising. uggacchati : [u + gam + a] rises; goes up. uggacchanta : [pr.p. of] rising up. uggacchi : [aor. of uggacchati] rose; went up. uggajjati : [u + gajj + a] shouts out. uggajji : [aor. of uggajjati] shouted out. uggaṇhana : [nt.] learning; studying. uggaṇhāti : [u + gah + ṇhā] learns; takes up. uggaṇhāpeti : [caus. of uggaṇhāti] teaches; instructs. uggaṇhāpesi : [aor. of uggaṇhāpeti] taught; instructed. uggaṇhi : [aor. of uggaṇhāti] learnt; took up. uggaṇhita : [pp. of uggaṇhāti] learnt; taken up. uggaṇhitukāma : [adj.] willing to learn. uggaṇhitvā : [abs. of uggaṇhāti] having learnt or taken up. uggaṇhiya : [abs. of uggaṇhāti] having learnt or taken up. uggata : [pp. of uggacchati] risen; high; lofty. uggama : [m.] 1. rise; going up; 2. increase. uggamana : [nt.] 1. rise; going up; 2. increase. uggayha : [abs.] having learnt or taken up. uggaha : [m.] 1 learning; study; 2. taking up. uggahaṇa : [nt.] 1 learning; study; 2. taking up. uggahita : [pp. of uggaṇhāti] 1. learnt; 2. raised; 3. taken wrongly. uggahetu : [m.] one who learns or takes up. uggahetvā : [abs.] having learnt or taken up. uggāra : [m.] a belch; ejection of wind from the stomach. uggāhaka : [adj.] one who is learning. uggiraṇa : [nt.] 1. utterance; 2. brandishing of. uggirati : [u + gir + a] 1. lifts up; 2. brandishes; 3. utters; 4. belches. uggiri : [aor. of uggirati] 1. lifted up; 2. brandished; 3. uttered; 4. belched. uggilati : [u + gil + a] vomits. uggili : [aor. of uggilati] vomited. ugghaṃseti : [u + ghaṃs + e] rubs. ugghaṃsesi : [oar. of ugghaṃseti] rubbed. ugghaṭita : [adj.] keen; striving. || ugghāṭita (pp. of ugghāṭeti), opened; unfastened; removed; abolished. uggharati : [u + ghar + a] oozes. ugghari : [aor. of uggharati] oozed. ugghāṭana : [nt.] 1. unfastening; opening; 2. that which can be removed; 3. a machine for raising water. ugghāta : [m.] a jolt or jerk. ugghāteti : [u + ghāt +e] makes a sudden jerk. || ugghāṭeti (u + ghāt + e), opens; unfastens; removes; abolishes. ugghātesi : [aor. of ugghāteti] made a sudden jerk. || ugghāṭesi (aor. of ugghāṭeti), opened; unfastened; removed; abolished. ugghosa : [m.] a shout; proclamation. ugghosanā : [f.] a shout; proclamation. ugghosita : [pp. of ugghoseti] shouted out; proclaimed. ugghoseti : [u + ghus + e] shouts out; proclaims. ugghosesi : [aor. of ugghoseti] shouted out; proclaimed. ucca : [adj.] 1. high; 2. noble. uccaya : [m.] accumulation. uccaraṇā : [f.] 1. lifting up; 2. utterance; pronunciation. || uccāraṇa (nt.), 1. lifting up; 2. utterance; pronunciation. uccākulīna : [adj.] of a noble birth. uccāra : [m.] dung; faeces; excrement. uccārita : [pp. of uccāreti] 1. uttered; pronounced; 2. lifed up. uccāreti : [ū + car + e] 1. utters; pronounces; 2. lifes up. uccāresi : [aor. of uccāreti] 1. uttered; pronounced; 2. lifed up. uccāliṅga : [m.] a maw-worm; caterpillar. uccāvaca : [adj.] high and low; various. uccāsadda : [m.] loud noise. (adj.), making a loud noise. uccāsayana : [nt.] a high bed. ucciṭṭha : [adj.] left over (food or drink); impure; used. uccināti : [u + ci + nā] selects; chooses; picks out. uccini : [aor. of uccināti] selected; chose; picked out. uccinitvā : [abs. of uccināti] having selected; having chosen; having picked out. ucchaṅga : [m.] the lap; the hip. ucchādana : [nt.] rubbing of the body. ucchādeti : [u + chad + e] rubs the body (in bathing or with perfumes). ucchādesi : [aor. of ucchādeti] rubbed the body (in bathing or with perfumes). ucchijjati : [u + chid + ya (pass. of ucchindati)] ceases; becomes annihilated. ucchijji : [aor. of ucchijjati] ceased; became annihilated. ucchindati : [u + chid + ṃ-a] breaks; destroys; cuts off. ucchindi : [aor. of ucchindati] broke; destroyed. ucchinna : [pp. of ucchindati] broken; destroyed. ucchu : [m.] sugar-cane. ucchuyanta : [nt.] sugar-mill. ucchurasa : [m.] treacle; juice of sugar-cane. uccheda : [m.] cutting off; perishing; annihilation. ucchedavādī : [m.] one who professes the doctrine of annihilation. ucchediṭṭhi : [f.] belief in the annihilation of the soul. uju : [adj.] straight; up-right. ujuṃ : [adv.] straightly. ujuka : [adj.] straight; up-right. ujugata : [adj.] straight; upright of life. ujutā : [f.] rectitude; straightness. ujubhūta : [adj.] straight; upright of life. ujjagghati : [u + jaggh + a] laughes aloud. ujjagghi : [aor. of ujjagghati] laughed aloud. ujjagghikā : [f.] loud laughter. ujjaṅgala : [adj.] barren; sandy. ujjala : [adj.] bright; blazing. ujjalati : [u + jal + a] shines; blazes up. ujjali : [aor. of ujjalati] shone; blazed up. ujjalita : [pp. of ujjalati] shone; blazed up. ujjavati : [u + jal + a] goes up-stream. ujjavanikā : [f.] a vessel going up-stream. ujjavi : [aor. of ujjavati] went up-stream. ujjahati : [u + hā + a] gives up. ujjahi : [aor. of ujjahati] gave up. ujjota : [m.] light; lustre. ujjotita : [pp. of ujjoteti] illuminated. ujjoteti : [u + jut + e] illuminates. ujjotesi : [aor. of ujjoteti] illuminated. ujjhati : [ujjh + a] leaves; forsakes. ujjhanasaññī : [adj.] willing to blame. ujjhayati : [u + jhe + a] grumbles. ujjhāna : [nt.] taking offence; complaining. ujjhāpana : [nt.] provoking. ujjhāpeti : [u + jhe + āpe] irritates; makes one complain. ujjhāpesi : [aor. of ujjhāpeti] irritated; made one complain. ujjhāyi : [aor. of ujjhayati] grumbled. ujjhi : [aor. of ujjhati] left; forsake. ujjhita : [pp. of ujjhati] forsaken; cast away; thrown out. ujjhitvā : [abs. of ujjhati] having left; forsaken. ujjhiya : [abs. of ujjhati] having left; forsaken. uñchati : [uch + ṃ-a] seeks alms; gleans. uñchā : [f.] anything gathered for sustenance. uñchācariyā : [f.] wandering for leaning. uñchi : [aor. of uñchati] sought alms; gleaned. uñchitati : [pp. of uñchati] sought alms; gleaned. uññātabba : [pt.p. of] contemptible; despicable. uṭṭhahati : [u + ṭhā + a] stands up; arises; to be active. uṭṭhahanta : [pr.p. of] exerting; rising up. uṭṭhahi : [aor. of uṭṭhahati] stood up; arose. uṭṭhahitvā : [abs. of uṭṭhahati; utthāti] having got up or arisen. uṭṭhāna : [nt.] getting up; rising; origin; energy; industry; product. uṭṭhānaka : [adj.] producing; yielding. uṭṭhānavantu : [adj.] strenuous. uṭṭhāpeti : [caus. of uṭṭhāti] makes rise; raises; turns a person out. uṭṭhāpesi : [aor. of uṭṭhāpeti] made rise; raised; turned a person out. uṭṭhāya : [abs. of uṭṭhahati] having risen. uṭṭhāyaka : [adj.] active; industrious. uṭṭhāyikā : [f.] active; industrious. uṭṭhāsu : [m.] one who gets up or rouses himself. uṭṭhita : [pp. of uṭṭhahati] stood up; arosen. (pp. of uṭṭhāti), got up; arisen; produced. uḍḍayhati : [pass. of uḍḍahati] is burnt uḍḍahati : [u + dah + a] burns up. uḍḍahi : [aor. of uḍḍahati] burned up. uḍḍita : [pp. of uḍḍahati] burned up. uḍḍeti : [u + ḍī + e] flies; suspends. uḍḍesi : [aor. of uḍḍeti] flied; suspended. uṇṇa : [nt.] wool; fibre. (With reference to the Buddha:) a hair between the eyebrows. || uṇṇā (f.), wool; fibre. uṇṇakajāta : [adj.] reduced to powder. uṇṇābhi : [m.] a spider. uṇha : [adj.] hot. (nt.), heat. || ubha (pron.), both. uṇhatta : [nt.] a turban. utu : [f.; nt.] season; climate; the menses. utukāla : [m.] the time of the menses. utuguṇa : [m.] climate. utunī : [f.] a menstruating woman. utuparissaya : [m.] risk of the seasons. utusappāya : [m.] agreeable season or climate. utta : [pp. of vadati] (= vutta); spoken; uttered. (nt.), utterance. uttaṇḍula : [adj.] badly cooked (rice), having some unboiled grains. uttatta : [pp. of uttapati] 1. heated; molten; 2. shining. uttama : [adj.] highest; best; noble; excellent. uttamaṅga : [nt.] the most important part, i.e. the head. uttamaṅgaruha : [nt.] hair. uttamattha : [m.] the highest gain. uttamaporisa : [m.] the greatest man. uttara : [adj.] higher; further; northern; over. (nt.), an answer; reply. || uttarā (f.), the northern direction. uttaracchada : [m.] awning; canopy. uttaraṇa : [nt.] crossing over; overcoming; delivery; passing (of an exam). uttarati : [u + tar + a] comes out of water; goes over; overcomes. uttarattharaṇa : [nt.] upper cover. uttarasīsaka : [adj.] with the head towards the north. uttarasve : [adv.] day after tomorrow. uttarāsaṅga : [m.] upper robe. uttari : [adv.] over; beyond; further; moreover; additional. (aor. of uttarati), came out of water; went over; overcame. uttariṃ : [adv.] over; beyond; further; moreover; additional. uttarikariṇīya : [nt.] additional duty. uttaritara : [adj.] more superior; higher; nobler. uttaribhaṅga : [m.] additional bits; dainty bits. uttarimanussadhamma : [m.] extraordinary condition; transcendental norm. uttarisāṭaka : [m.] upper garment. uttarīya : [nt.] a cloak. uttasati : [u + tas + a] alarms or terrifies. uttasana : [nt.] alarm; terror. || uttāsana (nt.), impalement. uttasi : [aor. of uttasati] alarmed or terrified. uttasta : [pp. of uttasati] frightened; terrified. uttāna : [adj.] lying on one's back; supine; manifest; shallow. uttānaka : [adj.] lying on one's back; supine; manifest; shallow. uttānaseyyaka : [adj.] an infant. uttānīkamma : [nt.] exposition; manifestation. uttānīkaraṇa : [nt.] exposition; manifestation. uttānīkari : [aor. of uttānīkaroti] made clear. uttānīkaroti : [uttāna + i + kar + o] makes clear. uttāpeti : [u + tap + e] heats; torments. uttāpesi : [aor. of uttāpeti] heated; tormented. uttāreti : [u + tar + e] lets cross; saves; assists. uttāresi : [aor. of uttāreti] let cross; saved; assisted. uttāsa : [m.] terror; fear. uttāsita : [pp. of uttāseti] impaled. uttāseti : [u + tas + e] impales. (caus. of uttasati), frightens or terrifies. uttāsesi : [aor. of uttāseti] impaled. uttiṭṭhati : [u + ṭhā + a] rises; stands up; strives. uttiṇa : [3] grassless. uttiṇṇa : [pp. of uttarati] crossed over; gone to the other shore; come out of; passed. uttrasta : [pp. of uttasati] frightened; terrified. uttrāsī : [adj.] fearful; timid. utrāsa : [m.] terror. uda : [ind.] or. udaka : [nt.] water. udakadhārā : [f.] a torrent of water. udakaphusita : [nt.] a drop of water. udakabindu : [nt.] a drop of water. udakamaṇika : [m.] a big jar to keep water. udakasāṭikā : [f.] bathing mantle. udakāka : [m.] a small kind of cormorant. udakāyatikā : [f.] water-pipe. udakumbha : [m.] a flood of water. udagga : [adj.] elated; exultant; joyful. udañcana : [nt.] a small vessel with a handle used to take out water from a jar; a bucket. udadhi : [m.] ocean. udapajjā : [aor.] was born; arose. udapādi : [aor. of udapajjati] arose; originated. udapāna : [m.] a well. udaya : [m.] rise; growth; increase; income; interest (from money). udayati : rises; comes out; increases. udayatthagama : [m.] rise and fall. udayana : [nt.] rise; going up. udayanta : [pr.p. of udayati] rising; growing. udayabbaya : [m.] rise and fall; increase and decrease; birth and death. udara : [nt.] bell; stomach; interior. || udāra (adj.), noble; excellent; great; lofty. udaraggi : [m.] the digestive faculty. udarapaṭala : [nt.] the mucous membrane of the stomach. udaravadehakaṃ : [adv.] filling the stomach to the utmost. udariya : [nt.] undigested food in the stomach. udahāraka : [m.] carrier of water. udahārikā : [f.] carrier of water. udahāriya : [nt.] the act of carrying water. udāna : [nt.] an emotional utterance. udāneti : [u + ā + nī + e] utters something with intense emotion. udāsīna : [adj.] indifferent; passive. udāhaṭa : [pp. of udāharati] uttered; recited. udāharaṇa : [nt.] example; instance. udāharati : [u + ā + har + a] utters; recites. udāhari : [aor. of udāharati] uttered; recited. udāhāra : [m.] utterance; speech. udāhu : [ind.] or. udikkhati : [u + ikkh + a] looks at; surveys. udikkhi : [aor. of udikkhati] looked at; surveyed. udikkhita : [pp. of udikkhati] looked at; surveyed. udikkhitu : [m.] one who looks at. udikkhiya : [abs. of udikkhati] having seen or looked at. udicca : [adj.] noble; of the northern origin. udita : [pp. of udeti] risen; high; elevated. udīraṇa : [nt.] utterance; saying. udīrita : [pp. of udīreti] uttered; spoken. udīreti : [u + īr + e] utters; speaks. udīresi : [aor. of udīreti] uttered; spoke. udukkhala : [m.; nt.] a mortar. udumbara : [m.] the glamorous fig tree. udeti : [u + i + a] rises; comes out; increases. udesi : [aor. of udeti] rose; came out; increased. udda : [m.] an otter. uddaya : [adj.] yielding; causing. (Only in cpds). uddasseti : [u + dis + e] shows; reveals. uddassesi : [aor. of uddasseti] showed; revealed. uddāna : [nt.] 1. a list; a table of contents; 2. a cluster. uddāpa : [m.] a bastion. uddāma : [adj.] out of bounds; restless. uddālaka : [m.] the tree Cassia Fistula. uddālana : [nt.] tearing out. uddāleti : [u + dāl + e] tears off. uddālesi : [aor. of uddāleti] teared off. uddiṭṭha : [pp. of uddisati] pointed out; appointed; alloted; recited. uddisati : [u + dis + a] points out; appoints; allots; recites. uddisapeti : [caus. of uddisati] makes recite or allot. uddisi : [aor. of uddisati] points out; appoints; allots; recites. uddissa : [abs. of uddisati] (= uddisiya), with reference to; on account of; for. uddissakata : [adj.] allotted to; meant for. uddīpanā : [f.] 1. explanation; 2. sharpening. uddīyati : [u + dar + ī + ya] burst; falls into pieces. uddeka : [m.] 1. a belch; 2. spouting out. uddesa : [m.] 1. indication; 2. propounding; 3. recitation. uddesaka : [adj.] one who points out or recites. uddesika : [adj.] indicating; referring to; memorial. (In cpds. with vassa), of the age of. uddehakaṃ : [adv.] bubbling or seething up. uddrīyati : [u + dar + ī + ya] burst; falls into pieces. uddrīyi : [aor. of uddrīyati] bursted; fell into pieces. uddha : [adj.] upper; upward. uddhaṃ : [adv.] high up; above; ahead; hence; zenith. uddhaṃgama : [adj.] going upwards. uddhaṃbhāgiya : [adj.] belonging to the upper part. uddhaṃvirecana : [nt.] vomiting; action of an emetic. uddhaṃseti : [u + dhaṃs + e] destroys; brings ruin on. uddhaṃsesi : [aor. of uddhaṃseti] destroyed; brought ruin on. uddhaṃsota : [adj.] going upwards in the stream of life. uddhagga : [adj.] with the tips turned upwards; prominent; beneficial. uddhaggika : [adj.] promoting spiritual welfare. uddhacca : [nt.] distraction; flurry; haughtiness. uddhata : [pp.] agitated; haughty. || uddhaṭa (pp. of uddharati), raised; lifted; pulled out; removed; uprooted. uddhana : [nt.] fire-place; an oven. uddhapāda : [adj.] having heels upwards. uddhamma : [m.] false doctrine. uddharaṇa : [nt.] lifting; pulling out; uprooting. uddharati : [u + har + a] raises; lifts; pulls out; removes; uproots. uddhari : [aor. of uddharati] raised; lifted; pulled out; removed; uprooted. uddhāra : [m.] withdrawal; pulling out. uddhumāta : [adj.] swollen; bloated. uddhumātaka : [adj.] swollen; bloated. uddhumāyati : [u + dhum + ya] swells up; puffs. uddhumāyi : [aor. of uddhumāyati] swelled up; puffed. uddhumāyita : [pp. of uddhumāyati] swelled up; puffed. udraya : [adj.] yielding; causing. (Only in cpds). udrīyati : [v.] falls into pieces. udrīyana : [nt.] bursting; falling down. udreka : [m.] 1. a belch; 2. spouting out. undura : [m.] a rat. || undūra (m.), a rat. unnata : [pp. of unnamati] raised; high; lofty. unnati : [f.] rising; elevation; increase. unnadati : [u + nad + a] shouts; roars; resounds. unnadi : [aor. of unnadati] shouted; roared; resounded. || unnādī (adj.), noisy; tumultuous. unnadita : [pp. of unnadati] shouted; roared; resounded. unnama : [m.] elevation. unnamati : [u + nam + a] rises up; prospers; bends upwards. unnami : [aor. of unnamati] rose up; prospered; bent upwards. unnala : [adj.] insolent; arrogant; proud. || unnaḷa (adj.), insolent; arrogant; proud. unnāda : [m.] a shout; big noise. unnādinī : [f.] noisy; tumultuous. unnādeti : [caus. of unnadati] makes resound. unhīsa : [nt.] a turban. upaka : [adj.] approaching; frequenting. (= upage) upakaccha : [nt.] armpit. upakacchaka : [nt.] armpit. upakaṭṭha : [adj.] near; approaching. upakaḍḍhati : [upa + kaḍḍh + a] drags or pull near. upakaḍḍhi : [aor. of upakaḍḍhati] dragged or pulled near. upakaḍḍhita : [pp. of upakaḍḍhati] dragged or pulled near. upakaṇṇaka : [nt.] a place where one is able to hear other's whisper. upakaṇṇake : [adj.] secretly. upakappati : [upa + kapp + a] approaches; to be beneficial or suitable. upakappana : [nt.] approach; benefit. || upakappanā (f.), approach; benefit. upakaraṇa : [nt.] instrument; outfit; utensils; requisites; help; support; provisions. upakari : [aor. of upakaroti] helped; supported; served. || upakārī (m.), helper; benefactor. upakaroti : [upa + kar + o] helps; supports; serves. upakāra : [m.] help; support; favour. upakāraka : [adj.] helping; effective; one who helps. upakārikā : [f.] 1. benefactress; 2. a buttress. upakūjati : [upa + kūj + a] sings or chirps. upakūji : [aor. of upakūjati] sang or chirped. upakūjita : [pp. of upakūjati] resounding or filled with song of birds. upakūlita : [pp.] shrivelled; singed; roasted. upakkama : [m.] ways; means; expedient; approach; attack. upakkamati : [upa + kam + a] strives; undertakes; begins; attacks. upakkamana : [nt.] attacking; approach. upakkami : [aor. of upakkamati] strove; undertook; began; attacked. upakkiliṭṭha : [adj.] soiled; impure; stained. upakkilesa : [m.] impurity; defilement; anything that spoils or obstructs. upakkītaka : [m.] a bought slave. upakkuṭṭha : [pp. of upakkosati] reproached; blamed; scolded. upakkosa : [m.] reproach; censure. upakkosati : [upa + kus + a] reproaches; blames; scolds. upakkosi : [aor. of upakkosati] reproached; blamed; scolded. upakkhaṭa : [adj.] prepared; administered; brought near. upakkhalana : [nt.] stumbling; tripping. upaga : [adj.] (in cpds.) going to; reaching; coming into; being at; producing. upagacchati : [upa + gam + a] approaches; undergoes; undertakes. upagacchi : [aor. of upagacchati] approached; underwent; undertook. upagamana : [nt.] approaching; undergoing; undertaking. upagamma : [abs. of upagacchati] having approached. upagūhati : [upa + gūh + a] embraces. upagūhana : [nt.] embracing. upagūhi : [aor. of upagūhati] embraced. upagūhita : [pp. of upagūhati] embraced. upagghāta : [m.] jolting; sudden jerk. upaghāta : [m.] jolting; sudden jerk. upaghātaka : [adj.] injuring; cutting short; destroying; one who hurts or destroys. upaghātana : [nt.] jolting; sudden jerk. upaghātī : [adj.] injuring; cutting short; destroying; one who hurts or destroys. upacaya : [m.] accumulation. upacarati : [upa + car + a] deals with; to be ready. upacari : [aor. of upacarati] dealt with; to be ready. upacarita : [pp. of upacarati] practised; served; dealt with. upacāra : [m.] neighbourhood; preparative or preliminary action. upacikā : [f.] termite; white ant. upaciṇṇa : [pp. of upacināti] practised; frequented; accumulated. upacita : [pp. of upacināti] collected; accumulated; built. upacināti : [upa + ci + nā] collects; accumulates; builds. upacini : [aor. of upacināti] collected; accumulated; built. upaccagā : [upa + ati + gam + a; 3rd sin. pret.] he escaped, passed or overcame. upacchindati : [upa + chid + ṃ-a] breaks off; interrupts; destroys. upacchindi : [aor. of upacchindati] broke off; interrupted; destroyed. upacchinna : [pp. of upacchindati] broken off; interrupted; destroyed. upacchubhati : [v.] throws at. upaccheda : [m.] stoppage; destruction; breaking off. upacchedaka : [adj.] destroying; stopping. upajīvati : [upa + jīv + a] lives on; depends on. upajīvi : [aor. of upajīvati] lived on; depended on. || upajīvī (adj.), living on; subsisting by; one who is dependant. upajjha : [m.] spiritual teacher or preceptor. upajjhāya : [m.] spiritual teacher or preceptor. upaññāta : [pp. of upajānāti] found out; learnt; known. upaṭṭhapeti : [upa + ṭhā + e] provides; procures; puts forth; causes to be present or waits one. upaṭṭhapesi : [aor. of upaṭṭhapeti] provided; procured; put forth. upaṭṭhahati : [upa + ṭhā + a] waits or attends on; cares for; nurses; serves; understands. upaṭṭhahi : [aor. of upaṭṭhahati] waited or attneded on; cared for; nursed. upaṭṭhahitvā : [abs. of upaṭṭhahati] having attended on. upaṭṭhāka : [m.] a servitor; a nurse; a follower. upaṭṭhāti : [upa + ṭhā + a] waits or attends on; cares for; nurses; serves; understands. upaṭṭhāna : [nt.] waiting on; looking after; service; understanding. upaṭṭhānapuppha : [nt.] the flowers assigned for. upaṭṭhānasālā : [f.] a hall for attendance; assembly hall. upaṭṭhāsi : [aor. of upatiṭṭhati] stood by; looked after. (aor. of upaṭṭhāti), waited or attneded on; cared for; nursed. upaṭṭhita : [pp. of upaṭṭhāti] got ready; arrived; presented; served by. upaṭṭhitvā : [abs. of upaṭṭhahati] having attended on. upaṭṭhiyamāna : [pr.p.p. of] being attended. upaḍayhati : [upa + dah + ya] burns up. upaḍayhi : [aor. of upaḍayhati] burnt up. upaḍḍha : [adj.] half. (nt.), a half. upatappati : [upa + tap + a] vexes or torments. upatappi : [aor. of upatappati] vexed or tormented. upatāpa : [m.] vexation; trouble; remorse. upatāpaka : [adj.] causing pain or remorse. upatāpana : [nt.] vexation; trouble; remorse. upatāpita : [pp. of upatāpeti] caused pain; tormented; harassed. upatāpeti : [upa t+ tap + e] causes pain; torments; harasses. upatāpesi : [aor. of upatāpeti] caused pain; tormented; harassed. upatiṭṭhati : [upa + ṭhā + a] stands by; looks after. upatthaddha : [adj.] stiff; supported by. upatthambha : [m.] support; encouragement; a prop. upatthambhaka : [adj.] supporting; sustaining. upatthambhana : [nt.] support; encouragement; a prop. upatthambhita : [pp. of upatthambheti] made firm; supported; propped up; sustained. upatthambheti : [upa + thamb + e] makes firm; supports; props up; sustains. upatthambhesi : [aor. of upatthambheti] made firm; supported; propped up; sustained. upatthara : [m.] a carpet; rug; covering. upadassita : [pp. of upadasseti] made manifest; showed. upadasseti : [upa + dis + e] makes manifest; shows. upadassesi : [aor. of upadasseti] made manifest; showed. upadahati : [upa + dah + a] furnishes; gives; causes. upadahi : [aor. of upadahati] furnished; gave; caused. upadiṭṭha : [pp. of upadisati] pointed out; put forth; specified. upadisati : [upa + dis + a] points out; advises; shows. upadisana : [nt.] pointing out; advice. upadisi : [aor. of upadisati] pointed out; advised; showed. upadissati : [pass. of upadisati] is appeared; is shown up. upadesa : [m.] advice; indication; instruction. upaddava : [m.] misfortune; distress; danger. upaddaveti : [upa + dav + e] annoys; troubles. upaddavesi : [aor. of upaddaveti] annoyed; troubled. upadduta : [pp. of upaddaveti] annoyed; troubled. upadhāna : [nt.] a pillow. (adj.), causing; imposing. upadhāraṇa : [nt.] a receptacle; milk-pail. || upadhāraṇā (f.), calculation; consideration. upadhārita : [pp. of upadhāreti] surmised; looked out for; considered or concluded. upadhāreti : [upa + dhar + e] surmises; looks out for; considers or concludes. upadhāretvā : [abs.] having reflected upon. upadhāresi : [aor. of upadhāreti] surmised; looked out for; considered or concluded. upadhāvati : [upa + dhar + e] run up to or after. upadhāvana : [nt.] running after. upadhāvi : [aor. of upadhāvati] ran up to or after. upadhi : [m.] substratum of re-birth; attachment. || upādhi (m.), a little. upadhika : [adj.] showing attachment to rebirth. upanagara : [n.] suburb. upanata : [pp. of upanamati] bent on; come near. upanaddha : [pp. of upanandhati] beared enmity towards; grumbled at. upanandhati : [upa + nah + ya] bears enmity towards; grumbles at. upanandhi : [aor. of upanandhati] beared enmity towards; grumbled at. upanamati : [upa + nam + a] bends on; comes near; to be present. upanamana : [nt.] bending on; bringing near. upanami : [aor. of upanamati] bent on; came near. upanayana : [nt.] 1. bringing near; 2. the ceremony of subsumption. upanayhati : [upa + nah + ya] bears enmity towards; wraps with. upanayhanā : [f.] 1. ill-will; enmity; 2. wrapping over. upanayhi : [aor. of upanayhati] bore enmity towards; wraped with. upanāmita : [pp. of upanāmeti] brought near; offered. upanāmeti : [upa + nam + e] brings near; offers. upanāmesi : [aor. of upanāmeti] brought near; offered. upanāyika : [adj.] approaching; conveying. upanāha : [m.] ill-will; enmity. upanāhi : [adj.] one who bears ill-will; finding fault. upanikkhitta : [pp. of upanikkhipati] placed by; laid down. upanikkhipati : [upa + ni + khip + a] deposits near; lays up. upanikkhipana : [nt.] putting down; depositing near. upanikkhipi : [aor. of upanikkhipati] deposited near; layed up. upanikkhepa : [m.] putting down; depositing near. upanigghāna : [nt.] consideration; reflection. upanighaṃsati : [upa + ni + ghaṃs + a] rubs up against; crushes. upanighaṃsi : [aor. of upanighaṃsati] rubded up against; crushed. upanijjhayi : [aor. of upanijjhāyati] meditated upon; reflected on. upanijjhāyati : [upa + ni + jhā + ya] meditates upon; reflects on. upanidhā : [f.] comparison; pledge. upanidhāya : [ind.] compared with. upanidhi : [m.] comparison; pledge. upanipajjati : [upa + ni + pad + ya] lies down close to. upanipajji : [aor. of upanipajjati] lied down close to. upanipanna : [pp. of upanipajjati] lied down close to. upanibaddha : [pp.] tied into. upanibandha : [pp. of upanibandhati] tied close to; entreated. upanibandhati : [upa + ni + badh + ṃ-a] ties close to; entreats. upanibandhana : [nt.] 1. close connection; 2. importunity. upanibandhi : [aor. of upanibandhati] tied close to; entreated. upanibhandha : [m.] close connection. (adj.), dependent on; connected with. upanisā : [f.] cause; means; likeness. upanisinna : [pp. of upanisīdati] sat close to. upanisīdati : [upa + ni + sad + a] sits close to. upanisīdi : [aor. of upanisīdati] sat close to. upanisevati : [upa + ni + si + a] associates closely. upanissaya : [m.] basis; support; sufficing condition. || upanissāya (abs.), depending on; by means of. (adv.), near; close by. upanissayati : [upa + ni + si + a] associates closely; depends on. upanissayi : [aor. of upanissayati] associated closely; depended on. upanissita : [pp. of upanissayati] dependent; connected with. upanīta : [pp. of upaneti] having brought for trial; brought up to or into; offered. upanīya : [abs. of upaneti] having brought near; accusing. upanīyati : [pass. of upaneti] is brought up to; is carried away. upaneti : [upa + nī + e] brings up; conduces; presents; gives. upanesi : [aor. of upaneti] brought up; conduced; presented; gave. upantika : [adj.] near. (nt.), neighbourhood. upapajjati : [upa + pad + ya] to be reborn in; rises. upapajji : [aor. of upapajjati] rose. upapatti : [f.] birth; rebirth; approach. upapanna : [pp. of upapajjati] possessed of; come to existence in; reborn. upaparikkhati : [upa + pari + ikkh + a] investigates; examines. upaparikkhana : [nt.] investigation; examination. upaparikkhanta : [pr.p. of upaparikkhati] enquiring; inspecting; investigating. upaparikkhā : [f.] investigation; examination. upaparikkhi : [aor. of upaparikkhati] investigated; examined. upapāramī : [f.] minor perfection. upapīḷaka : [adj.] oppressing; obstructing. upapīḷā : [f.] oppressing; obstructing. upabbūḷha : [adj.] crowded; in full swing. upabrūhana : [nt.] increase; augmentation. upabrūheti : [upa + brūh + e] increases; expands. upabrūhesi : [aor. of upabrūheti] increased; expanded. upabhuñjaka : [adj.] one who eats, enjoys or undergoes. upabhoga : [m.] enjoyment; profit; use. (adj.), enjoyable. upabhogī : [adj.] one who eats, enjoys or undergoes. upama : (in cpds.) like; similar; having the qualities of. || upamā (f.), simile; parable; comparison. upamāna : [nt.] simile; parable; comparison. upamita : [pp. of upameti] compared. upamīyati : [v.] is compared. upameti : [upa + mā + e] compares. upameyya : [adj.] that which is to be compared or likened. upamesi : [aor. of upameti] compared. upaya : [m.] attachment. || upāya (m.), way; means; resource. upayācati : [upa + yāc + a] begs; entreats. upayāci : [aor. of upayācati] begged; entreated. upayāti : [upa + yā + a] approaches. upayuñjati : [upa + yuj + ṃ-a] connects with; practises. upayuñji : [aor. of upayuñjati] connected with; practised. upayoga : [m.] connection; employment; application. uparajja : [nt.] viceroyalty. uparata : [pp. of uparamati] desisting or abstaining from; ceased. uparati : [f.] ceasing; restraint. uparamati : [upa + ram + a] desists; ceases; restrains from. uparamana : [nt.] ceasing; restraint. uparami : [aor. of uparamati] desisted; ceased; restrained from. uparāja : [m.] viceroy. upari : [ind.] above; on; upon; upper; overhead. upariṭṭha : [adj.] topmost; situated above. uparipāsāda : [m.] the upper storey of a palace. uparibhāga : [m.] upper portion. uparima : [adj.] upper-most. uparimukha : [adj.] face upwards. uparujjhati : [upa + rudh + ya] stops or ceases. uparujjhi : [aor. of uparujjhati] stopped or ceased. uparuddha : [pp. of uparujjhati] stopped or ceased. (pp. of uparundhati), kept in check; stopped or hinder. uparundhati : [upa + rudh + ṃ-a] keeps in check; stops or hinder. uparundhi : [aor. of uparundhati] kept in check; stopped or hinder. upala : [m.] stone. upalakketi : [upa + lakkh + e] distinguishes; discriminates. upalakkesi : [aor. of upalakketi] distinguished; discriminated. upalakkhaṇā : [f.] discrimination. upalakkhita : [pp. of upalakketi] distinguished; discriminated. upaladdha : [pp. of upalabhati] acquired; found. upaladdhi : [f.] acquisition; view. upalabbha : [abs. of upalabhati] having got. upalabbhati : [pass. of upalabhati] is found; is existed. upalabhati : [upa + labh + a] acquires; gets; to find. upalabhi : [aor. of upalabhati] acquired; got; to find. upalāpana : [nt.] persuasion; humbug. upalāpita : [pp. of upalāpeti] persuaded; coaxed. upalāpeti : [upa + lap + e] persuades; coaxes. upalāpesi : [aor. of upalāpeti] persuaded; coaxed. upalālita : [pp. of upalāleti] caressed; fondled. upalāleti : [upa + lal + e] caresses; fondles. upalālesi : [aor. of upalāleti] caressed; fondled. upalimpati : [upa + lip + ṃ-a] smears; defiles; taints. upalimpana : [nt.] coating; defilement; smearing. upalimpi : [apr. of upalimpati] smeared; defiled; tainted. upalimpeti : [v.] bedaubs; smears. upalepa : [m.] coating; defilement; smearing. upavajja : [adj.] blameworthy. upavattana : [adj.] existing near. upavadati : [upa + vad + a] blames; insults. upavadi : [aor. of upavadati] blamed; insulted. || upavādī (adj.), one who blames or finds fault. upavana : [nt.] a forest which is near by. upavasati : [upa + vas + a] dwells in or at; observes. upavasi : [aor. of upavasati] dwelt in or at; observed. upavāda : [m.] blame; insult. upavādaka : [adj.] finding fault; blaming. upavāyati : [upa + vā + a] blows towards. upavāyi : [aor. of upavāyati] blew towards. upavāsa : [m.] fasting; abstaining from enjoyments. upavāsana : [nt.] perfuming. upavāseti : [upa + vas + e] perfumes. upavāsesi : [aor. of upavāseti] perfumed. upaviṭṭha : [pp. of upavisati] come near; sat down. upavisati : [upa + vis + a] comes near; sits down. upavisi : [aor. of upavisati] came near; sat down. || upāvisi (aor. of upavisati), (he) took a seat. upavīṇa : [m.] the neck of a lute. upavīta : [pp. of upavīyati] woven. upavīyati : [upa + vā + ī + ya] weaves. upavīyi : [aor. of upavīyati] wove. upavutta : [pp. of upavadati] being blamed. upavuttha : [pp. of upavasati] dwelt in or at; observed. upasaṃhaṭa : [pp. of upasaṃharati] collected; focussed; concentrated; compared. upasaṃharaṇa : [nt.] gathering; folding; 2. comparison. upasaṃharati : [upa + saṃ + har + a] collects; focuses; concentrates; compares. upasaṃhari : [aor. of upasaṃharati] collected; focussed; concentrated; compared. upasaṃhāra : [m.] gathering; folding; 2. comparison. upasagga : [m.] 1. danger; 2. a prefix. upasaṅkanta : [pp. of upasaṅkamati] approached. upasaṅkamati : [upa + saṃ + kam + a] approaches. upasaṅkamana : [nt.] approach; going near. upasaṅkamanta : [pr.p. of upasaṅkamati] approaching. upasaṅkami : [aor. of upasaṅkamati] approached. upasaṅkamitvā : [abs. of upasaṅkamati] having approached; drawing near. upasaṅkamma : [abs. of upasaṅkamati] having approached. upasanta : [pp. of upasammati] being calmed; composed or at peace. upasama : [m.] calmness; appeasement. upasamana : [nt.] calmness; appeasement. upasamapadā : [f.] acquisition; higher ordination of a Buddhist monk. upasamita : [pp. of upasameti] appeased; calmed. upasameti : [upa + sam + e] appeases; calms. upasamesi : [aor. of upasameti] appeased; calmed. upasampajja : [abs. of upasameti] having appeased; having calmed. upasampajjati : [upa + saṃ + pad + ya] attains; enters on; becomes fully ordained. upasampajji : [aor. of upasampajjati] attained; entered on; became fully ordained. upasampadā : [f.] higher ordination of a monk. upasampanna : [pp.] possessed with; attained; ordained. upasampādita : [pp. of upasampādeti] produced; ordained as a bhikkhu. upasampādeti : [caus. of upasampajjati] produces; ordains as a bhikkhu. upasampādesi : [aor. of upasampādeti] produced; ordained as a bhikkhu. upasammati : [upa + sam + ya] calms; ceases; appeases. upasiṅghati : [upa + siṅgh + a] sniffs at. upasiṅghana : [nt.] sniffing at. upasiṅghi : [aor. of upasiṅghati] sniffed at. upasussati : [upa + sus + ya] becomes dry. upasussana : [nt.] becoming dry. upasussi : [aor. of upasussati] became dry. upasecana : [nt.] something sprinkled to relish food. upasevati : [upa + sev + a] practises; frequents; associates. upasevanā : [f.] practice; frequency; association. upasevi : [aor. of upasevati] practised; frequented; associated. || upasevī (adj.), one who associates; uses or practised. upasopesi : [aor. of upasoseti] made dry or withered. upasobhati : [upa + subh + a] appeares beautiful. upasobhi : [aor. of upasobhati] appeared beautiful. upasobhita : [pp. of upasobhati] appeared beautiful. upasobheti : [caus. of upasobhati] makes beautiful. upasobhesi : [aor. of upasobheti] made beautiful. upasosita : [pp. of upasoseti] made dry or withered. upasoseti : [upa + sus + e] makes dry or wither. upassaṭṭha : [pp.] oppressed or afflicted with. upassaya : [m.] abode; home. upassuti : [f.] listening to private conversation of others. upassutika : [m.] an eaves-dropper. upahacca : [abs. of upahanati] having touched, injured, or spoiled. upahaññati : [pass. of upahanati] spoils or injured. upahaññi : [aor. of upahaññati] spoilt or injured. upahata : [pp. of upahanati] injured; destroyed. upahattu : [m.] one who brings or conveys. upahanati : [upa + han + a] injures; destroys. upahani : [aor. of upahanati] injured; destroyed. upahāra : [m.] a gift; bringing forward. upāgata : [pp. of upāgacchati] reached or attained. upāgāmi : [aor.] approached; came. upādāna : [nt.] grasping; attachment; fuel. upādānakkhandha : [m.] the factors of clinging to existence. upādānakkhaya : [m.] extinction of attachment. upādāniya : [adj.] connected with grasping. upādāya : [abs. of upādāti] having grasped; compared with; with reference to. upādi : [m.] fuel of life. upādinna : [pp. of upādiyati] grasped. upādiyati : [upa + ā + dā + ya] grasps. upādiyi : [aor. of upādiyati] grasped. upādisesa : [adj.] having some fuel of life left; still dependent on existence. upāyakusala : [adj.] clever in resources. upāyakosalla : [nt.] cleverness in expedient. upāyana : [nt.] a tribute; gift. upāyāsa : [m.] tribulation; grief. upārambha : [m.] reproof; censure. upāsaka : [m.] a lay devotee; one who comes near. upāsakatta : [nt.] state of a devotee. upāsati : [upa + ās + a] attends or serve. upāsana : [nt.] service; attendance; archery; training (of some art). upāsikā : [f.] a female devotee. upāsita : [pp. of upāsati] attended or serve. upāhana : [nt.] sandal; shoe. upekkhaka : [adj.] indifferent; disinterested. upekkhati : [upa + ikkh + a] is indifferent. upekkhanā : [f.] neutrality; equanimity; indifference. upekkhā : [f.] neutrality; equanimity; indifference. upekkhi : [aor. of upekkhati] was indifferent. upekkhiya : [abs.] being neutral or indifferent. upekhā : [f.] neutrality; equanimity; indifference. upekhitvā : [abs.] being neutral or indifferent. upecca : [abs. of upeti] having approached; having obtained. upeta : [pp. of upeti] endowed with. upeti : [upa + ī + a] approaches; obtains. upetvā : [abs. of upeti] having approached; having obtained. upesi : [aor. of upeti] approached; obtained. upehiti : [v.] he will approach. uposatha : [m.] Sabbath day; observance of 8 precepts; biweekly recitation of the Vinaya rules by a chapter of Buddhist monks. uposathakamma : [nt.] observance of the uposatha. uposathagāra : [nt.] a chapter house. uposathadivasa : [m.] fast-day. uposathika : [adj.] one who observes 8 precepts. uppakka : [adj.] swollen; scorched. uppajja : [abs.] having been born. uppajjati : [u + pad + ya] to be born; arises. uppajjana : [nt.] arising; birth. uppajjanaka : [adj.] being born; coming into existence. uppajjamāna : [pp. of uppajjati] was born; arisen. (adj.), being born; coming into existence. uppajji : [aor. of uppajjati] was born; arose. uppajjitabba : [pt.p. of uppajjati] fit to be born or arisen. uppajjissa : [v.] (he) would have been born. uppaṭipāṭi : [f.] want of order; irregularity. uppaṭiyā : [adv.] against the order. uppaṇḍanā : [f.] ridicule; mockery. uppaṇḍita : [pp. of uppaṇḍeti] mocked; derided. uppaṇḍukajāta : [adj.] having become pale. uppaṇḍeti : [u + paṇḍ + e] mocks; derides. uppaṇḍesi : [aor. of uppaṇḍeti] mocked; derided. uppatati : [u + pat + a] flies; jumps up. || uppāṭeti (u + paṭ + e), tears asunder; roots out; skins. uppatana : [nt.] flying; rising up; jumping. || uppāṭana (nt.), pulling or tearing out; skinning; uprooting. uppatamāna : [pr.p. of uppatati] flying; jumping. uppati : [aor. of uppatati] flied; jumped up. uppatita : [pp. of uppatati] flied; jumped up. || uppāṭita (pp. of uppāṭeti), torn asunder; rooted out; skined. uppatitvā : [abs. of uppatati] having flown or jumped. uppatti : [f.] rebirth; coming forth; origin. uppatha : [m.] wrong path or course. uppanna : [pp. of uppajjati] reborn; arisen. uppabbajati : [u + pa + vaj + a] leaves the Order. uppabbaji : [aor. of uppabbajati] left the Order. uppabbajita : [pp. of uppabbajati] one who has left the community; left the Order. || uppabbājita (pp. of uppabbājeti), turned out of the Order. uppabbājeti : [caus. of uppabbajati] turns out of the Order. uppabbājetvā : [abs. of uppabbājeti] having turned out of the Order. uppabbājesi : [aor. of uppabbājeti] turned out of the Order. uppala : [nt.] waterlily. uppalahattha : [nt.] a bundle of water-lilies. uppalinī : [f.] a pond or lake full of water lilies. uppāṭanaka : [adj.] doing the work of uprooting or skinning. uppāta : [m.] flying up; a meteor; an unusual event. uppāda : [m.] rising; coming into existence; birth. uppādaka : [adj.] producing; generating; producer. uppādana : [nt.] production; raising; generation. uppādita : [pp. of uppādeti] produced; made; given rise to. uppādeti : [u + pad + e] produces; makes; gives rise to. uppādetu : [m.] producer; generator. uppādetuṃ : [inf. of uppādeti] to produce or generate. uppādesi : [aor. of uppādeti] produced; made; gave rise to. uppīḷana : [nt.] pressing; oppression. uppīḷita : [pp. of uppīḷeti] pressed down; crushed; oppressed. uppīḷeti : [u + pīḷ + e] presses down; crushes; oppresses. uppīḷesi : [aor. of uppīḷeti] pressed down; crushed; oppressed. uppoṭhana : [nt.] dusting; beating. uppoṭhita : [pp. of uppoṭheti] beaten; dusted. uppoṭheti : [u + poṭh + e] beats; dusts. uppoṭhesi : [aor. of uppoṭheti] beat; dusted. uplavati : [u + plav + a] floats; rises into the surface. uplavana : [nt.] floating; rising into the surface. uplavi : [aor. of uplavati] floated; rose into the surface. uplāvita : [pp.] floated. ubbaṭṭana : [nt.] rubbing of one's body (while bathing); shampooing. ubbattita : [pp. of ubbandhi] tear out; caused to rise or swell; turned from a right course. || ubbaṭṭita (pp. of ubbaṭṭeti), rubbed; shampooed. ubbatteti : [u + vat + e] tears out; causes to rise or swell; turns from a right course. || ubbaṭṭeti (u + vaṭṭ + e), rubs; shampoos. ubbattesi : [aor. of ubbandhi] tear out; caused to rise or swell; turned from a right course. || ubbaṭṭesi (aor. of ubbaṭṭeti), rubbed; shampooed. ubbandhati : [u + bandh + a] hangs up; strangles. ubbandhana : [nt.] strangling; hanging oneself up. ubbandhi : [aor. of ubbandhati] hung up; strangled. ubbahati : [u + vah + a] pulls out; takes away; lifts. ubbahana : [nt.] lifting; bearing; pulling out. ubbahi : [aor. of ubbahati] pulled out; took away; lifted. ubbāḷha : [pp.] troubled; annoyed; harassed. ubbigga : [pp. of ubbijjati] agitated; frightened. ubbijjati : [u + vij + a] agitats; frightens. ubbijjanā : [f.] agitation; uneasiness. ubbijji : [aor. of ubbijjati] agitated; frightened. ubbillavitatta : [nt.] extreme joy. ubbega : [m.] excitement; fright. ubbejita : [pp. of ubbejeti] set into agitation; terrified. ubbejeti : [caus. of ubbijjati] sets into agitation; terrifies. ubbejesi : [aor. of ubbejeti] set into agitation; terrified. ubbedha : [m.] height. ubbhaṭṭhaka : [adj.] standing upright. ubbhata : [pp.] withdrawn; pulled out. ubbhava : [m.] origination; production. ubbhāra : [m.] withdrawal; removal. ubbhijja : [abs. of ubbhijjati] having sprung or burst upwards. ubbhijjati : [u + bhid + ya] springs up; sprouts. ubbhijji : [aor. of ubbhijjati] sprang up; sprouted. ubbhida : [nt.] kitchen salt. (m.), a spring. (adj.), bursting forth; sprouting. ubbhinditvā : [abs.] having broken. ubbhinna : [pp. of ubbhijjati] sprung up; sprouted. ubbhujati : [u + bhuj + a] lifts up; raises one's under garment up. ubbhuji : [aor. of ubbhujati] lifted up; raised one's under garment up. ubhato : [ind.] in both ways or sides; twofold. ubhatomukha : [adj.] double mouthed. ubhaya : [pron.] both. ubhayathā : [adv.] in both ways. ubho : both. (This is an old remnant of the dual form in Pali). ummagga : [m.] a tunnel; devious or wrong way. ummatta : [adj.] mad; out of one's mind. ummattaka : [adj.] one who is mad. ummā : [f.] linseed; flax. ummāda : [m.] madness. ummādana : [adj.] that which is maddening. ummāra : [m.] threshold. ummi : [f.] wave. ummisati : [u + mis + a] open one's eyes. ummisi : [aor. of ummisati] opened one's eyes. ummihati : [u + mih + a] urinates. ummihi : [aor. of ummihati] urinated. ummīlana : [nt.] opening of one's eyes. ummīleti : [u + mil + e] open one's eyes. ummīlesi : [aor. of ummīleti] opened one's eyes. ummuka : [nt.] firebrand. ummukha : [adj.] having one's face upwards; heedless. (pp. of ), fallen down. ummujjati : [u + mujj + a] emerges; rises out of water. ummujjana : [nt.] emergence. ummujjanimujjā : [f.] emerging and diving. ummujjamāna : [pr.p. of] emerging from. ummujji : [aor. of ummujjati] emerged; rised out of water. ummūla : [pp. of ummūleti] uprooted; destroyed. ummūlana : [nt.] uprooting. ummūlita : [pp. of ummūleti] uprooted; destroyed. ummūleti : [u + mūla + e] uproots; destroys. ummūlesi : [aor. of ummūleti] uprooted; destroyed. uyyama : [m.] exertion; effort. uyyāna : [nt.] a park; pleasure grove. uyyānakīḷā : [f.] amusement in a park. uyyānapāla : [m.] keeper of a park; gardener. uyyānabhūmi : [f.] pleasure ground. uyyuñjati : [u + yuj + ṃ-a] strives; is busy. uyyuñjana : [nt.] activity. uyyuñjanta : [pr.p. of] active; busy. uyyuñji : [aor. of uyyuñjati] strives; was busy. uyyutta : [pp. of uyyuñjati] 1. energetic; 2. parading. uyyoga : [m.] exertion; effort. uyyojana : [nt.] instigation; sending away. uyyojita : [pp. of uyyojeti] instigated; dismissed; sent off. uyyojeti : [u + yuj + e] instigates; dismisses; sends off. uyyojesi : [aor. of uyyojeti] instigated; dismissed; sent off. uyyodhika : [nt.] sham fight (of an army). ura : [m.; nt.] the breast; chest. uraga : [m.] a snake; a creeping animal. uracakka : [nt.] an iron wheel (put on the chest, as an instrument) of torture. uracchada : [m.] breast-plate. urattāḷiṃ : [adv.] beating one's own breast. urabbha : [m.] a ram. uru : [adj.] large; wide; eminent. || ūru (m.), the thigh. urunda : [adj.] spacious. ullaṅghana : [nt.] jumping over; transgression. || ullaṅghanā (f.), jumping over; transgression. ullaṅghita : [pp. of ullaṅgheti] jumped over; transgressed. ullaṅghiya : [abs. of ullaṅgheti] having jumped over; having transgressed. ullaṅgheti : [u + lagh + e] jumps over; transgresses. ullaṅghetvā : [abs. of ullaṅgheti] having jumped over; having transgressed. ullaṅghesi : [aor. of ullaṅgheti] jumped over; transgressed. ullapati : [u + lap + a] extols; speaks in laudatory terms. ullapanā : [f.] enticement; extolling. ullapi : [aor. of ullapati] extolled; spoke in laudatory terms. ullikhati : [u + likh + a] combs; scratches. ullikhana : [nt.] combing; scratching. ullikhi : [aor. of ullikhati] combed; scratched. ullikhita : [pp. of ullikhati] combed; scratched. ullitta : [pp. of ullimpeti] plastered; covered with some kind of mortar. ullumpati : [u + lup + ṃ-a] raises up; helps. ullumpana : [nt.] raising up; saving. ullumpi : [aor. of ullumpati] raised up; helped. ullokaka : [adj.] looking at; a spectator. ullokana : [nt.] 1. looking up; 2. a window. ulloketi : [u + lok + e] looks up or for. ullokenta : [pr.p. of] looking up. ullokesi : [aor. ofulloketi] looked up or for. ullola : [m.] 1. commotion; 2. a big wave. ullolita : [pp. of ulloleti] agitated; made a commotion. ulloleti : [u + lul + e] agitates; makes a commotion. ullolesi : [aor. of ulloleti] agitated; made a commotion. uḷāra : [adj.] lofty; noble; eminent. uḷāratā : [f.] greatness; eminence. uḷāratta : [nt.] greatness; eminence. uḷu : [m.] star; constellation. uḷukapakkhika : [adj.] having a dress made of owl's feathers. uḷuṅka : [m.] a ladle. uḷumpa : [m.] an owl. uḷurāja : [m.] the moon. usabha : [m.] a leading bull; a noble person; the length of 140 cubits. usīra : [nt.] fragrant root of Andhropogon Muricantum. usu : [m.; f.] an arrow. usukāra : [m.] arrow-maker; fletcher. usūyaka : [adj.] one who envies; jealous. usūyati : [usūy + a] is jealous; envies. usūyanā : [f.] envy; jealousy. usūyā : [f.] envy; jealousy. usūyi : [aor. of usūyati] was jealous; envied. usmā : [m.] heat. ussaṅkī : [adj.] distrustful; full of fear. ussada : [adj.] abundant; excessive; full of. ussanna : [adj.] abundant; excessive; full of. ussannatā : [f.] abundance; fullness. ussava : [m.] feast; festival; ceremony. || ussāva (m.), dew. ussahati : [u + sah + a] tries; strives; endeavours. ussahana : [nt.] striving; effort. ussahanta : [pr.p. of] trying. ussahi : [aor. of ussahati] tried; strived; endeavoured. ussāpana : [nt.] lifting up; raising. ussāpita : [pp. of ussāpeti] lifted up; hoisted; raised. ussāpeti : [u + si + āpe] lifts up; hoists; raises. ussāpetvā : [abs. of ussāpeti] having lifted up; having hoisted; having raised. ussāpesi : [aor. of ussāpeti] lifted up; hoisted; raised. ussāraṇā : [f.] tumult; rushing of a crowd; causing to move back. ussārita : [pp. of ussāreti] pushed aside. ussāreti : [u + sar + e] pushes aside. ussāresi : [aor. of ussāreti] pushed aside. ussāvabindu : [nt.] a dew-drop. ussāha : [m.] endeavour; effort. ussāhavantu : [adj.] energetic; active. ussāhita : [pp. of ussāheti] encouraged; incited. ussāheti : [caus. of ussahati] encourages; incites. ussāhetvā : [abs. of ussāheti] having encouraged; having incited. ussāhesi : [aor. of ussāheti] encouraged; incited. ussiñcati : [u + sic + ṃ-a] laves; bales; raises water. ussiñcana : [nt.] baling; raising of water. ussiñci : [aor. of ussiñcati] laved; baled; raised water. ussita : [pp.] hoisted; raised. ussīsaka : [nt.] the side where the head is laid; a pillow. ussuka : [adj.] zealous; energetic. ussukka : [nt.] zeal; energy. ussukkati : [u + suk + a] endeavours; tries. ussukkāpeti : [caus. of ussukkati] entices; arouses. ussukkāpesi : [aor. of ussukkāpeti] enticed; aroused. ussukki : [aor. of ussukkati] endeavoured; tried. ussussati : [u + sus + ya] dries up; evaporates. ussussi : [aor. of ussussati] dried up; evaporated. ussūra : [nt.] sunrise. (ussūre, when the sun is up). ussūraseyyā : [f.] sleep after sunrise. ussoḷhi : [f.] exertion. - Ū - ūkā : [f.] a louse. ūna : [adj.] less; minus; wanting; deficient. ūnaka : [adj.] less; minus; wanting; deficient. ūnatā : [f.] deficiency. ūnatta : [nt.] deficiency. ūpabrūhita : [pp. of upabrūheti] increased; expanded. ūpayutta : [pp. of upayuñjati] connected with; practised. ūppabbajitvā : [abs. of uppabbajati] having left the Order. ūppāṭetvā : [abs. of uppāṭeti] having torn asunder; rooted out; skined. ūppādetvā : [abs. of uppādeti] having produced; having made; having given rise to. ūppīḷetvā : [abs. of uppīḷeti] having pressed down; having crushed; having oppressed. ūmi : [f.] a wave. ūraṭṭhi : [nt.] the thigh-bone. ūrupabba : [nt.] joint of the knee. ūsa : [m.] saline substance. ūsara : [adj.] saline. ūhacca : [abs. of ūhanati] having pulled out or removed. ūhadati : [u + had + a] derides; defecates. ūhadi : [aor. of ūhadati] derided; defecated. ūhana : [nt.] consideration; accumulation. ūhanati : [u + han + a] pulls out; removes. ūhani : [aor. of ūhanati] pulled out; removed. ūhasati : [u + had + a] derides; laughs at; mocks. ūhā : [f.] pondering; consideration. -ooOoo-
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